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Own Theories & Concepts?

2 posts in this topic

I've always had a passion for creating my own theories and concepts about success in a creative way. It helps me stay on track with my goals and my vision. I of course always test it out. What works for me might not work for someone else, but I've always loved contemplating about my own goals and depending on certain outcomes created my own concepts for how it works in my mind.

An example of this is the following concept, a pretty basic one, I call it the Action-Concept:Skärmavbild 2018-04-25 kl. 16.31.39.png



1. You take action which leads to a certain result. 

2. If this action is good or bad, it doesn't MATTER. Because we can always extract something from it. For example:

Wisdom = What did I learn?

External = What changed externally for me by this result?

Belief (Potential) = Subconsciously, a belief is created, IF I choose to accept the idea. 

So if I fail and it doesn't go my way, my emotional mind opens up (subconscious) and I can easily plant the idea of "Urgh, I cannot do this...", maybe why most people quit so easily?

OR I can say "Alright, I failed BUT –> I got WISDOM I can now use to create a better action next time.

So the bad and the good result are on the same level (except for externally, but it doesn't matter, what matters is the mind). 

The question is What happens next?


I've always done this for myself and it makes it so much easier to keep track of my results and it also creates a meta-belief that makes me trust the process even more. How we believe is how we act. It's a sort of strategy for the mind. Self-deception?  I don't know, but the point is that it works and it helps. I also help my clients in this way by giving them different concepts and it seems to help them in a good way to understand success.

Anyone else here who does something similar or do you mostly follow already existing theories and concepts? 




Edited by QandC

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