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Contemplating ones physical death

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Contemplating your own death is such a powerful thing. I have been thinking about my own death for almost every day for some time now. Most of the population lives in a state of unaware denial, and I don't blame them: contemplating your own death is not enforced in our culture, more like the opposite. Death is everywhere: in the news, in movies, TV, books... the "light must win darkness" theme is all over global culture, and for a good reason but STILL people take their lives completely for granted.

Every moment when you are not thinking about your death, you are by definition unaware of it. You walk around as you are immortal, death does not touch you and for you it even does not exist. But then you remember.... shit :S. Yeah people die in stories (movies, tv etc.) all the time but thats not death, thats a... thing that happens in stories, it is a mere plot device. 

I'm lucky to live a life so far where no one that I have a real emotional connection has died. I can only imagine when eventually that happens... man, that will hit home. That will sting BAD and that will be like a lightning of reality right into my guts.

I recently had an LSD trip where I remembered "oh yeah, I will die, this crazy joke of life will end and thats it for this body" and at first I kinda laughed at the mystery and weirdness of the whole thing... but then I got serious. VERY serious. I asked myself "What if a doctor told me RIGHT NOW that I have only one year to live" and as I asked that, because I was tripping, that scenario hit me REALLY hard and it felt really, REALLY real (Im under 25 years old btw).

My hands started shaking, it felt like my insides made a subtle backflip and had to sit down. I was afraid, I was sad and yeah... just afraid. I already tasted the denial in that scenario: "No, you must be wrong, it cant be, do the tests again" etc.

Yeah the soul wont die and it is eternal, but the body is limited and will perish and that is something everyone will have to deal with.

Think about it. Just think about what it means. Think about your childhood, of utter ignorant bliss. Think about old age. Think about how you will feel when you know there cant be more than 20, 10, 5 or a few years of your life left. 

Death is the ultimate perspective check up tool.

Edited by molosku

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1 hour ago, molosku said:

Death is the ultimate perspective check up tool.

Death has been a powerful contemplation tool for thousands of years.

Most people fear death and avert their gaze from it. They do not see its valuable lessons.
I sometimes wonder what would I do if I was diagnosed with cancer and had two years left. Would I go on living like I do, or would I spend all my money on a bucket list? I like to think that nothing would change and I would go down silently - carrying on like nothing happened.
The only difference is that you know your expiry date.

The most hilarious thing is that you do not have to hear a doctor's diagnosis to know that you are dying.
Taking this simple fact seriously is an incredibly powerful tool for a day-to-day contemplation.
Each passing day seems like a gift that way, so is every passer-by. They are all perfect from that perspective.

I'm engaged and the ceremony is scheduled for 29th October.
Imagining my fiancee's funeral when I stand above her coffin, crying, is the most powerful petty-quarrel stopper.
Even her most dreadful sins seem like a gift and a blessing.


Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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