
Supplement for concentration

9 posts in this topic

Hi guys, 

I just watched a video about what supplement Leo take, and I come across those 3 supplements :

Doctor's Best Extra Strength Ginkgo

Acetyl-L Carnitine 500 mg

Huperzine A 100mcg

Well I just can't decide which one should I buy, or other thing you guys suggest 

I need something to help me concentrate, focus and make me smarter in my work and studies 

Any help will be appreciate 

Thank's :) 

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Gingko and Panax Ginseng go hand in hand or Gingko/Gotu kola. Rhodiola and Schizandra are also excellent as well as Matcha and Cacao. Take Shilajit with any of these to take things to the next level. Ginger/Cayenne/Cinnamon/Peppermint and other similar herbs also help enhance the effectiveness of other supplements/herbs.


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Gotu Kola that Pluto mentioned is a bomb! There is so much research on this stuff. I found it working better as a tea rather than capsule. 

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I'm wondering why Leo don't take a multivitamin supplement. There are many benefits related to multivitamins of specific brands.

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The best supplement for concentration is a clean diet ☺️

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4 hours ago, brugluiz said:

I'm wondering why Leo don't take a multivitamin supplement. There are many benefits related to multivitamins of specific brands.

Too many supplements are very taxing on the body natural or not. A video i watched a while ago of Leo sharing his supplements and he takes A LOT possibly more than i do even though mine are mostly herbal and superfoods(nutrient rich powerhouses) in replacement of concentrated supplements and extracts.

Eating an orange is a lot better than taking a vitamin c capsule.

Nature understands and communicates with Nature on a level man has yet to grasp.



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Haritaki & Magnesium will do the trick for you. 

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It dose the matter what supplements you take because if you fully focused your concentration into something you would find you your ego would vanish, and you would become enlightened if you could hold this focus for s long amount of time. The most important part is to practice creating a very precise focus that can do this. Dosen’t matter if you wear a crystal shop, have some mushrooms, or have the best super foods; practice is still number one, which means good technique :) Defiantly make sure you are eating a balanced diet, consider intermittent fasting too. This will mean you have less inflammatory energy in you which could make it harder to concentrate. 

May you be blessed with the love you always wanted.

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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