
What’s the most powerful and life changing thing you’ve implemented into your life?

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I’m curious to know what you think is the most effective and life transformating thing to do for ones self actualization. Is it travel, 5-meo-dmt, daily reading?... 

What can I do that will propel me forward the most in life?

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- Enter your fear and you are free -

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52 minutes ago, QandC said:



What are the biggest changes you’ve seen in yourself by contemplating?

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for me it's been two things I've implemented into my (daily) life 1. meditation and (not dailyxD) 2. psychedelics once in a while

whatever arises, love that

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Initiation into shambhavi. :)

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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26 minutes ago, phoenix666 said:

for me it's been two things I've implemented into my (daily) life 1. meditation and (not dailyxD) 2. psychedelics once in a while

How have these changed your life?


20 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

Initiation into shambhavi. :)

What is shambhavi and how has it changed your life?

Edited by Slade

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30 minutes ago, Slade said:

How have these changed your life?

I feel like those two go hand in hand and worked synergistically with me. I started meditating after I discovered Leo. but it was a very rational approach. I thought it would help me to get better concentration and less mind chatter. I was a very rational, result oriented girl. I was disconnected from my emotions, nature, other beings and stuck in the materialist paradigm.

psychedelics fucked with that paradigm and with my rational mind. they opened a whole new world for me. the inner world, the spiritual world. they showed me my biggest fears and forced me to face them. I had glimpses of ego death, oneness and such. all that motivates me to stay on the path on a daily basis. (I think I had those deep trips because of the foundation I have from my spiritual practices. some friends of mine never got to see those places on psychedelics) that's why I think they go hand in hand.

meditation works in the long run and is foundational for the base level of awareness, whilst psychedelics are an occasional boost (which can come with massive ego backlashes of just need to stay aware of that) within that practice.

I've experienced unconditional love on a trip, which made me realize how disconnected from my emotions I am. I'm working on that. psychedelics are great teachers because they show you exactly what you need to see right in that moment. they are the inner guide made visible again (most of us, including me, are too distracted to feel it in daily life) the dig stuff from our subconscious mind into our awareness <3

whatever arises, love that

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The 5 most powerful tools for my journey has been:

-Psychodynamic therapy

-Writing stuff down (goals, to-do lists, irrational worries etc.)

-Phenelzine (Nardil)

-Anapanasati meditation



Edited by Erlend K


My first published essay

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7 hours ago, Slade said:

What are the biggest changes you’ve seen in yourself by contemplating?

Biggest changes:


– I can easily think/feel my way out of a problem

– I can detach myself from my problems by gaining more awareness of them

– I have reprogrammed my subconscious mind by keep telling myself the same stuff over and over (for a positive purpose)

– I have improved my coaching and lecture skills

– I have better social skills

– I have gained a better connection with nature (I always contemplate outside)

– I have become a deep thinker/philosopher (people usually tell me I'm an 80 year old professor in a 20 year old body, haha. Positive or not? I don't know)

– I reach every goal and vision I set out for myself, because I strategise my way to my sucess



– I tend to think more than I feel

– I sometimes see more problems than positives

- Enter your fear and you are free -

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@Slade Fill your life with the life you want by covering your walls with it. It will become. It already is. This is simply like steering it. Only see it becoming as you want, regardless of what is physically presented / appearing. Have the resolve to see what is becoming through what is. The vibrational state of ‘physical matter’ is much lower than the vibrational state of your inner vision & intention. Disregard what anyone says to the contrary, they don’t know this yet. You don’t need to know how or why you’re creating you & your life, you just get to create it. The “present”, is Now. The literal, actual, gift of a ‘lifetime’. 

Kick ass all day, sleep, meditate to let go of all of it, repeat. 



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The most powerful thing to do is to become aware of reality! 

Meditation should always be a part of it. Reality is meditation and avoid the practice of meditation is just running around in circles. 

It's so damn powerful but in the beginning it looks and seems pointless. Do it anyway <3


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43 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@cirkussmile ❤️

We got another day! I can’t even fuckin believe it. What a miracle.



Aaaauuuummmm ❤️❤️❤️

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Haritaki and Colloidal Silver. 

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I put this on every morning when I wake up and let the inspiration and motivation flow through me like taking a deep breathe on a morning beach.

Shout out to Nature and Relaxing Videos for the content from youtube. 

Memento Mori

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