
How do I stop thinking too much?

15 posts in this topic

My mind is sometimes just grabs on topics and think on them obsessively. Have anyone dealt with it, what would be your advice?

Edited by Akim

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By recognizing that thoughts are in front and you "behinde" is giving it attention...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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It's the meaning you assign to the thoughts that's can become the problem. 

Maybe Google some CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) for yourself? 

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Meditation? I thought this was common sense already, especially on this forum. If you are meditating and you still have a lot of mind chatter then you aren't meditating effectively. Try multiple times a day for shorter periods than one longer period a day.

Meditation = no chatter practice


Edited by pluto


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The question how do I stop thinking so much invites the movement of thought. And in that very motive to stop thinking is a movement of thought/self. The attempt to stop thought and the asking of a way/method to stop it are both movements of thought. So you are infact reinforcing the movement of thought in that action. 

It has to do with the movement of volition/will. If will is used to bring about contentment in any direction psychologically this creates its opposite of discontent. Not only is thought not silenced but now you have prepetuated the movement of conflict even further. 

This is the way I look at it. I hope that makes sense to someone out there. :)

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Asking how employs thought to solve and invites time as a means to accomplish any particular goal. And to invite time to solve any psychological problem inevitably leads to conflict. Because time is thought. And thought has no place in the psychological realm. 

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You know this answer, it's everything Leo talks about.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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On 4/25/2018 at 0:04 AM, Akim said:

My mind is sometimes just grabs on topics and think on them obsessively. Have anyone dealt with it, what would be your advice?

If the obsessive thinking on a particular matter is not bothering you, or if you are enjoying it and trying to solve some puzzle by doing it then you have to decide first, is it that bad? Is it causing trouble to your daily life activities? Do you really want to stop it?

If you are really sick of your over thinking and want to control it to certain level then may be you should try to give yourself some goals to reach. Goals related to your daily food habit, exercise, meditation, career etc. Find a creative hobby and spend time on it. Keep yourself busy with useful, creative and enjoyable things. Don't Pay attention to the chattering mind. Focus on your goals and hobbies. You probably wouldn't  notice when the annoying chatter of your mind stopped!

Good Luck!

Edited by I Infinity

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You see one thing I absolutely hate is when people do not give concrete answers. Philosophy will not help you in this case. If you want a concrete answer I will give you one right here. And it's not simple. It takes a long time to master of dedicated, hard work, on a DAILY routine based schedule, there are NO magic pills whatsoever: 


Take more action.

When you take action you don't have time to think

But don't think that thoughts are negative. They show you Your self image. Spend time alone in a room for 3 hours and observe your thoughts. You don't have any control over them anyways because there is no You. So see what pops up and gain awareness of it. Write it down. Start meditating MORE. 1 hour per day AT LEAST.

Also know that you cannot erase thoughts. But thoughts are one of those things that when you separate yourself from them they fade away. The more you feed your thoughts the more they will pop up for you.

So: a list in order from hiding thoughts to solving thoughts:

– Take more action, do more things (as a simple thing to make your mind distracted. You become more present, but it in the beginning works more as a masking)

– Meditation, at least 1 hour per day  (Do-Nothing-Technique or Observation without Attachment) <– F*cking crucial. If you don't already meditate what are you even doing?

– Force your mind. You have to do something DIFFERENT! So lock yourself in a room for 3 hours without any distractions. Without any meditation, no nothing. And you will see what thinking really means. Do so one time, and then a week later the same thing but this time you write down your thoughts, most frequent ones

...<–– What thought is mostly on your mind? (from previous exercise) There is a REASON behind the thought. It's from your subconscious mind. You don't spend your days thinking about what juice your gonna drink tomorrow, right? Because it's not a PROBLEM for you. You have to see the context of the actual thought and THEN you can resolve them.

– Mindfulness and Yoga. Research it and do it. 


There are no secrets. If you want an answer to your question we can give you all the philosophy in the world and you will now know how to solve anything. If you want to stop thinking you have to deal with that as any set goal, there is no difference.

1. Make a strategy

2. Set a routine (with the techniques I gave you)

3. Set goals

4. Have a vision

Tough love. Good luck

- Enter your fear and you are free -

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By switching the attention from the thoughts and mind to the breath and chest. 

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