
When is the present moment?

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I woke up the other day and realized I can't precisely find the preset moment. If I clap my hands right now I still have a sense of something happening before the clap happens. When does the preset moment end? I can't find the precise end point of the present moment either. Shouldn't I be able to locate these two points? Memories feel like they are something seperate from this and untrue in a sense.

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This is only a pointer to how clueless we are about reality. You can't have the cake and eat it at the same time.

You might want to turn off your conceptualizing mind and enjoy whatever is happening. ?

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in my experience the present moment is where you sit as a being temporally

most adults live in a span of several months with their consciousness

if you were to go back and remember how time felt as a child you'd feel how long a year felt, how long a week felt, even a day

if you go back to the baby state, most of us have no memory because babies are fully in the sea that is the present moment,with minutes,hours spanning hundred times longer then that of an adult which is why baby are full of energy,not because they're younger ,but because they are conciously present, a babies hour is 60 times as long as the hour youlive through, its no surprise the baby is so energetic,its going through 60 times as much stimuli

the number 60 is arbitrarily used

as I enlighten, my temporal view began reducing from months to weeks to days, the days and the hours are longer just as when I was a kid and they keep getting longer, 

its impossible to imagine what I will be like next month let alone next 3 months, the future loses all meaning as I am more present

so the present moment is not a thing you get into like opening a door, its something you're drifting to,

as the hours become longer,because they are filled with more life, more magic, more emotions, your consciousness looks more at now, is less in the past, less in the future, because there's so much  stimuli happening now, 

till your consciousness can only hold in its grasp this day, this afternoon, this hour, this minute, this second....


you have travelled 'out' of the present moment, growing up, 

you  can travel back in

which is why people keep saying 'the older you grow the faster time flies',  my grandma the last time I saw her told me : "this year flew by"

there is no such thing as time, there is only our perception, as we are less conscious, we perceive less, and life seems to pass by, there is no life if we do not care for our consciousness, we are life, we can expand life as we expand ourselves

Edited by Arkandeus

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  On 4/22/2018 at 1:49 PM, Nahm said:

@D-tron It was last January man. You missed it. 

You missed it too, I want my birthday present, right now! Lol.

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When the center is not ?

This is Meditation. Not something one does, but is. 

As this, you are not. There is no recognition what so ever. A non-experiencing. Their is no observer to experience. Pure silence?


Edited by Faceless

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@D-tron there is not such thing as present moment or moment at all. There is only infinite, eternal, neverchanging nothing

Edited by egoless

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I think present moment is awareness, hence there is no present moment in time, hence present moment doesn't exist per se, present moment is presence or awareness

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What people are referring to ‘present moment’ is when the movement of time is not. 

When everything put together by time ends. Do you see the significance of this? 

Its much deeper than any abstraction that the mind has formulated to explain away. It’s ‘THE ENDING’ of the center. When the you is not and it’s entire movement ceases.

But their is no present moment otherwise. 

If the mind is bound by time past, present, future his implies awareness is not. 

Edited by Faceless

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The problem with the question is that you think the "present moment" is separate.

The present moment can only exist if there is a moment before and a moment afterwards. If there is no past or future then there is no present moment either, since that is a concept. 

So whatever is happening is happening. It is not happening "Now" and it didn't "happen before" or "will happen" it is simply happening. And trying to conceptualize it to time is completely pointless

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the present moment is relative according to Einstein space-time


Edited by BjarkeT

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No form of thought ‘knowledge’ which is time can capture this. It must end. Inviting time as a means is the very barrier to awareness.

Edited by Faceless

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Time is a great mystery.

To understand "The present moment" I think you have to distinguish between physical time and psychological time. At any point in spacetime, subjective experience always lags slightly behind physical time.

According to the theory of relativity time at one point in space can lag behind time at another point. Two events that occurs in sequence from point A can happen in the reverse order observed from point B. Some share the view @QandC describes, where all of spacetime is just one single block, and nothing really happens "after" something else. In this view all of space and time from the big bang to infinity (or big crunsh/big rip) excist "simultanious" (in lack of a better word") as one multidimential entity.

In psychological time anything appearing in your stream of counciousness in a way happens in "The present moment". Your brain needs a few miliseconds to process sensory data. This means there is a lag between something happening and the mental representation of it. The world is never experienced as it is "NOW", it is experiences as it was a few miliseconds ago.


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You can have an idea of awareness which is not awareness, or you can live as awareness. 

This is meditation. Not to meditate routinely as the meditator ‘time’, but that ‘you are meditation’ 

Their’s practicing meditation then there is timelessness as meditation. 


Edited by Faceless

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