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reminder to not blindly take vitamins, & get your levels measured

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little insight i had today after i went to the store to purchase my vitamin b -complex after i got tested 2 months ago and had some deficiencies (folic acid, b1, and b6).  I had quite good luck today because this girl at the pharmacy was measuring vitamins for free (basically all the main vitamins and minerals except vitamin d) and turns out my body has wayyy too much b vitamins,  and she asked me if my pee was yellow, and it is, and thats because your body is basically throwing away all the extra vitamins your putting in. And i find out that i had omega deficiency.

I say this because, alot of times from reading all these diet books and videos, you think need all these extra vitamins all the time, and sometimes your body is just peeing them out so your $ is in your toilet. The first supplements we need is FOOD. Measures your levels after a very clean healthy diet then supplement, and get your blood levels checked regularly. 

Edited by moon777light

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Very important point! I've never gotten any of my levels checked, that would probably be a really good idea for me to do.

And almost exclusively you want your "supplements" to be actual food, not synthetic vitamins and minerals. And you want them to be just that, supplements to a healthy diet. The only exceptions for me currently are magnesium and vitamin d. However, vitamin d is best gotten from the sun (such a potent mood enhancer), and I could probably stop taking magnesium and instead just continue eating / eat more spinach, nuts and chocolate (especially raw cacao), and just continue relaxation exercises. And even then, supplements should be used sparingly (something I haven't done a great job of historically).

And watch out for those b vitamins, in excess they can exacerbate anxiety. And who wants that! 

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Excellent post ! This is so true.

This whole vitamin obsession is a one giant madness. And it gets worse when people supplement with cheap ass supplements like absorbic acid (vitamin C) that is unstable and wreaks a havoc in the body. These astronomic doses like 5000 mgs down regulate bodies receptors capabilities for these nutrients and may actually lead to scurvy or other "goodies" 

A proper diet balanced around wholefoods has all the nutrients. The exception (for vegans) being B12 which all vegans absolutely must supplement and Vitamin D which is easy to get on sunny days. 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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probably more than waste of money, it can cause kidney damage or poisoning of that particular vitamin.

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Best way to take vitamins are fruits/nuts/seeds/vegetables. 

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