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Mediation: Next Step

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I'm new here but I've been listing to Leo's stuff since November. 

I've always wanted to learn how to meditate, so I looked on the net and bumped into I meditate for 20 minutes daily and have done so since November. I generally count my breaths in 1, 2 intervals, however I've been finding myself more distracted as of lately. Am I missing something here? I generally try and focus on my breaths, but most of the times I'll be distracted by some thought. I'll refocus back to my breaths, but it just feels like I'm missing something. 

In the next month or two I'll be adding 10 minutes to my current time. My question is, what else can I do to stay focused?     

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Do you have more going on in your life as of late? I noticed that's how it is with me. Just push through dude. You're mind is conditioned to resist. One thing that's really helped me is Ishwar Puri once said "there's no such thing as a bad meditation." The days where you are really struggling are the days that will help you master the art. You should try multiple methods and see what works best. I personally body scan and have attained great results.

When things go wrong in your perspective, remember it's not about you ?

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4 hours ago, octsober said:


I'm new here but I've been listing to Leo's stuff since November. 

I've always wanted to learn how to meditate, so I looked on the net and bumped into I meditate for 20 minutes daily and have done so since November. I generally count my breaths in 1, 2 intervals, however I've been finding myself more distracted as of lately. Am I missing something here? I generally try and focus on my breaths, but most of the times I'll be distracted by some thought. I'll refocus back to my breaths, but it just feels like I'm missing something. 

In the next month or two I'll be adding 10 minutes to my current time. My question is, what else can I do to stay focused?     

It sounds like you are doing just fine over here.  What beginning meditators tend to assume (at least I did) is that once you have had some success sitting in stillness, you have become a 'good' meditator.  This can be a problematic way of thinking because the next time you sit down (or next several times) and can't even stay with a SINGLE breath without getting caught in the thought stream, you may start to feel that you are doing something wrong.  You aren't doing anything wrong, this is just the nature of mind.  Jack Kornfield relates sitting in meditation with opening the front door of your house, saying that when you open the door you get the weather, whatever it may be at the time, if you sit long enough, you get the weather changes.  The same goes with meditation.  The practice isn't about controlling the weather (mind), it's more about noticing it. 

The most devoted form of meditation is sitting when you don't want to.  This is when you really have something to awaken from.  

If you find that the counting is distracting you after a while, try using it at first to bring your attention on the breath, and then let go of the counting completely.  I find mantra's help at this point.  Something like

"What is this?"

 "Nowhere to go. Nothing to do."

 "Who am I?"

or simply, "I am"


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11 hours ago, octsober said:

most of the times I'll be distracted by some thought. I'll refocus back to my breaths,

You're doing it right. This is the point really, practicing returning your focus back from your thoughts to (in your case) your breaths. I sometimes focus on breaths but usually I try to keep my mind focussed on the present moment. Yep, thoughts keep 'hijacking' my mind and consuming my awareness but once I become aware of them I return my focus back to the present moment and try to hold it there.

It's a muscle that needs flexing. The more you practice refocussing your attention on your breaths the easier it will get and the less intrusive thoughts you will have. You'll still have them though, some days more than others. Just keep doing what you're doing. After nearly a year of meditation I still get drawn away by thought stories after perhaps 10 or 20 seconds. But I find it easier to 'catch' them and return my attention. The benefits are already starting to show as I am more able to maintain focus and remain present throughout the day with less thought-stories going on.

It may seem like it isn't working but it is. Stick with it.

“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.”  - Lao Tzu

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It is 2,5 months later and now I see my world really weir last week. There is no self present but only presence and with no attachments to my body, but I stay in my body.

If you watch his videos the information integrates in your DNA and you do not have to put effort besides that: you will do the teachings automatically. 

And there are many positive things that will happen from apllying this in you social world, I won't say it because will sound impossible to the ego.

Wish you good luck!

Life is when awareness hides in the idea of personal experience. ~ Matt Kahn

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17 hours ago, octsober said:


I'm new here but I've been listing to Leo's stuff since November. 

I've always wanted to learn how to meditate, so I looked on the net and bumped into I meditate for 20 minutes daily and have done so since November. I generally count my breaths in 1, 2 intervals, however I've been finding myself more distracted as of lately. Am I missing something here? I generally try and focus on my breaths, but most of the times I'll be distracted by some thought. I'll refocus back to my breaths, but it just feels like I'm missing something. 

In the next month or two I'll be adding 10 minutes to my current time. My question is, what else can I do to stay focused?     

+ What about trying 1h meditation on sunday? I can´t stress enough how important the lenght of the meditation is sometimes. Eventhou everyone also leo in his videos says it is ok to do 10min / 20min for beginners , which is better than nothing , 20min is also nothing compared to say a 2h meditation...Inrease Lenght is Strongly advised for the "next step" ;) 


+also try different meditations to spice it up and learn about the different inner "channels". Try Mindfullness / Try "Do nothing" or "nothingness" / Try body Scanns/ Try mantra-meditation ...and if you are adventurous Try "Strong Determination Sitting" to really step it up !! Here again 20min are NOT enough!! On my first SDSitting the first 20min-30 happend nothing i was only bored and my back hurt .... only after that i had an experience i wouldnt want to miss to say the least... 

Cheers :) 

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Hey guys!

Thanks for your guidance, I really appreciate it.

I'm going to add 10 minutes to my 20 soon. I'm also going to try an hour sit down when I have the time on a weekend.

Its good to hear that I'm on the right path, as I want to continue strengthening my meditation. 


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