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Fear and anxiety

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I need some advice

I have not got any problem in my life i have all the necessary stuff to live and i am in a comfort status but sometimes fear and anxiety appears without explication or with some crazy thought that has not ground, in the moments i experience fear and anxiety i am very aware that it is a nosense all this fear but this affects my life and i want some advice or tip to finish with this nosense, i repeat is a NOSENSE!

I think that i have low confidence and low selfsteem and this leads to fear but this is a nosense

What can i do?


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Even if it is nonsense or makes no sense, 'what you resist, persists'. 

Fear and anxiety arising doesn't always have a 'knowable' ground. Sometimes even a very small thing like a smell can trigger unconsciously fear and anxiety. 

In my experience the best ways for dealing with arising of those feelings are;

- just be aware of them and do not judge, let them just pass (no labeling of nonsense, that is a judgement), this requires some meditation skills and is sometimes very difficult because fear really triggers you to response (especially watch your breathing). Practice makes perfect!

- be mindfull and start journaling in which circumstances fear and anxiety arises (pay close attention to your emotional state, your senses and situation). Maybe you can find a trigger or triggers.

- instant release; do the opposite of what you normally do in case of fear and anxiety. Go laughing, of get yourself really exited. In short; train yourself to react different to fear triggers, see video:

If you can identify some triggers (I think you already have mentioned some), or this fear and anxiety reminds you of a situation of the past, try innerchild- or shadowwork. This will help (in most cases), for a long term ceasing of those feelings.

Wish you all the best of luck. ?

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I recommend looking at hes othes videos they are likely to have something you can use for this.

Edited by BjarkeT

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@Marinador I think you’re right on that the root is how you think about yourself. What have you done so far about this?

It does not “come from no where”. You build it atop an ocean of peace. 




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@Marinador When disturbing thoughts come to you just Observe them, do not fight them, do not suppress them, just watch them like you would watch a movie at the cinema, then you will see that thoughts come and go and eventually they all end just like movies end. Learn to be dispassionate about your thoughts. You are not your thoughts! 


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