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What should I do with my current life situation?

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I'll try to be as clear and honest about my situation, any advice is appreciated.

Being a part of the self-actualization community and actually implementing all the techniques and theory into my life definitely definitely helps a lot with being at peace with everything, and keeping a clear mind. But as humans, we can fall off and get distracted sometimes so I take full responsibility for getting distracted and not being as consistent as I'd like to. With any distractions, it slows your development, and sometimes life will present problems that your current development won't be able to handle as properly.

In my current life situation, I'm 22 and I'm working one part-time job, but just recently got hired for a second job. Both pay just a bit over minimum-wage in Canada. I'm not in School and I don't really plan to go to School any time soon because I tend to believe that I can make it through playing around with different businesses. Currently studying how to trade Forex and Cryptocurrencies using technical analysis and end up living off of that. But for the moment I'm working these two jobs in order to fund my account.

At home, I come from a lower-class background. I live with my mom, dad, brother and sister. My mom recently retired from her minimum-wage job, and is receiving almost nothing from the government every month. So, she relies on her kids to pay for everything. My dad works a job, but still doesn't earn as much. Every month I have to pay $300-$400 for rent. Brother and sister help pay for groceries and rent as well. Now the situation I'm bothered by is the fact that my mom has to take medication for her high-blood pressure and diabetes. She has to pay $68 for 2 weeks worth of medication and she's relying on me and my brother to pay that for her. I believe that the medication is a short-term solution and I'm trying to tell her that. The longer-term solution is to exercise and to eat healthier right? But instead she still eats like crap and relies on the medication to help her. I don't want her to just rely on the medication, and I want her to develop a more healthier lifestyle.. But how do you get someone who has lived a dysfunctional lifestyle their whole life for 55+ years to go and do that? Anything I tell her is like talking to a brick wall, she doesn't listen. What I plan to do is just make some healthy smoothies and give her some, and maybe even encourage her to come jogging with me. That's the most I can do I guess. The money she's asking for is $300+ for medication but I personally think I should instead attempt to help her develop this lifestyle cause I think that's the smart thing to do honestly. The money can instead go to my investments so I can use it to make more money in order to help out.

I'm going to help out but also a selfish part of me wants to move out and just run away from it all. Although that would tear everything apart. Really hoping my plan with crypto/forex trading will turn things around.



"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." - Albert Einstein


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There's inner conflict. Maybe try to resolve him, for example move to another city, but still keep coming once in a while back home? 

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It's been 1month, what happened, :D what did you do? :D @7thLetter

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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On 29/4/2018 at 10:36 PM, 7thLetter said:

In my current life situation, I'm 22 and I'm working one part-time job, but just recently got hired for a second job. Both pay just a bit over minimum-wage in Canada. I'm not in School and I don't really plan to go to School any time soon because I tend to believe that I can make it through playing around with different businesses. Currently studying how to trade Forex and Cryptocurrencies using technical analysis and end up living off of that. But for the moment I'm working these two jobs in order to fund my account.

Ugh, this is my advice: learning to use technical analysis to trade cryptocurrencies seems to me like an activity one would do exclusively for the money, and in general, dedicating your life to something just because of the money is a disfunctional path to follow. Find something you like doing just for the sake of doing it, something that inspires you, and you're passionate about. It may not be that easy, but you can find it. Then, re-design your life around that, otherwise you'll always be struggling with mundane little problems like the ones you described in your post.

"Es gibt die Wahrheit, mein Lieber! Aber die ,Lehre', die du begehrst [...], die gibt es nicht. Du sollst dich auch gar nicht nach einer vollkommenen Lehre sehnen, Freund, sondern nach Vervollkommnung deiner selbst."

- Herman Hesse, Das Glasperlenspiel

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@7thLetter While you are improving on your career and current situation, have you looked at the life purpose section of the forum? Discovering a life purpose helps. It's the vehicle to self-actualization and beyond. Yes, it will take work on your part to discover it.

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@Salvijus Still in the same situation pretty to be honest. Still trying to work on my financial situation.


@Mondsee Do you notice the assumptions you are making? I think it's important for people to realize that you can't really figure out what someone's motivations are just based on their actions. Reminds me of what one of my co-workers/old friend said to me. He told me his motivation to go to the gym is to look good in order to get laid. So he projects onto me and assumes that I have that same exact reason for going to the gym. Which is not the case because I gym because I love doing it, and of course all the benefits come as a byproduct. I am not motivated by the results.

So let me tell you, my motivation isn't just the money itself, but it's more about the opportunities and freedom that money will bring. I would say I have a pretty strong level of independence, and that's what attracts me to trading. You're behind the computer analyzing charts, you work on your own time, and you don't have to deal with anybody. Almost all business requires you to deal with people. Even if its an online business like what Leo is doing for example. You have to market the product, you have to deal with complaints, tech support, etc. You don't have to do any of that with trading. And the opportunities that money will bring? Once again I'm strongly independent so I definitely want to move out on my own. I currently live with my family and I often get the idea that living with them is subconsciously conditioning me in a minor way. Money will also allow me to quit my job.

So what do you do in your life if you don't mind me asking? Do you live your life purpose and live the theory or are you just position-taking and regurgitating what the theory says? You make yourself sound like a Christian regurgitating what the bible says. In this case Leo is God and Leo's videos are the bible and lower-consciousness things are sins. So its like, "oh no don't chase money its a sin (lower consciousness act) you need to follow the word of God (Leo), it says in the bible (Leo's videos)!!!."

From my perspective, its not just about 'knowing' the theory, its about understanding it as well. And understanding it to me, means experiencing it for yourself. So in my case, I 'know' that chasing money and all that is lower-consciousness, but I don't understand it. So I have to experience it for myself by acquiring more money so that I will understand it. Get it now? "Ugh."

Anyways, you get the point. I mean I hope you do. I'm done being a hyena here.


@Key Elements I've taken the course actually. Might re-visit it again sometime.

"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." - Albert Einstein


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2 hours ago, 7thLetter said:


@Key Elements I've taken the course actually. Might re-visit it again sometime.

Ok, that's great. I also recommend this book. It's your choice. It gives a different perspective. I would say, on Maslow (Leo's clip), it covers more basic needs, especially becoming financially free with your talents/interests/passions. It's an excellent book. I know it's been translated into more than 100 different languages across the world. It's available free in the library. If not, at a low price on amazon. I discovered my life purpose through this book and through Leo. It was an amazing experience for me.

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If you are still interested in cryptocurrency then I suggest to take a look at ICO Pulse information source. There you will find many articles and ico ratings and reviews. Also detailed description on every project. Hope it helps you in your research.

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@7thLetter When it comes to your famly, remember this, it’s all about compassion. none of the money in the world matters when it comes to that. And sometimes in life we have to tame our ego and put our selves aside for others. Maybe you can help out the way she needs help now, and slowly help her change her lifestyle by being there, doing things together and so on for the long term change. 

Look at it as the inner work, how many are trying but getting absolutely nowhere? There is no willpower! So if your mother has been living a certain lifestyle for that long, how easy do you think it is to change by ones own will? For most people it dosn’t become an issue untill its too late. But You as a observer have a chance to help Now. Sometimes people just need understanding 

It is the desicions we make today that shape tomorrow. 

Edited by furashido

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I might be wrong here, but I don't think crypto/forex trading is a viable long/mid-term career option. Your competators in that game will increasingly be tradingbots. Over the next few years these are expected to see a significant boost in sofistication and adaptive/strategic capabilities. They are assumed to easily outcompete human traders. According to a friend of mine who works in finance, banks/funds are mosly just hiring programmers these days, as bots are replacing human traders.

When it comes to falling of the path, everyone does this. It is in a way just part of the path itself. You keep following your path - then you fall off - eventually you realize you have fallen off, so you coursecorrect. It's like forgetting the breath during meditation. Once you become aware of having drifted off, celebrate this aha-moment of clarity and then straighten up your course. Every time you do this just look at it like doing a "rep". For each rep you strenghten your "staying on my path"-muscle. Over years and many reps, you gradualy train yourself to stick more and more to the path you have carved out for yourself.

About your mom, I'm really sorry to hear about that. I can't think of any good advice about how to deal with that. Hope it woks out for you.


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13 hours ago, 7thLetter said:

I think it's important for people to realize that you can't really figure out what someone's motivations are just based on their actions. Reminds me of what one of my co-workers/old friend said to me. He told me his motivation to go to the gym is to look good in order to get laid. So he projects onto me and assumes that I have that same exact reason for going to the gym. Which is not the case because I gym because I love doing it, and of course all the benefits come as a byproduct. I am not motivated by the results.

It's easy to get confused on this one, and to argue that money is a valid thing to pursue not for the money itself, but because of all the things it will allow you to do, and the freedom that'll come with it. I would encourage you to dig deeper, if you do, you'll probably find that what you're actually trying to do is to avoid the pain and the struggle that comes without  the money. Ask yourself: would you go to the gym, even if that didn't make you look good? Probably yes, because as you said you love doing it, but... would  you get into cryptocurrencies even if  you knew you wouldn't make a single cent out of that activity? maybe not, right? In this activity the result (money) is something you do care about.

Now, if you tell me that you're the happiest person on planet Earth when working on crypto trading, that you have fun when doing it, just for the sake of doing it, and regardless of the money you make or loose, then by all means, go ahead pursue it! Also, if you say, it's not what you love to do, but you will do it just to get out of the situation you're currently in, and once that's done, move on to pursue what you actually love doing, then again, go on with your plan, and good luck with it.

But, if as you state, you want to learn...

On 29/4/2018 at 10:36 PM, 7thLetter said: to trade Forex and Cryptocurrencies using technical analysis and end up living off of that.

that IMO doesn't sound like a very wise plan, and you will be better off with little money but finding and doing what you really love doing, than becoming succesful in cryptocurrency but being empty inside.

13 hours ago, 7thLetter said:

So what do you do in your life if you don't mind me asking? Do you live your life purpose and live the theory or are you just position-taking and regurgitating what the theory says? You make yourself sound like a Christian regurgitating what the bible says. In this case Leo is God and Leo's videos are the bible and lower-consciousness things are sins. So its like, "oh no don't chase money its a sin (lower consciousness act) you need to follow the word of God (Leo), it says in the bible (Leo's videos)!!!."

Hahaha... you should take the advice you asked for, give it a chance, analyze it from an objective point of view, keep it if it's useful for you and discard it if not. Notice that knowing what I do or don't do in my life doesn't help you at all, but since you're curious... I'm currently living out of my savings, doing research on the field that I'm absolutely passionate about, and that I think will save humanity. 
...And I'm not doing it because Leo told me so. Anyone, could try to change my mind and convince me to do something else, but the path I'm following is clear for me, and I'm making it exclusively dependant on what I think is right and meaningful.

13 hours ago, 7thLetter said:

From my perspective, its not just about 'knowing' the theory, its about understanding it as well. And understanding it to me, means experiencing it for yourself. So in my case, I 'know' that chasing money and all that is lower-consciousness, but I don't understand it. So I have to experience it for myself by acquiring more money so that I will understand it. Get it now? "Ugh."

Be careful with this type of logic... it could lead you to a situation in which you don't want to be. Also, ask yourself why you're not jumping out of a 30 story building, or why you're not eating mercury... probably because you've heard the theory that doing so won't do you any good, right? You don't have to try it to prove it for yourself.

"Es gibt die Wahrheit, mein Lieber! Aber die ,Lehre', die du begehrst [...], die gibt es nicht. Du sollst dich auch gar nicht nach einer vollkommenen Lehre sehnen, Freund, sondern nach Vervollkommnung deiner selbst."

- Herman Hesse, Das Glasperlenspiel

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 @Erlend K Currently reading “Trading for a Living” by Alexander Elder, and in the book it says bots don’t work. They only make money for the people who sell the bots. A Forex broker even tried to sell me a bot and told me all it does is automatically place “Take Profits” “Stop-losses” “Sell orders” “Buy orders” at any price you set it at. That’s fucking useless if you ask me. The bot doesn’t know human psychology and how to analyze the charts. I’ve also looked up videos of what a bot does. And trust me I’ve heard your argument millions of times already with bots replacing humans, and I always say, dude I’ve proven to myself I can make money in the market so the bot argument means nothing to me. It might be a different story with stocks but I don’t trade stocks I trade Forex which isn’t as easy to manipulate. And I don’t trade crypto anymore I’m treating it more of a buy and hold. 

Honestly think about it, if the market can go up, and you clicked buy at the bottom then you can make money. You’re basically making money off the people who shorted (sell) at the bottom. Also its not a 1 vs 1 with you VS the bank its more of a free-for-all with a combination of the banks, newbie traders, your mom, your dad, your dog, johnny across the street, professional traders, wilson from elementary school, etc. all trading in the market together.

"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." - Albert Einstein


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3 hours ago, Mondsee said:

It's easy to get confused on this one, and to argue that money is a valid thing to pursue not for the money itself, but because of all the things it will allow you to do, and the freedom that'll come with it. I would encourage you to dig deeper, if you do, you'll probably find that what you're actually trying to do is to avoid the pain and the struggle that comes without  the money. Ask yourself: would you go to the gym, even if that didn't make you look good? Probably yes, because as you said you love doing it, but... would  you get into cryptocurrencies even if  you knew you wouldn't make a single cent out of that activity? maybe not, right? In this activity the result (money) is something you do care about.

Now, if you tell me that you're the happiest person on planet Earth when working on crypto trading, that you have fun when doing it, just for the sake of doing it, and regardless of the money you make or loose, then by all means, go ahead pursue it! Also, if you say, it's not what you love to do, but you will do it just to get out of the situation you're currently in, and once that's done, move on to pursue what you actually love doing, then again, go on with your plan, and good luck with it.

@Mondsee Ooh had to hop on the computer for this reply cause this is some juicy mental masturbation right here.

Like I said trading is independent work and almost everything out there requires you to deal with people cause most of the time I don't like to socialize cause it takes up my energy. So if I don't have to deal with any of that, of course I love trading. And here's a better question for you to ask me, do I love working at several social restaurant jobs for $13/hr rather than making a living off a non-social trading career? My answer is fuck no. I still stand true to my argument that I do it for the freedom. I've taken Leo's life purpose course 2-3 years ago and I've found that self-actualization is my top passion in life. To be honest to you and to myself, its not that easy to make money off it. I've tried doing  Youtube videos like what Leo does but I wasn't feeling it. Leo is really good at what he does. And I can't self-actualize when I work in a lower-consciousness environment, especially with it taking up 6-8 hours a day of my time.

Back to talking about FOREX trading not crypto btw. I only treat crypto as a buy and hold. There is something called Demo trading in Forex where you get to practice trading without risking your own money. I admit it, sometimes I want to jump into live trading for the money, but I need to remember that I need to start off practicing with demo trades for the time being in order to improve my skill. And yes the demo trading is still fun for me, I've had an interest in trading for 2 years now. It definitely is one of my deepest passions at the moment, I'd say that it is 3rd on my list with Self-actualization being the 1st and Fitness as the 2nd. Trading requires you to understand human psychology, and it requires you to be able to manage yourself and your emotions. You can't be in a bad mood while trading or else you will gamble your money. So all of that that kind of pushes traders to self-actualize in a sense, and improve their well-being in order to become a successful trader.

And just to add this, its so common for a community or people living in a certain paradigm to talk people out of a different paradigm or bring them into their reality. Look how many of you are trying to talk me out of trading every time I talk about it. Ridiculous. I don't care if you don't see it but you ARE doing it. It happens with average people too. trying to talk successful people out of pursuing success. Or even average people talking self-actualizers out of self-actualization. Honestly, you're talking to a 22 year old who grew up in a poor family, of course I'm over here trying to pursue success. Here's a good example, you can't tell a psychologically dysfunctional newbie who hasn't heard of self-actualization before to go drop your entire life to go and become a monk and to go meditate at the top of the mountain because its good and there's good benefits to it. They need the experiences first of, is self-actualization a good choice, does meditation have great benefits, is partying all day an endless trap? Are drugs an endless trap? Trust me I've been through all that in my teens and now I understand at a deeper level, ohhh ok partying won't help me get fulfilled. Ohh marijuana blaze it up 420 won't help me become fulfilled. Also if you tried to convince a newbie pickup artist that getting laid won't get you fulfilled, they won't believe you. They have to experience it first, and then they will realize that later on in life. If you take a look at all the RSD instructors, most of them pursue Spirituality these days because they've done pickup for several years and realized that it is not fulfilling. RSD is a pickup community btw. Even Leo had a successful business making a six-figure income before he started I think it was an SEO business. And I'm sure that was fundamental for him to realize, oh ok it's not about the money. Life and self-actualization is all about experiences, not mental masturbation.

3 hours ago, Mondsee said:

Hahaha... you should take the advice you asked for, give it a chance, analyze it from an objective point of view, keep it if it's useful for you and discard it if not. Notice that knowing what I do or don't do in my life doesn't help you at all, but since you're curious... I'm currently living out of my savings, doing research on the field that I'm absolutely passionate about, and that I think will save humanity. 
...And I'm not doing it because Leo told me so. Anyone, could try to change my mind and convince me to do something else, but the path I'm following is clear for me, and I'm making it exclusively dependant on what I think is right and meaningful.

Not asking because I think it will help me but yes I'm curious. Because you're over here acting like you got it all figured out. And exactly I knew that question would throw you off. You're not living off your life purpose. I was in the same situation as well when I was 18-20. I saved up $20K quit my job and all I did was waste my time doing pickup for a year and spent it on bad investments. I was also closely following the self-actualization material and meditating daily. You think I don't have a passion with self-actualization?  That's all I cared about. And still what I care about. And I mentioned I tried to make a living off of it through Youtube but I wasn't feeling it. I love working on myself but I don't know how I feel about sharing the material with other people. Let me tell you, It doesn't help to JUST follow your passion. Of course you need to take action and do what is necessary to make money off of it. But if you're happy just constantly learning the material and not make a living out of it then go ahead. We're all free to do whatever the fuck we want.

3 hours ago, Mondsee said:

Be careful with this type of logic... it could lead you to a situation in which you don't want to be. Also, ask yourself why you're not jumping out of a 30 story building, or why you're not eating mercury... probably because you've heard the theory that doing so won't do you any good, right? You don't have to try it to prove it for yourself.

Now this one is going will require me to put a lot of thought into. I guess that's a fair argument, but there are flaws with your type of logic as well. There are traps everywhere in personal development. Even if you think you avoided all the traps there's a trap right beside your foot, did you see it?

In some cases your argument would be true, but in some it wouldn't be. Even if you don't have to experience falling off the 30 story building, you understand it at some level by tripping and falling when you were a kid for example and that made you feel uncomfortable. You probably understand it even more than the most perfect person in the world who hasn't tripped and fell as a kid. I have a feeling you're saying that because in the back of your mind you're denying it to me and to yourself that you don't apply the theory enough in your life. That is just my assumption. Action is just as important, or even more important than just listening to all the theory. You need a balance of the two. Watch Leo's video on Theory vs Practice. The theory is just there to guide you as you take action, not there to control your life. If you're going to let it control your life, you're being a neurotic Christian. "Uh oh, watching porn is a sin! RESIST RESIST! NO I MUST NOT LET GOD DOWN. AHH THE DEVIL TOOK OVER MY LIFE I COULDN'T HELP IT SO I HAD TO WATCH IT!" And if you're just going to listen to the theory, then all that is, is mental masturbation just like all this arguing on these forums. If you want to grow, then that's what the practice is for.

Let me tell you about my Dad. Lots of potential, smart guy, but he has deluded himself into thinking that he's conscious just because he knows a lot of Spirituality theory. He denies the fact that you need to take action as well just like what you're doing. But even though he thinks he's conscious, he still engaging in lower-consciousness activities like gambling. And I truly believe if someone was conscious they wouldn't marry anyone of a lower-consciousness. People usually marry or hang out with other people who are the same as them.

Anyways, more examples of just listening to theory. Does reading a book on riding a bike help you master riding a bike? Does reading a book on the gym help you grow your muscles? Does watching Leo's videos on depression help you get rid of depression? Does taking Tai Lopez's course on how to make money in real estate help you get rich? You're not growing if you just listen to the theory. Come on now.

Edited by 7thLetter

"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." - Albert Einstein


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1 hour ago, 7thLetter said:

 @Erlend K Currently reading “Trading for a Living” by Alexander Elder, and in the book it says bots don’t work. They only make money for the people who sell the bots. A Forex broker even tried to sell me a bot and told me all it does is automatically place “Take Profits” “Stop-losses” “Sell orders” “Buy orders” at any price you set it at. That’s fucking useless if you ask me. The bot doesn’t know human psychology and how to analyze the charts. I’ve also looked up videos of what a bot does. And trust me I’ve heard your argument millions of times already with bots replacing humans, and I always say, dude I’ve proven to myself I can make money in the market so the bot argument means nothing to me. It might be a different story with stocks but I don’t trade stocks I trade Forex which isn’t as easy to manipulate. And I don’t trade crypto anymore I’m treating it more of a buy and hold. 

Honestly think about it, if the market can go up, and you clicked buy at the bottom then you can make money. You’re basically making money off the people who shorted (sell) at the bottom. Also its not a 1 vs 1 with you VS the bank its more of a free-for-all with a combination of the banks, newbie traders, your mom, your dad, your dog, johnny across the street, professional traders, wilson from elementary school, etc. all trading in the market together.

OK, thats cool. How much are you making off this trading? Are you making a decent living compared to the time you invest in it?


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@Erlend K Still a noob still need to work on my skill. Literally just started actually trading like a month ago. Probably would have to practice trade for several months until I can see some actual profits. But I've done a few live trades and most was like 10-15 bucks in less than 15min. But also lost quite a few trades and lost that much in that same amount of time.

"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." - Albert Einstein


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7 hours ago, 7thLetter said:

Like I said trading is independent work and almost everything out there requires you to deal with people cause most of the time I don't like to socialize cause it takes up my energy. So if I don't have to deal with any of that, of course I love trading. And here's a better question for you to ask me, do I love working at several social restaurant jobs for $13/hr rather than making a living off a non-social trading career? My answer is fuck no. I still stand true to my argument that I do it for the freedom.

I'm sorry but again, take some time and analyze your own words. Your motivations are avoiding having to deal with people, as well as avoiding the pain and struggle of lack of money. That won't take you very far. You can still pursue freedom, but reconsider your motivation behind that. Freedom is something nice to seek, but it's not when you're seeking it because you know you're running away from other negative things.

You may not understand what your motivation should be then, it sounds logical that getting out of a situation you don't like should be good enough, but it's not sustainable. Think about what will happen when you get to be in a position of having as much money as you wish to have, and not having to deal with people. Now what will keep you motivated to keep doing your work? You don't have anything left to run away from, now what? What usually happens is with no motivation you quit and tend to fall back to the situation where you used to be.

7 hours ago, 7thLetter said:

It definitely is one of my deepest passions at the moment, I'd say that it is 3rd on my list with Self-actualization being the 1st and Fitness as the 2nd. Trading requires you to understand human psychology, and it requires you to be able to manage yourself and your emotions. You can't be in a bad mood while trading or else you will gamble your money. So all of that that kind of pushes traders to self-actualize in a sense, and improve their well-being in order to become a successful trader.

IMHO, for your own good, if you are already on the point where you are able to identify your passions (some people can't even do that), then honor that wisdom and work on that. If your priority #1 is self-actualization, and #2 is fitness, why don't you do something out of those two? Combine them, create something unique and special, self actualization through fitness or something like that... "It's not easy" isn't an excuse, it isn't easy for anyone in any field, everyone has to fight hard if they want to achieve something great. Go ahead and pursue success, but pursue it wisely. People who dedicated to something else before working on what they really ended up loving, do so because they weren't sure about what it was that they really enjoyed, but you do! Don't just throw that away because the other options seem harder. Thinking strategically on how to monetize what you will do is important, but if you simply focus on working on your craft really really well, monetizing it won't be too hard.

About the theory & practice, you are absolutely right, the most important thing is finding a balance between both. Now one thing is to implement concepts and another one is to be compulsive and dumb. If the theory tells you eating mercury is bad for you, you don't implement it by trying it and proving that it indeed is bad for you! You put it into practice by avoiding it! Same if the theory tells you that pursuing something motivated by something negative is not sustainable, you don't implement the theory by going out and pursuing a goal motivated by wanting to avoid something else, you put it into practice by experimenting on pursuing things that you're positively motivated about, and see how that works out.

"Es gibt die Wahrheit, mein Lieber! Aber die ,Lehre', die du begehrst [...], die gibt es nicht. Du sollst dich auch gar nicht nach einer vollkommenen Lehre sehnen, Freund, sondern nach Vervollkommnung deiner selbst."

- Herman Hesse, Das Glasperlenspiel

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6 hours ago, Mondsee said:

I'm sorry but again, take some time and analyze your own words. Your motivations are avoiding having to deal with people, as well as avoiding the pain and struggle of lack of money. That won't take you very far. You can still pursue freedom, but reconsider your motivation behind that. Freedom is something nice to seek, but it's not when you're seeking it because you know you're running away from other negative things.

You may not understand what your motivation should be then, it sounds logical that getting out of a situation you don't like should be good enough, but it's not sustainable. Think about what will happen when you get to be in a position of having as much money as you wish to have, and not having to deal with people. Now what will keep you motivated to keep doing your work? You don't have anything left to run away from, now what? What usually happens is with no motivation you quit and tend to fall back to the situation where you used to be.

True. I admit it, I would be avoiding the pain and struggle for the most part. But here’s something I thought of that you might want to think about. There are levels to happiness. And there are levels to happiness in a certain career or activity as well. It is not that you’re one or the other, unhappy or happy. Enlightened, or not enlightened. Conscious or unconscious. There are levels to it. I think of it as a video game. You can be level 3 happiness doing this, or you can be level 10 happiness doing that. I came up with this idea from my own experience because recently I got hired at Chipotle and quit in 3 days. I honesty haven’t heard of this theory from anywhere else. And see this is an example of growth and understanding something at a deeper level with action-taking. Chipotle was a 2nd part-time job on top of my other restaurant job which is more of a casual dining restaurant. I set my standards so low, so I ended up applying at Chipotle because I wanted to earn some more money. And you’re right in your argument that it wouldn’t be sustainable if you don’t enjoy it. Because I definitely didn’t enjoy it, so I quit in 3 days. But that’s because it was a level 1 happiness activity, with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest. My casual dining restaurant job is somewhat of a level 5 happiness activity, and that’s why I’m still there after 6 months. But it’s not level 10 and that’s why I’m trying to look for other things. So now let’s talk about Forex trading. I would probably rank it as a level 6-7 happiness activity for me. So, sure it won’t be sustainable, but there are levels to that as well. It’s not either sustainable or unsustainable with these activities, its more like its a level 8 or 9 level of sustainability doing this, or a level 1 level of sustainability doing that. So if trading Forex was a level 6-7 level or sustainability then that means it wouldn’t last 3 days like my Chipotle job, it would last several years until I’m not feeling it anymore. Also I haven’t told you, obviously I want to pursue my life purpose after I’m done with pursuing success. Pursuing success is part of my journey. If its not part of your journey then who cares. I don’t. I’m on my own path. You’re basically following the crowd if you’re letting the theory decide your path. You think you’re a part of the 5% in this world just because you’re a part of the self-actualization community? Nope, you’re probably a part of 95% of the people in this community. 

6 hours ago, Mondsee said:

About the theory & practice, you are absolutely right, the most important thing is finding a balance between both. Now one thing is to implement concepts and another one is to be compulsive and dumb. If the theory tells you eating mercury is bad for you, you don't implement it by trying it and proving that it indeed is bad for you! You put it into practice by avoiding it! Same if the theory tells you that pursuing something motivated by something negative is not sustainable, you don't implement the theory by going out and pursuing a goal motivated by wanting to avoid something else, you put it into practice by experimenting on pursuing things that you're positively motivated about, and see how that works out.

Here’s also why I’m all about practice. I’m a kinesthetic learner. I learn by doing. If you don’t know what type of learner you are, figure it out because I truly believe that it is important. If you’re an auditory learner and learn by listening to Leo’s videos then great, but still that’s not an excuse not to take any action. With a kinesthetic learner like me, listening to theory is not enough. I have to go and do it to truly understand it. With your argument about theory and eating mercury, or jumping off a building. Where have you heard that theory? I’ve never heard that theory until you brought it up. But here’s why I think we would be reluctant about doing so. Because growing up we’ve created a default position for ourselves that we would die if we did any of those things. It’s not simply just a theory from a book that says “oh you will die if you jumped off a building.” And that hearing that theory will make us not do it. No, I see it more of a set of concrete beliefs that we hold as true. And these are beliefs that we’ve subconsciously picked up as we were growing up in our environment. And it doesn’t have to be a written theory that we’ve picked up, it can be visual, or through your own experience. If you’ve experienced pain before then that’s definitely going to shape your beliefs.

I think you will like this one, and I’m sure you’ll probably learn lots. Night.

Edited by 7thLetter

"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." - Albert Einstein


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@7thLetter Hey, I noticed something, and would like to say it. Basically, there are four main types of income:





Currently, you're interested in working on your portfolio. Trading is basically under this category of income. I heard that the most successful ppl in the world will eventually understand how all four types of income work. They don't just focus on one type. That will get you stuck in life. The masses only know how to do a job and save money. They don't go beyond that. The life purpose is mainly under the startup category if you want to earn through your LP. It's called "investing on the inside."

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