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Destiny is a Fickle Bitch?

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Did you guys watch TV episodes called LOST? It was an amazing series with utterly interesting and complicated characters like: John Lock, Benjamin Linus, Jack Sheppard and others. It is about the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 were 1,000 miles off course when they crashed on a lush, mysterious island. Each person possesses a shocking secret, but they've got nothing on the island itself, which harbors a monstrous security system, a series of underground bunkers and a group of violent survivalists hidden in the shadows. The narrative and dialogues of the show were insanely deep and most of them had spiritual context. I highly suggest watching these series if you haven't done it yet. Even re watching is super productive as you can discover new secrets almost every time.

What do you think about this dialogue? Is destiny set in stone or fickle bitch?


Edited by egoless

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I don't understand. 

It completely depends on how you see it. What happens happen and if you call it destiny or not doesn't change it ?

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1 hour ago, cirkussmile said:

I don't understand. 

It completely depends on how you see it. What happens happen and if you call it destiny or not doesn't change it ?

yes you can't change the direction of the river but you can avoid obstacles and shift positions within that river.

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Any good serie/movies/book/art are made with a Double-edged Sword. One to indoctrinate, the other to enlighten. 

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