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Facing illogic

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I've become hyper-tuned into my intuition, lately. In a scary way. It feels like I've abandoned rationality. I can do logic, although my abilities aren't so strong (and never have been.)

Is this just ego-fear? Should I force myself to be more logical? Should I be ok with this feeling of freedom, like I'm becoming empty and God is my leader?

I don't need answers, just advice. I'm both terrified and excited for the terror. It's quite surreal, and I'm unsure if my passion for this surrealism is misplaced.

Can I transcend logic without itself? I feel like the answer is obvious, but some discussion will really be helpful. Do I dive into the deep end without a back-up plan? Is this only a danger to me because I want to live? Should I let go of my attachment to survival?

I just want comfort in discomfort. But there's still a nagging voice yelling back away from the cliff!

Can someone give me a reason to give up reason?

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There's no reasoning out of it. 

Fear is fear, is fear, is fear. 

Find an anchor. Let that be your comfort. 

Examples of Anchors: 

Focusing on your breath until the fear passes. 

Body movement like stretching, or jogging or walking quickly. 

Sitting still and focusing on a chakra until the fear passes. 

Be ok with settling into the unknown. That's where freedom lies. 

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I'm not discontent with the fear, I'm discontent with what it means. I want to give up the anchor--but I'm not sure giving up on giving up is the right choice, because it has no rationale and I may not give it one without deceiving myself (and so I may not).

You did give me a valuable insight. The unknown keeps returning, and with a new mask each time. Thank you!

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I liked Martita's response until I got to "Find an anchor".

I know she meant well, but …please… tough it out.

Now is NOT the time for comfort.

WATCH the fear— don't use anything to divert you awareness from the critical aspect at this time.

Face the fear.

Ultimately, true freedom is no anchor.

Fear is the psychological apparatus of the being that is going to die acting out as usual to maintain ego-centric control and suppress your awakening non-psychological awareness at all costs.

Just watch the fear and/or whatever it conjures up to disrupt your flowering potential.

When the minions of Mara threatened the buddha at the site of his complete perfect enlightenment, he just touched the earth with one finger. Ground yourself (or more specifically, center yourself)~ Martita's suggestions should be used in that context— forget comfort. That's for dilettantes.



ed note: add "Now is NOT the time for comfort." in the 3rd line; add line about "centering" in last paragraph. In the eastern Asian sense of the symbology of Earth, it is the color yellow, the center, and it corresponds to the notion of solidity and nurturing stability.




Edited by deci belle

Nana i ke kumu  Ka imi loa

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Ain't nothin' logical about logic ;)

Logic is the last refuge of a weak mind.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@deci belle

I appreciate that. Keep going and pay attention, huh?

@Leo Gura

What might be the first refuge of a strong mind? Must all refuge be destroyed before it might be found?
Should the mind turned against and into itself look only for truth and beauty without repose or hindrance?

The ride's just only started and I don't know where I'm going. I have no idea if I give myself permission, or refuse firstly all idea.

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A wise mind realizes its own limits and domain.

The end-goal is No-Mind, or Infinite Mind.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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hi jwk~


What might be the first refuge of a strong mind?

It's just that the human mentality at this point has long been accustomed to psychological clinging or leaning on anything convenient …mostly just the rambling nature of the constant stream of thoughts coming from nowhere in particular.

When the mind first experiences freedom from its cosy nests, all kinds of dilemmas present themselves in addition to simply not having anything to cling to. This can be disconcerting in its new environment of space-like awareness.

As soon as the ratio-synchretic human mentality concedes its domain as Leo pointed out (the wise mind), and by not following its activity unawares, the traces of no-mind (or non-psychological awareness) gradually come to the fore. This is to be nurtured by subtle attentive conscious awareness (by the same aspect of mind heretofore occupied by mindless rambling).

There is a huge difference in effect between mindlessness and the no-mind that Leo refers to.

Yet mind is one— there is no refuge because there is no inside or outside. It's all your innate selfless nature through and through without beginning or end.



ed note: typos in 3rd; add "your innate selfless nature" in last paragraph

Edited by deci belle

Nana i ke kumu  Ka imi loa

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@jwkspeck  I think you are just becoming more and more aware of the very nature of life that is insecutiry , freedom and not loggical . Logic sometimes is just the fear of truth . Logic only serves itself . 

I tend to do the same thing : being afraid of the direction of my life , to follow my intuition , and feeling the need to make it something logical about that , but it's just mind's fear 

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