
Dark Night of Soul

28 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, Nahm said:



Thánatos: Son of Nyx (Night) and Erebos (Darkness) and twin of Hypnos(Sleep).

The assumptions and projections are so deep, they are being mistaken for truth. This is classic “being right”, to reinforce the ego. Maya is sneakier than you have realized yet. 

The Self is horrifying if you hang on to the ego. When you let go, it’s joy. It is our light which most frightens us. 

Sadly that is also incorrect. The truth is that ego is an arbitrary line we assign to things and cannot be fully sure if it’s gone. It’s not the light humans fear or that dark, but the void. To say that you are hanging on to joy shows you aren’t ready for nullity. 

2 hours ago, Ibn Sina said:

At the end of the day, I think it all comes down to happiness. May be your extremely penetrating mind has really grasped the utter meaninglessness , dreadfulness, hellish nature of reality which the rest of us are not able to grasp. My question is , so what? So what if you have finally realized the true dreadful nature of reality (though you cannot provide any direct and convincing evidence, and you don't even realize how deeply you have latched onto this negative meaning on reality )? Has that made you more happy? More productive? Has realizing that  in away liberated you or fulfilled you, or has knowing about the utter meaningless of reality made you feel bad? if it makes you more depressed , then it is better to fool yourself into happiness. It is far more wiser to be foolish and happy, then then think that you have found the truth (which you are doing right now though you will keep on insisting otherwise), and then be depressed as a result.

It’s not thinking one knows, but knowing. 

Its a mistake to think that life is about being happy and productive, that’s the modern society’s view on things. To gaze out at all of it and fathom true nothingness is nothing short of crippling. It’s laughing in a sense at the absurdity of our existence and attempts to cope with the void. It’s not something you can prove but rather something you can sense and comprehend, it’s thinking but not with words or pictures but more of a sense. But isn’t that spirituality in a nutshell? No real evidence and just taking people at their word? 

A negative value to the void is an accurate stance to take when you strip any attempt at joy or happiness. It’s a weird phenomenon of sensing it’s not a desirable outcome, but knowing it’s the truth, and having all of it not matter one way or the other. Seeing that most of spirtuality is selling something they don’t have. 

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26 minutes ago, Thanatos13 said:

Thánatos: Son of Nyx (Night) and Erebos (Darkness) and twin of Hypnos(Sleep).

That is how deep the illusion runs. Wake up. Realize you’re projecting. 



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28 minutes ago, Thanatos13 said:

But isn’t that spirituality in a nutshell? No real evidence and just taking people at their word

No, that’s religion / dogma.

Instead, Self inquiry. Direct experience. The only worth of spirituality is a means to directly experiencing the truth, nonduality.

29 minutes ago, Thanatos13 said:

A negative value to the void is an accurate stance to take when you strip any attempt at joy or happiness

Realize you’re adding the negative value, and don’t attempt anything. You are justifying your negativity here, while claiming no meaning / meaninglessness.  Read what you wrote as if someone else wrote it. 

Dualities....desirable, not desirable. Positive, negative. Spiritual, not spiritual. Thinking won’t resolve any of this for you. The thinking reinforces the llusion. It’s completely contingent on it, until it isn’t at all. Being - is without thinking. 



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@Thanatos13 Honestly, where is the love you experience coming from? Is it a product of your heart? Your head? Both? Thinking, chemical reaction, then bodily sensation? Who experiences that process? 



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On Wed Apr 18 2018 at 6:37 AM, Thanatos13 said:

I have realized that those who speak of coming out from the dark night of the soul as soemthing transformed for the better were likely lying. I think they didn’t really grasp the lesson from it. 

That everything is meaningless and void. Accounts of positive transformations from it are just ego defense to not have to deal with the reality of our existence. 

No matter what we do or what we decide it is all meaningless and void. It’s paralyzing and soul sapping to realize that, so we make up metaphors of it being a cocoon to make it seem like some transformation rather than the reality of existence .

And what do you want from us? Do you want us to see the meaninglessness of reality? What are you doing here if everything is meaningless? Why are you trying to make us see something that will do no good for  us? Was your life better before truth? If yes why are you trying to drag us with you in misery? 

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2 hours ago, Nahm said:

@Thanatos13 Honestly, where is the love you experience coming from? Is it a product of your heart? Your head? Both? Thinking, chemical reaction, then bodily sensation? Who experiences that process? 

The body does, there is no who. Science has made that clear. Love and other feelings are chemicals that we give meanings to but have no meaning.


2 hours ago, Nahm said:

No, that’s religion / dogma.

Instead, Self inquiry. Direct experience. The only worth of spirituality is a means to directly experiencing the truth, nonduality.

Realize you’re adding the negative value, and don’t attempt anything. You are justifying your negativity here, while claiming no meaning / meaninglessness.  Read what you wrote as if someone else wrote it. 

Dualities....desirable, not desirable. Positive, negative. Spiritual, not spiritual. Thinking won’t resolve any of this for you. The thinking reinforces the llusion. It’s completely contingent on it, until it isn’t at all. Being - is without thinking. 

That is also incorrect. Being is not without thinking since insight is a cognitive event. You aren’t beyond anything you merely believe yourself to be. Spirituality is merely taking people’s word for it without proof. “Direct experience” isn’t proof of anything, anyone who has read Descartes and Pyrrho can understand why. Spirituality doesn’t give truth, it just shows that humans project what they want onto their experience. You don’t directly experience truth, but it makes for a good story to tell ourselves. Truth isn’t an experience, at least not in the way you say it. Your words show you have much to learn (or unlearn). 


3 hours ago, Nahm said:

That is how deep the illusion runs. Wake up. Realize you’re projecting. 

Sad thing is, I’m not projecting. But if that helps you feel secure in your beliefs then go ahead.


1 hour ago, Malelekakis said:

And what do you want from us? Do you want us to see the meaninglessness of reality? What are you doing here if everything is meaningless? Why are you trying to make us see something that will do no good for  us? Was your life better before truth? If yes why are you trying to drag us with you in misery? 

I do. I want to show people the folly and hypocrisy of their pursuit and the very act of “improvement”. The fact that you are so focused on “good” (which doesn’t really exist) shows that people don’t want the truth but what feels good. 

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I have read a lot of posts of spiritual seekers and allegedly enlightened people who did not like this eternal now, oneness with everything, enlightenment, but could not go back. If somebody experiences non-duality, oneness, emptiness, nothingness, beyond time and space, but not bliss, on the contrary, agony, why is not it called enlightenment?

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