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Limited perspective point of observation

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Hey guys, 

It has come to my attention recently that everything is limited by our own perspectives. Don't want to be polarizing here (just the simpliest example I can give), but essentially, my reality as a male and experiences I go through, are different (and sometimes drastically) than a female experience.

Our observations as individuals and problem solving are limited and based on our current understanding of the reality we experience (still from a limited perspective).

This goes back to the "using the same word in the definition". And a framework inside of a framework to describe the larger framework.

I saw something on an IG post from another spiritual seeker that put this into perspective in the metaphysical sense. Even our conception and experience of enlightenment is limited (and not pure/it's incorrect), because it's filtered by the brain. No matter how many trips, etc, the understanding you have, is still not it because it's been limited by your brain (your perspective) in this time/space. 

I could not agree more. Would love to explore further.


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