Let's settle this, bugs!

By okulele in Self-Actualization Journals,
I have been meaning to start this journal for a while now, but kept putting it off. Now there is a challenge in my life that I need to face and I hope this journal can help me out with it. Fungal infection is no joke. There is fungi living off of every one's of our bodies, but if it gets out of control and they overdevelop, it can be an issue. I have been having a lot of issues with my digestion lately, a lot of sugar cravings, dandruff appeared. It seems that step by step, my body has been pointing out to me, that I am not exactly healthy and that there is an issue. What is the plan to get rid of the fungi? cut out ALL sugar (including fruit) cut out refined graines start using probiotics start using antifungals Mind infection is no joke either. My mind is infected with unhealthy patterns of thoughts. Tons of fear, insecurity, judgment... you name it. Well, there is no one to blame really. I have been deeply unconscious for a long time and whatever was thrown at me I just took in without examining. Now that consciousness is arising in this life, I have the opportunity to inquire into all of this and purge all that is not real. What is the plan to free the mind? mediation kriya yoga (soon) bioenergetics psychedelics mindfulness   Basically the mission is to stay conscious and get off of sugar Good luck to myself! You can do it!
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