
How has your life changed after enlightenment?

24 posts in this topic

9 hours ago, Elena2 said:

@eputkonen Thank you for your detailed answer! 
I was thinking that after enlightenment, relationships and comunication whould be different. Because you have noticed that other people actually don´t exist in the way you(r mind) thought and they aren´t different or seperated from you.

I think a mistake I make is that I still hang up on logic an reasoning. Like I need to convince my mind to drop all the believes it has before I can see everything clearly. But in fact the mind isn´t hiding anything right?

Our thinking creates a lot of theories/beliefs that are often not very close to reality.  In this way, the mind does hide what-is (i.e. reality).  One's beliefs do tint and/or cover what is seen and therefore what-is is not clearly seen as it truly is when there are beliefs and concepts.  Another belief or concept though is "to convince my mind to drop all the believes".  Beliefs are not overcome by convincing the mind to drop anything.  Beliefs and concepts are ignorance...and ignorance is only dispelled by true understanding.  True understanding is realized by simply looking and inquiring.

There is an old Indian analogy about a piece of rope that is mistaken to be a poisonous snake.  It is dark/dim, and so a piece of rope is believed to be a snake.  What can be done to overcome this ignorance/belief?  You can only get a better look.  If you looked at it long enough and deeply enough, you might realize it is a piece of rope.  Then understanding dawns as the ignorance is dispelled.  Belief is dispelled.  Of course, looking at it while simultaneously believing it is a snake is kind of going up hill, the belief has to be overcome by getting a clearer view.

Saying you don't need to drop beliefs to see clearly is obviously a mistake, because if you believed it is a snake and really look no further...you are never seeing clearly.  We don't challenge our beliefs...we tend to hold onto them.  What you are seeing then is your belief and not reality.  If you really saw clearly...what is as it is...or in this case a piece of rope...then there would be no belief.  The mind, which is not other than our thoughts, conceptions, beliefs, etc. ...are the filters, colored lenses, and blinders through which we see reality (i.e. what-is)...and how can you clearly see anything with that?

Edited by eputkonen

Eric Putkonen - stopped blogging and now do videos on YouTube - http://bit.ly/AdvaitaChannel

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I don't think you can kill the "I" thought as the "I" is the all. It's more of a matter of removing the limitations/ separations surrounding the "I". 

The I-thought is not the Universal-I.  It is precisely the thought that, as you said, creates the limitations/separations surrounding the I.

When you experience the Universal-I you're not capable of generating the thought "I,I, I me, me, me."  That departs at "1000."

Another way of describing the I-thought is "any trace of ego." Any trace down to the very core.

Edited by Haumea

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My personal will is evaporating. Often, there is no reason for my actions. No meaning or purpose. Just doing whatever.

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-My behavior has changed a little but it took time after an initial experience

-In my daily tasks I have infinite flow, and 0 thoughts about planning for a future or regretting the past, everything just happens

-My personality quirks are still there

-Complete disidentification with a doer/thinker

-When I'm interacting with other people it's much more spontaneous than before when I was thinking a lot while having a conversation

-Almost all of my triggers disappeared

"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

                                                                                            -- Kenneth Folk

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