
Staying aware in everyday life

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So I have been learning to mediate and self inquire. Beautiful practices. During my sessions I can sit in peace, fulfillment and clarity. However, I cannot sit like that all day. I get up, go about my business and although I try to keep my awareness sharp, I get distracted. How do you keep concentrated?

When interacting with people, using technology, performing difficult tasks... How do you stay keep the meditative state going?

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@okulele I used to wear beads around my wrist as a reminder to stay present. After you've practiced for a while it does get easier because it gets more ingrained into you. So it's always right there and becomes second nature. You could also put a small stone in your shoe. That will keep you really present!!:) Whatever it takes. Be inventive!

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43 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

You could also put a small stone in your shoe


@okulele  I'm no expert but methods I use in everyday life are... 


When I talk to people, I fully concentrate on what they are saying, this helps me remain present and stay out of my own mind (Takes practice and patience).

Walking around? Listen to the sounds around you... Bird song, cars passing, whatever it is listen. You could also bring the awareness to the pressure of each foot hitting the ground as you walk. 

Brushing teeth? Feel the texture of the toothbrush in your hand, the taste of the toothpaste, the sound of the activity. This goes for ANYTHING mundane, even having a shit. 

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Mindful breath from your hip/coccyx and feet talons.  Basically, practice to inverse your breathing, listen to the exhalation of the lungs long enough that your body will inhale automatically by "desperation". In other words, don't stick to much on inhale, let the body do this automatically at his own will and duration, just be aware with the mind on the exhalation/nirvana.  

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Change your practice to something more powerful, like Kriya Yoga. From practicing Do-Nothing meditation daily I didn't get as much of an impact on a daily life as I get from the Yoga practice. It's miraculous how effective it is.

Psychedelics also bring more awareness into your daily life. Especially 5-MeO, but LSD or Magic Mushrooms can also give you a lasting raise in awareness.

You can also get rid of your unwanted habits. Doing 10 day long retreats helps in that. Such a reset will help in getting consistent gains in awareness.

TL;DR - Kriya Yoga

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Thank you for all your responses. Seems like it will simply take some time to bring this awareness to every part of my life.

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@okulele Just focus on the present moment. Whatever you are doing, do it with your full attention. Doesn't matter what. Sights, sounds, tactile sensations, smells, tastes, thoughts. The whole show! Be mindful of it all as much as you can.  A miraculous world is waiting for you. ;)

Edited by onacloudynight

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take it easy also

if you were lifting weights you'd progress slowly and with attention and care.

it's the same with this stuff, don't try to be a monk

take time with your progress, I don't know how long you've begun but you should have a plan, dont aim to be hundred percent aware all of the time, take time with progress

stay a few weeks on a routine before trying to improve it, that is my personal advice

unless you enjoy pushing yourself, joy is always the prime directive

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