
Seeking Advice for Stomach Issues

10 posts in this topic

Hi everyone.

I get straight to the point. I’m a 23 years old guy obsessed with self-improvement. I’ve been diagnosed with IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome) about 2.5 years ago and since then my life is a living hell. I lost a ton of weight and got out of shape, I have incredibly hard time adding mass. I’m a college student and some days because of diarrhea or because my stomach just hurts so much I can’t do my things, study or do something productive and for someone into self-improvement and huge appreciation of time it’s like a torture and it drags me down physically and mentally. Sometimes I fall into self-pity (which I despise) and it becomes a feedback and things get worse.

Just wanted to know if you got any advice for me about dealing with this kind of situations and you know, not giving up. And of course, if you have any advice about IBS itself and how to improve it physically I’m glad to hear.

Thanks so much for your time and attention. All the best.

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hey man, sorry to hear that. IBS is a really nasty one I feel for you!

Dr Robert Morse is one of the greatest healers of our time, he makes massive videos on youtube without monetising them just answering peoples questions. I believe he was asked about IBS several time, look him up. 
Other than that, if you are interested in what the actual research says, check Dr Greger's channel (

Also, perhaps try speaking to a Nasturopath in your area or Herbalist to help you out : ) 

From what I've studied and read on digestive pathologies, you have some deep cleansing to do brother but definitelly make sure to get on with it as early as possible. Severe dietary changes may be required potentially requiring you to remove all animal products.

Hope any of that helps. 





Personalised Holistic Health Support 
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I would recommend giving the whole30 challenge a try. Remove any potentially suspect foods from your diet.

Additionally, the rest of the basics. Stay physically active, high quality sleep, time in nature, manage stress. Fasting is also an incredible tool for healing.

Good luck

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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It's difficult to make recommendations without knowing your blood type, body type, the kind of foods you eat regularly, etc.

I mean, I suspect if you made certain changes in your diet your IBS would improve significantly.


Edited by Haumea

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On 5/2/2018 at 9:12 PM, Steph30 said:

I’m a college student and some days because of diarrhea or because my stomach just hurts so much I can’t do my things,

Breathe properly

A very wrong concept has pervaded in the world. According to this, the chest should be well developed and large, and the abdomen should be flat, almost against the back. This mad tendency has created a terrible disturbance within the human body. In order to inflate the chest, the breath has to fill the chest and not be allowed to go down further.

 There is a stupid idea popular in the whole world that belly should be pulled in and chest should look larger, it hinders natural breathing. Breath is literally the bridge connecting all of these aspects of our being and our existence. When you are relaxed ,as the breath goes in, your belly starts rising up, and as the breath goes out, your belly starts settling down again.

Walk meditatively

Walk in morning and evening regularly, empty stomach. Walk very slowly, one third of your normal speed. Take every step consciously. Keep your body relaxed especially lower belly (abdomen) and shoulders. 

Eat properly

Chew food properly. Change your diet, find foods which you can digest properly. Never eat too much. Maintain gap between meals.

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On ‎2‎.‎5‎.‎2018 at 4:42 PM, Steph30 said:

Hi everyone.

I get straight to the point. I’m a 23 years old guy obsessed with self-improvement. I’ve been diagnosed with IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome) about 2.5 years ago and since then my life is a living hell. I lost a ton of weight and got out of shape, I have incredibly hard time adding mass. I’m a college student and some days because of diarrhea or because my stomach just hurts so much I can’t do my things, study or do something productive and for someone into self-improvement and huge appreciation of time it’s like a torture and it drags me down physically and mentally. Sometimes I fall into self-pity (which I despise) and it becomes a feedback and things get worse.

Just wanted to know if you got any advice for me about dealing with this kind of situations and you know, not giving up. And of course, if you have any advice about IBS itself and how to improve it physically I’m glad to hear.

Thanks so much for your time and attention. All the best.

Hi Bro, i got IBS diagnose 10 years ago. I still have "weak" stomach, but most of the time im somewhat ok. It´s been rough at times.

Stuff that works

- meditation

- yoga

- sleep

- fasting 

- exercise and swetting (i wouldnt necessary recommed to do extreme). Get youre lymphatic system moving everyday

- learn about food combinations. Try not to mix proteins and carbs too much on the same meal. Meal Examples: Chicken with salad. Or Sweet potato with salad. Dont eat every 3 hours.

- water

- sauna or cold exposure therapy

- cut out milk, wheat, junk meats, alcohol, coffee. It´s not easy to cut them all out at once maybe, but do youre best. there are glutein free beers and coffee´s that are less acidic than normal so if you have to sometimes do those then go for those.

- avoid too much stress


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@Steph30 Sounds to me like you’re too hard on yourself, sacrificing some mindfulness and presence for unrealistic expectations. I mean, shoot for the stars, but enjoy the journey.

How much time do you spend non-doing, relaxing, surrendering? With all that you do, how long has it been since you went on a retreat and reconnected with the deeper, more important matter, You?




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My grandma always gives me porridge and herbal tea when i have stomach problems. It helps. There are many porridge recipes. check it out. also try Chinese herbal tea. 

avoid spicy, greasy, oily food and cold drinks (only drink warm water), cut drunk food completely

Porridge is warm and easy to digest. also very nutritious. Try to have it every morning. You will feel the effect in the long run. 

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@Steph30  I got that too.

Figure out what food you can´t handle (takes loots of time).

Figure out a friendly foodbase.

Figure out how much liquid you really need to _not_ "overdose".

Avoid sugar, coffein, lemon and mints! Put a mint in a pepsi and...observe.

Investigate gluten and lactosintollerance. Test may differ from reality.

In case of emergency Imodiumplus and  Dimorplus.


...also...stress will mess you up......avoid it.

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I would take digestive enzymes and probiotics as well as making sure to cook your food which helps to make it easier to digest. Also stress can cause stomach problems, so I would really work on reducing your stress levels

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