
No brain

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The issue I have with "No brain " and pure self is if I drink a beer it should have no effect on anything. But it does. And so do drugs. 

Therefore the nothingness would appear to be a state of mind. That ultimately there is no control over

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It doesnt effect pure self drugs or alchocol

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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3 hours ago, Sweetest said:

if I drink a beer it should have no effect on anything. But it does.

In tantra, particularly in "leftist" tantra, they use alcohol to help meditation. It looks absurd; it is not.

The seeker will take alcohol in a particular quantity and then will try to be alert. Consciousness must not be lost. By and by the quantity of alcohol will be raised, but the consciousness must remain alert. The person has taken alcohol, it has been absorbed in the body, but the mind remains above it; consciousness is not lost. Then the quantity of alcohol is raised higher and higher.

That is one of the ways of tantra, a method: one has to go on increasing the amount of alcohol and getting attuned to it, but remaining conscious. First you take just one teaspoonful. you remain conscious; then two; then three; then you go on. Then you drink the whole bottle. But now you are so attuned your consciousness is not disturbed; then alcohol won’t do. Through this practice a point comes when any amount of alcohol can be given and the mind remains alert.

Then you move to more dangerous drugs.

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3 hours ago, Sweetest said:

The issue I have with "No brain " and pure self is if I drink a beer it should have no effect on anything. But it does. And so do drugs. 

Therefore the nothingness would appear to be a state of mind. That ultimately there is no control over

It couldn't be that Leo is just mindfucking everyone just to make people start thinking about stuf? 

Like one of those Zen master mind riddles? 

Like Leo know there is a brain but he puts that out there so people will start contemplating? 


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11 hours ago, Sweetest said:

The issue I have with "No brain " and pure self is if I drink a beer it should have no effect on anything.


That is your naive materialist assumption.

Stop assuming that.

A beer having an effect does not prove a brain any more than Super Mario drinking a beer proves he has a brain.

The beer is a hallucination. You drinking it is a hallucination. It affecting you is a hallucination. Your brain is a hallucination. YOU are a hallucination. Cause/effect is a hallucination.

Because hallucination is all there is.

The hallucination is infinitely self-interactive.


Therefore the nothingness would appear to be a state of mind. That ultimately there is no control over

There is no such thing as mind.

You are still not grasping the depth of all this.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 hours ago, SFRL said:

Like Leo know there is a brain but he puts that out there so people will start contemplating? 

There literally is no brain.

Wake up!

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I don't know what level of consciousness I have. Id like to think I completely grasp all of Leos videos, And do in fact separate my soul/consciousness from ego.

Do I live in constant nirvana ? No but Id like to see the greatest guru of all time drink a pint of vodka and not have it effect their consciousness.

If we can see the effect that a drug/alcohol has on our consciousness it illustrates that the consciousness is a product of the brain.

SO on the 30 day retreat..drink a pint of vodka and see how well meditation goes. I am not being egotistical simply making a sincere challenge.


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1 hour ago, Sweetest said:

If we can see the effect that a drug/alcohol has on our consciousness it illustrates that the consciousness is a product of the brain.

There have been men like Marpa, Milarepa, Naropa, Tilopa , great siddhas , and they all used to drink, now this is delicate, but they never got drunk. 

They achieved to such crystallization of consciousness that the whole body is filled with alcohol but it doesn’t affect them.

Alan Watts was a drunkard. 

Before he was dying, he was still drinking and a disciple asked him, "Have you ever thought... if Buddha had seen you drinking alcohol, what do you think he would have thought about it?"

Alan Watts said, "There is no problem. I always drink in an enlightened way."

The question is not what you do, the question is how you do it.

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4 hours ago, Sweetest said:

If we can see the effect that a drug/alcohol has on our consciousness it illustrates that the consciousness is a product of the brain.

No, it does not.

You are misunderstanding what consciousness is.

You haven't actually had a direct experience of what nonduality means. You're intellectualizing it.

I know an enlightened master who took 1000ug of LSD after his enlightenment to test himself. He was unable to tell the difference between night and day. But his grounding in Nothingness was unshaken.

Consciousness isn't a product of the brain. The brain is a form within consciousness, and as consciousness is the only thing there is, it is self-interactive.

A rock hitting you in the head and causing a bruise is consciousness (a rock) interacting with consciousness (your head) causing a change in consciousness (a bruise).

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I frankly don't buy into all the great meditative minds bs...respectfully. I really think Leo has done a great job short cutting nirvana and reality.. but at still wrestles with ego and delusion. Frankly am extremely impressed with insights and broad knowledge and creative thinking. The whole dream hallucination no brain thing I get...but it's over the top delusion. Trying to be God like rather accepting that something's have no answers. It's egotistical to believe there is an answer to the unknown.

"Infinity" is a great answer ..solution to ..."i dont know"

Personally once infinity and Nirvona has been found... I have to sound cliche...but Love is the answer.

If people want to waste their precious life staring at walls and living in a void they are. Welcome. But I believe happiness is the purpose of life. And giving and being love. Which comes from the heart chakra. 

We are very real.. to argue otherwise is pure delusion. Respectfully.

But since I only have newbie rank ...take what I say with a grain. Of salt. lol

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3 minutes ago, Sweetest said:

I frankly don't buy into all the great meditative minds bs...respectfully. I really think Leo has done a great job short cutting nirvana and reality.. but at still wrestles with ego and delusion. Frankly am extremely impressed with insights and broad knowledge and creative thinking. The whole dream hallucination no brain thing I get...but it's over the top delusion. Trying to be God like rather accepting that something's have no answers. It's egotistical to believe there is an answer to the unknown.

"Infinity" is a great answer ..solution to ..."i dont know"

Personally once infinity and Nirvona has been found... I have to sound cliche...but Love is the answer.

If people want to waste their precious life staring at walls and living in a void they are. Welcome. But I believe happiness is the purpose of life. And giving and being love. Which comes from the heart chakra. 

We are very real.. to argue otherwise is pure delusion. Respectfully.

But since I only have newbie rank ...take what I say with a grain. Of salt. lol

I think your ego is greater than your higher conscious, friend. 

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So a hallucinogenic drugs helps once consciousness observe the infinite reality but when it wears off one is back to normal.

Think about the absurdity of that reality. And drugs have no effect....got it. Lol

Taking the halucinogen is just a test...too much!

Why bother.

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@Sweetest Your mind is too closed for this work. Way too much epistemic arrogance.

What 5-MeO does, you could not imagine in the wildest science fiction movie. It basically kills you. Try for yourself and see, rather than doing armchair philosophy. It's all fun and games until you start dying.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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'it's all fun and games until you start dying' 

that stuck with me. it really makes all the difference to actually have that experience directly. it's not that you get all the answers.. you lose all the questions!

whatever arises, love that

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@Sweetest You are the universe (nothing), you put psychedelics here in case you want to see this directly. Sure seems like a physical reality which happens to have psychedelics. It’s not. Upon this realization, you’ll see the “why” you referred to, and it is plain, extraordinary. It is the most simple explanation possible. 




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Pheonex666,  Leo, Charlotte and Nahm I think you all for your thoughts... I haven't seen that Video for a while.. and I agree spot on with everything that Leo is saying totally am on board. Leo's videos truly have opened my consciousness and awareness fearlessly to levels that I never would have imagined. And I certainly acknowledge  5-MeO is a short cut to understanding, being awake and Nirvana being in the void etc..for the right people and I believe it is a mistake for some. 

I am blown away to lengths Leo wrestles with objectivity.. and open mindedness. certainly areas I never would have thought about. or thought through.

I just want him to drink a pint of vodka and make a video.... Ha ha.

Seeing is believing..

Im not being a dick Im having fun... lets all have a big group hug and be grateful for the adventure we are on... and keep evolving with an open mind

cheers all




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This is still a materialistic approach, but maybe it can help to "see" that there's only consciousness...

Probably this could be a first step to understand reality is an hallucination from the materialistic pov.

But then you will see that the brain that is supposedly creating that hallucination, is also made of the same "matter" as that hallucination. So, it is basically hallucinating itself, like a strange loop as Leo said in his video about strange loops.

Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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9 minutes ago, abrakamowse said:

This is still a materialistic approach, but maybe it can help to "see" that there's only consciousness...

Kind of an oxymoron..? 



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