
Tell me your tips on studying ?

44 posts in this topic

Each individual will have his/her own method for studying. You may of came across insight's whilst studying that help you study deeper and with more concentration or even things you may do to help topics 'stick'.

I thought I'd start this thread so you could share your personal study tips should you have any. 


I'd very much appreciate any input you might have. 

As always, thank you and much love ♥️

(Just to add, I've watched Leo's video's)

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Look at this app:

When you want to study, you can motivate yourself to put the phone far far away and let it grow a tree while you are studying. If you have planted enough of these digial trees (and you have bought the payed version) you can let them grow trees in the real world.

Compine this with the promorodo technique or something else...

Or strategic coffee drinking. This makes me really focussed with a clear intention to get my work done:

I also like using Anki if I have to memorize facts.

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@Charlotte  pomodoro technique - where you set a timer for 25 minutes and then take a break for 5 minutes and repeat the process

keep a notebook nearby and record any distractions in it and then you can plan for them next time

exercise regularly, that helps with retaining information and whatnot

The feynman technique is very effective - explaining the topic to someone else

Binaural beats help sometimes 

Good music for studying :


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energy management:

eat healthily, sleep well, exercise. Do the work same time every day and end the work same time every day.

wake up early and do it early so you will have a lot of energy available to do the work

A ritual to tell the brain its time to focus and a shutdown complete ritual to tell the brain its time to relax

Focus on one thing at a time no multitask 

focus early in the morning but still get at least 8 hours sleep or enough so that you don't feel tired 

have a strong why (but also be okay not having a strong why and be able to get it done anyway)

Deep work tips:

Focus with great intensity. Embrace boredom due to attention residue which minimizes focus. Study in isolation with absolutely no distractions no social media, no phone or any other device except for what you need to work on nothing should be able to distract you.

schedule every minut of your day

write down how many hours you focus 

the 4 disciplines of execution

know what you will do before so you don't have to think about it during the study/focus time

Learning techniques:

The Feynman technique(also useful for self-testing) , explain like I am five, Deliberate practice, purposeful practice, total immersion for language, create a project, active recall, spaced repetition, always try to get to the aha moment(don't skip it on anything) quiz and recall, The question book method. Work like Theodore Roosevelt(add a deadline that is drastically shorter than your usual deadline so you have to increase your focus in order to get it in time)

The diffused mode and focused mode

Work under pressure(like the work like Theodore Rosevelt technique)

Have a specific goal you want to reach(for example 10 pages every time you study)

practice testing, the testing effect, retrieval practice, self-test, create a schedule and a plan 

Make productivity/studying a habit 

Have a productivity system 

do an ultra learning project (Scott h young)

overlearning (learn more than you have to which can help make the skill/knowledge automatic) 

Deconstruct the skill for example focus only on some parts of the skill instead of everything at once.

Soft deadlines and hard deadlines

If learning from a video watch it at a higher speed but where you still are able to tell what they are saying

The mastery habit(always try to master your chosen topic)

The finisher habit(always finish what you started) 

push yourself to go through the discomfort of learning something when it gets uncomfortable(with responsibility) 

create a metaphor of what you are trying to learn

create a story of what you are trying to learn to help memory

the memory palace  

prepare how you are going to learn something before you start learning it in order to do it more effectively(searching for the best ways and techniques to learn the topic)


recursive learning

Time blocking 

The textbook method(write your own text book about the topic)

The Feynman Notebook Method (little bit diffrent from the Feynman technique, it should be creating a textbook through using the feynman technique or just filling up a whole note book by using the feynman technique instead of only using it once)

Learn it once

find an expert who can give you immediate feedback on how you are doing and what you are doing

be aware of that looking for effective learning techniques can both be a time saver and a time waster

Watch cat videos and memes to ace your study class

dance like micheal jackson to impress your teacher when you walk into the classroom. 

Headbang your head against the book 

scream WHYYYYYY!???

play beethovens 5th symphony 

cal newport interviews about deep work and how to become a straigt a student:


Edited by BjarkeT

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@Charlotte I like to meditate before studying because otherwise I lack all motivation to do so. 


@BjarkeT good post btw. 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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Thank you so much everyone. Tons of very useful information here. Muchly appreciated ♥️

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Best tip is to no take it as a job or assignment. 

One has to take it as a Game and play with it, 

Invent a story and a purpose in a magical way along with what you want to study. 

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I just put all my effort into it. And focus.

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Build momentum in the day. First do the simpelest task to get the snowball rolling. Then do harder and harder tasks until you are steam rolling. 

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"tips on studying" usually means help with memorizing data. I cannot help you with that.


But if you study to learn, well that is easy. Just figure out how to use the new knowledge to problemsolve or construct results.


Do you see the difference?


If not, do a search of the evolution of the chineese schooling system.

At first you will find it hilarous that they memorized pointless and insane amounts of texts never to be actually realize that you are mostley doing the same thing....

And, ja! also check out their testing fazilities, quite amazing!

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On 13/05/2018 at 3:50 AM, now is forever said:

best method would be: being deeply interested in what you are studying.

how to achieve that, i don't really know - for me it was only possible by shifting from science to creative education.

but in that sense i would go for all that quanty said!

You dont even need to be interested. Just focus 100%

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31 minutes ago, Ether said:

You dont even need to be interested. Just focus 100%

I disagree Ether. I think if you naturally gravitate towards a subject your more likely to progress faster/deeper. 

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Combination of lemongrass and grapefruit essential oils (2:3 drops) in a dehumidifier sort of fill me with more passion towards study....but It might be a placebo, not sure how much do I buy into this essential oil thingy.... 

That and a slow, background music such as Zen, meditation music or one of these fancy mixes on youtube. 

And finally,  perhaps Gotu Kola could help if made into a tea or tincture? 

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5 hours ago, Charlotte said:

I disagree Ether. I think if you naturally gravitate towards a subject your more likely to progress faster/deeper. 

Yes, but what if you are unisterested in almost everythign like me? Focus is de wey

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3 hours ago, Charlotte said:

@Ether Why are you so disinterested in a lot of subjects?

Depression but like Big Sean I bounce(d) back.


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@Ether are you making steps to get yourself off them currently Ether or do you feel you need them right now?

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6 minutes ago, Charlotte said:

@Ether are you making steps to get yourself off them currently Ether or do you feel you need them right now?


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