
How To Get Amazing Part 2 (unleash The Amazing Within)

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After my service in the israeli navy i was stuck. Every morning I woke into a blue juvenile room. some family member would allways be shouting or arguing.

Or maybe the afternoon sun shining in through the windows form all directions. I would crawl out of bed and waste another day.

"I need to get a job" i decided one day, I got up showerd dressed and walked 500 meters to the neighborhood shopping center. There where afew resteruntes, and shops. I happend to walk into one shop that was new to me, it is not clear till this day what exactly do they sell, some kind of Internet sports supplys plus kitchen gagets.  "hey, you need a worker? " i said. The two men looked at me, one was fat and bald ,he said no. The other asked about my English skills. They where exellante! I replied not understanding the meaning of exellance at all.

I got the job though it was at that guys house, selling art online. this would be my first real job.

Prior I only worked part time teaching kids to play dungeness and dragons and ofcorse, 3 years in the navy, which did nothing to teach me the skills nor the habits a good life demands. So here I am, twentie one years old, no body ever showed me the right exsample, nobody thought me a thing. Once in awhile I was given a simple correction but it was not accepted. 

I blame my pearents For not being leaders. For being ignorant underachievers, I still love them.

I vow here and now that I will not be like them. I will give my offspring what they need ,not what they think they want.

Next on my departure to Australia and the opening of my business.

Hope you enjoy reading. Since yesterday I will try to write something new everyday in order to improve my skills in writing. So costructive critecisem and even spell check in is welcome.

Edited by Keithemson

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