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What to do about meditation and yoga practice while traveling?

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Say I wanted to travel across the country for a couple weeks, what should I do about my meditation and yoga practice? It would be kinda hard to do yoga on the road. Any suggestions?

Edited by onacloudynight

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I'll be traveling soon for a few weeks and intend to do Yoga everyday, early in the morning. 

I even heard a story of a teacher who did kriya yoga on a plane. And it involves "AUM" chanting for about 5-6min and you can't speak or open your eyes during that process. 

Imagine people's reaction to that :D

What's nice is that after the meditation one stewardess got inspired by him and enrolled to the next program to learn this technique :D

There's a lesson here. 

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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I wondered about that as well. up until now I managed to at least keep my meditation practice. yoga is more trickyxD

I'll spend a couple of weeks abroad this summer. I also intend to do Kriya at least once a day in the morning. and meditation in the evening. let's see how that goes though xD

whatever arises, love that

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