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love, letting go, and other contradictions....

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I’ve been watching Leo’s videos for a few weeks, and decided to start a journal.. I’m loving his commitment to truth in spiritual growth. I’ve been practicing zen for some years now, and I love it, but even Zen gets lost in dogma sometimes… but that’s fine by me - I dont require any school of thought or practice to be perfect, and I know that none are… Anyhooo, at the moment I have two simple life projects that I’m working on:

Love everyone (well, to the best of my ability).
Build a successful audiovisual production business

I’m well aware that my life goals and practices can be contradictory - I embrace that. I try to bring love to all my interactions for the simple reason that it’s a more enjoyable way to go through life… it’s conducive to connection… my desire to build a successful business goes right along with a belief that some level of renunciation is necessary for me to move towards liberation..

Really pleased to have found this forum - it seems mostly open-minded and supportive (i have zero interest in philosophical bickering). I’m gonna share my practice and progress, experiences, ups and downs, here, and I hope to offer whatever support i can to all of you good people who are doing the same..


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