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What Should I Eat? From an Omnivore to a Frugivore

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6 months ago I decided to be a vegan. I used to have a blueberry smoothie, a bowl of cooked vegetables, and some cauliflower/pea rice with fruit, nuts and raisins on the side. It was a massive meal of about 3000 calories. For the first 2 and a half months I spread it out into 3 different meals then on January the 17th I transitioned to OMAD (one meal a day in the evening). This had a more beneficial effect on my concentration and focus than the switch from a healthy omnivorous diet to a vegan diet as my stomach only had to ingest one meal, thus freeing up energy for the brain. I also went from 72kg to 66kg during that time. Then a bit over a month ago I became raw vegan, and only bought food from the local farmers market. The calories plummeted from 3000 to about 2000 overnight. I noticed a big increase in energy levels as the prana/life force energy in uncooked food is preserved. And I started to feel lighter, more calm, centred, as well as having more control over my thoughts. I’ve still stayed the same weight even with the decrease in calories. Calories are imaginary after all, it is food with a high density of minerals and nutrients that is optimal for health :) 

This has finally lead me to a fruitarian diet (80% fruits, 10% greens, 10% fat) for the past 3 days (as you see below). And one of the most important ingredients is the little cup you see on the side which is a superfood mix of 1 tsp spirulina, 2 tbsp flaxseed powder and 1 tsp of raw honey. The superfood mix supplements all of the other essential  amino acids, nutrients and minerals that the fruit doesn’t provide such as iron, the B vitamins, potassium etc. The flaxseed powder is equivalent to 22 fish oil capsules which and the reason I say this is because the imbalance between omega 3’s and omega 6’s in our bodies is one of the leading causes of heart attacks, through the blockage of arteries. For the average vegan for every 17 omega 6’s there is 1 omega 3. This ration should be one to one, and this is what flaxseed powder can do for you. Also I mainly add the honey for the taste! All you need is flaxseed and spirulina for the main benefits of correcting any deficiencies leading to theoretically a happier mood, less mood swings (due to chemical imbalances), and more energy of course (as the body can run more efficiently). 

So why do I eat fruits then over vegetables. Isn’t all of that sugar bad for you? For that I don’t know, but if a monkey can eats a monofruitarian diet of bananas and is super healthy until a few weeks before death (whereas with humans our health steadily/sharply declines with age) and their genetics are 98-99% identical, then there must be something more to fruit beyond the belief that sugar is not healthy in larger quantities. In addition, before our cavemen days when we lived in the tropics as human as we are today, we ate mostly fruit! And we were very healthy back then if you do research on that time period. It’s a scientific fact that people in the Mediterranean have a reduced risk of heart attacks, and they eat lots of fruit. But the main reason I personally eat fruit other than my heart telling me that that is what it wants, is that fruit is the highest vibrational food on the planet. They can see this through equipment which measures the vibration (for more info): 

There are many other reasons too that you can go check out. For now, I will post back in a month for the long term benifits in my own experience. 

Here is my one meal a day. It’s around 1200 calories and is all organic. The fruit changes every week depending what is in season. When you are eating 1000-1500 calories this is known as calorie restriction. When you combine this with OMAD you can extend you life by over 30% (for mammals this has been tested) over a healthy 3 meals a day omnivorous diet. Im hoping to live to about 150, 300 could also be possible as some enlightened individuals feed on prana and create the phenomenon known as breatherianism whereby no food is consumed. Combined with a a brain and body free from thoughts and emotions this means the individual could live upwards of 1000 years as referenced in the Bible by people such as Moses, Joshua and the other guys.

May you use this information to live healthier and higher energy lives that you all deserve. 

OMAD and Calorie restriction: 



Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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Eat what makes you feel on top of the world!


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