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Words Are Useless/ Meditation Is Key

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+To describe the true nature of beeing : words can´t be of any use.

+People get caught in the self-reflecting nature of words, so it would be best to drop them, while searching for truth.

+Only speak for fun and with the awareness that you actualy say nothing.


I realized i got so used to use words that i havent questioned the very use of them lately. I feel everyone get´s lured in by their own words, making up a reality with their words and then get trapped in that reality just to complain about how "the reality" isn´t like they want it to be ^^ 

Isnt it most essential to recognize that humans are animals that make up a word-world... 

You can´t have an awesome life with a disfunctinal language application.... For example .. a person says: "i have no motivation today" assuming that there is such a thing as motivation and "i" , so what he says is : " i have a theory in which i can explain why doing nothing must happen" the real issue is that this person mostly doesnt feel like doing anything is worth it ... this is why meditation is so important, because the words drop and a deeper layer of truth comes to sight.

...which is just a theory without any meaning, and i wasted 10minutes xD off meditating now ^_^

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