
165 Days Before College

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I finished the last project i had to do with my friend from uni and two other older girls. I realised one of them is not a good human being. I really saw her shit and is really bad. Motivation to not be like that when 45 yr old. 


Walked 8? km from uni to work by foot. Arrived at 12 and left at 20:30. 

I was criticized for not knowing stuff about some of my accounts and so on. I felt shitty. 

Arrived home and ate a little. Took a long hot shower, 

Some yt and then studying for tomorrow's test.


Worked yesterday for that client of mine and i felt so done with it. I dont know how to solve some problems there and this makes me go crazy.


I was surprised to hear my colleagues go to the store instead of ordering food. Turns out they are low on money until next week, when we get paid. Wow. I thought they are doing better than me.



I thought about not going to BE for that internship this summer. What is the point, fun? I dont want to continue working in horticulture, i dont know if i want to do that work in the future, why sacrifice my time for that? And my job too. I hope i wont get fired otherwise wont make sense. I dont know man.


I am tired but maybe i complain too much. Ppl with little kids dont complain as much as i do. Just push yourself. I mean they have to loose sleep for years and i complain for 1,5 yrs left of uni. Isnt fair.




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On 22/01/2022 at 10:25 PM, Everyday said:

Messaged that girl i was writing previously. Waiting for her response. Probably has a BF. 

Haha she didnt even opened the message =))))))


Things went better at work and at uni.


My colleagues told be about what that guy that everyone is bullying did last week at a test. We had a test with a very serious woman and he used is phone to cheat in class. He was actually staying behind me and was whispering to me to not leave so he could cheat. I left to work and didnt give a fuck. The professor caught him and he cheated again! She couldn't believe it.

Today we had the same test again. He arrived late in class, then after some time just went out without saying a word. Returned again and the professor asked him to leave because she had enough of his BS. He didnt leave no matter how much she told him to. She even took the test even if the professor told him he wont count his test. It was insane, he would just push and push! Unbelievable! 


What else?

I had a call with a client together with one of my bosses and a colleague. We were shocked how stupid this client and especially his wife are. Just out of this world. Yet, they are tv hosts and have this site for like 20 years. You don't have to be smart to achieve your dreams. You can be straight dumb and still make things work.

I am 10 times more insecure than both even if they are clearly less smart than a rock. 


A colleague of ours told us about a client and his paid marketing counselor. He is literally full of shit. Doesn't even know how to look up at sold products last month in Google Analytics. And his salary is like 5000. Out of this world. My colleague told us how he cant even decide on a plan on what products to sell even if he works full time. His boss trusts him because he pays him a shitload of money. 

Our colleague told us to get a job like this in the future. I am thinking about it. Is crazy that i am learning more than PPC at this job. 



My grandma felt very sick. My family went to her. Mom is staying overnight at her place. 

I am preparing for tomorrow's test, another test and presentation at university. Going to work until late. Have a lot to finish at work too. 

I dont want to loose my job.




I finished the last project i had to do with my friend from uni and two other older girls. I realised one of them is not a good human being. I really saw her shit and is really bad. Motivation to not be like that when 45 yr old. 


Walked 8? km from uni to work by foot. Arrived at 12 and left at 20:30. 

I was criticized for not knowing stuff about some of my accounts and so on. I felt shitty. 

Arrived home and ate a little. Took a long hot shower, 

Some yt and then studying for tomorrow's test.


Worked yesterday for that client and i felt so done with it. I dont know how to solve some problems there and this makes me go crazy.


I thought about not going to BE for that internship this summer. What is the point, fun? I dont want to continue working in horticulture, i dont know if i want to do that work in the future, why sacrifice my time for that? And my job too. I hope i wont get fired otherwise wont make sense. I dont know man.






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Went to grandma and received some nuts and biscuits. She is feeling better.

I met with colleagues from high school at a bar i went to with the foreigners i lived with. I said to them they have good food here but is expensive. He looked at me weirdly and said - but you have a job?! How is this expensive for you? 

Over the course of the night i spent the least amount of money. They all got a lot more food than i did when we went to a store afterwards.


We all talked about getting wasted but they gave up drinking because eating too much lol. That is a classic ahahah. I stopped drinking as well cuz it was Sunday night. Sad i didnt even start that wine bottle. 


One of them told me about his NFTs he is making. I told them about the bitcoin i bought and shit like that. They all got shocked. No one heard about staking. WTF? They got into this whole thing last summer?!!!!!!!! They didnt have any idea about exchanges and so on. I learned everything in December man . 


One of them said he just has some random tokens he got for free. They said they dont want any bitcoin cuz it will just x2, and not go to x50 overnight. I tried to reason with them about long term investing but it made no sense to them. I was just shocked man. 

On top of that one of them was saying we should make a group chat about signals and shit like that. I told them about the youtubers i am watching and they didnt really care to watch dozens of hours of content. 


Though they wanted to know how much money i spent on crypto overall. Anyways, it was clear they aren't really into researching this so makes no sense to try to help them. 


A friend of them quit uni a few years ago. He is earning 1000 euros per month by working at a call center during night shift. He has 90 kg now. He was very insecure about it. 


The one who went to Austria to work and made 4000 euros has less than half now. He still didnt find a job over here. He spent or borrowed most of that amount of money. Told him to look into investing but he wasnt interested. He spends his time doing free courses for some programming stuff. But not really doing it 100% 



I asked one of them why is he year 4 at uni when we finished HS 5 years ago. He said 1st year he just didn't go to university because he didnt like it. The following year he had to re-do the whole year. Now, he wants to do the same this year as well. WTF? I dont get why would you want to do 6 years of uni because of being lazy????????!!! I didnt comment on this but wtf? I mean doesnt he want to be done with uni so he can work? Apparently not...

He doesnt want to bribe his professors to pass exams but he wont study either ?! He said he will really study this year or next one but i dont really believe him. 





On Monday by boss got upset of making stupid mistakes with this new client :( I just had to fucking read that email instead of looking fast over it and jumping into work. He was frustrated i still dont know some basic staff after one year here. He is actually right. I could have spent more time looking on my accounts and actually asking more questions and reading more and so on. 

All those months slacking off during the days i was working from home do show now. I am fucking retarded. 


Worked overtime each day. I am really worried i will get fired man.


I levelled up the music while working x2 because of that stupid girl from work who talks all the time.  


I was very anti-social at work. I just worked and didnt mind anyone. Left at 20:00


I failed one test from last week, the second time around. I wont be able to take the exam. OOOOOOOOoooofffffff.



Spoke with sister and brother. My brother was playing video games and speaking with his gf. God, that girl is so annoying. While we where speaking with my sister, her BF joined and went on a bunch of nonsense as usually. 

They all tried to convince me to take a week off work to go on vacation with them. I said i wanted to focus on work and that i might get fired but they didnt seem to care. I refused them over and over.


As i thought my sister didnt read anything about planet-watch not her BF. She wanted to invest but told her to read the white-paper 1st. She still didnt. She had time tho to watch a few movies with her BF. Classic =))))))))))))))




I am still saving for those sensors. I have to say i am impressed of not giving up and cutting lots of expenses. I am proud of myself. 



I am still shocked of the amount of money my colleagues from work spend on food. It is fucking alarming. I dont get how they can afford to: they smoke too and have nice clothes and everything. I am just shocked. One of them i know that orders food at home too. I am really dumb-folded. How can you afford to spent so much? I feel embarrassed to ask.  

Interesting to see that my bosses dont order food daily. Very interesting, even if they can afford to. 





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Hey Yooo


Worked overtime to finish ads for a client a few days ago. I was working not thinking. Next day i start the ads. The client sees them and freaks out, call me and my boss. Got told again to take my shit together or i will get fired. I felt so stupid man....


Woke up this morning and i could have slept until 12 or just not work all day but chose to work. I was lazy while working from home and this bit my in the fking ass now.


After work i spent time with family. I should have studied for uni but i was so lazy...


Sister invited me to join her and her BF for a one week trip at the end of the month. Told them i have to work and they didnt seems to care. Also another reason to say no was to pay off those sensors. I didnt tell them about it because i dont want to face criticism. I have never saved so much money.


But brother kept talking shit about not having a boss and other shit. 


I was criticised by father and brother for the food i made for myself a few days ago. They said it looks like puke :(


I was smart no to join the optimize one year course. I would have paid the money and barely investing time in it.


One of my high school made an scene about these ppl getting rich and the metaverse and so on. I came with good examples and what i read daily from coin bureau. He seen my messages. I am still shocked he didnt actually read much about crypto even if he has been into it longer than me. This sucks.  

The friend who makes NFTs said ETH is so expensive and he doesnt know from where to get his. I told him to forget about Coinbase and get from FTX, Binance or Kucoin.  He laughed of these exchanges names instead of taking notes. WTF?






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I woke up at 9:30 because i went late to bed. My brother woke me up and i was so fucking ashamed.... I should be working but i just wanted to sleep...


I am ashamed to write here that i thought of ex and missed sex and cuddling. It comes by no surprise since i had a difficult day at work. I felt so fucking bad. 

I deleted all likes, reactions and all comments i wrote on her posts from "activity log". I just want to forget it all. I deleted and blocked her on instagram. I felt so cringe remembering about it all. I was so fucking stupid and lazy and so weak. 


I feel a little better now. I will study for my exam next week and exercise tonight. 


Yeah talking about work..... I am thinking that i will get fired next month to be honest. I am more worried about the shame of it instead of money. I still have my monthly scholarship. I am just ashamed of being fired for not doing my fucking job properly...


One good thing? I havent been to kineto again even if 6 months passed. Due to regular training my back pains are mostly gone. My whole body is better overall. Last year i went again at kineto cuz my back was hurt. 



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Failed today's exam. I wont be able to re-take it until this summer. If i wanted to leave to Belgium i couldn't. It is not a surprised i didnt pass. I didnt really study.

At least things at work where good. 


I am glad i postponed the massage course. I would not have been able to do it now. 


I earned $2 something from the crypto i staked. I thought is impossible to have 8000 Euros invested like those guys on YT.  But i estimated i earned 8000 Euros last year until now with my salary and scholarship. But i spent it all. I still cant believe the amount of money i would have invested if i saved up. It is fucking crazy.


To be honest, I am just looking forward to work out, cook weekly meals, get better at my job and earn more money to invest in the stock market, p2p and crypto. I am not excited about university,  exams and studying. I really couldn’t care less.






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On Monday I earned two dollars from $370 of staked USDt+Nexo+BTC. I should have put auto-stake for BTC. I lost one week of interest on that because the term was finished. I feel so excited but also surprised one month passed since i deposited that amount of money.


My friend from the second internship called me. Told him i am struggling with work and uni so i didnt work on my project.

I asked him about his planetwatch sensors. He said he makes $1000 per month right now and will be able to make $5000 once the other sensors arrive. He said he needs those sensors faster because he has a debt to pay. I was shocked! I thought all the money he invest are from his savings... 

He said he failed at his masters as well. 


Work was good but made some stupid mistakes as usually. 

A colleague showed me his online earnings with his shop i make ads for. I was so envious. But i should be inspired. 


I have to say that i didnt ran into buying junk food when i felt bad. I thought is not possible but i abstained from it no matter how bad i felt. That is so impressive! All because of having to save money for those sensors! Amazing!


You remember about that client i took off the books? He didnt pay for the setting i have done so far nor for the monthly maintenance. I sent him the contract signed but he didnt respond if he signed it too. I found myself not wanting to work on his account. I didnt but forced myself to. I d rather work on other accounts. I dont like this man. 

Having your own clients sucks to be honest so far. No one to ask if there are account problems and such. Fucking shit man. I wont tell him to pay me cuz i dont want to get fired from my actual job.


I am more convinced i will get fired next month because of the money mistakes i have done. I should be fired. I didnt pay enough attention as i should have.



My sister didnt answer to calls from me and our family for a few days because she was writing for her degree. My brother told me he knows from her BF that she is actually watching tv series all day. Shit man.



Went driving last Sunday, didnt i say? I was ashamed how it wasnt as at as scary as i remembered. I was so ashamed i stopped driving for 4 months or so due to fear... The fear of driving is the fucking worst... i am more afraid of driving than of failing exams and getting fired. 



I have to say that i am speaking shit about my sister and brother for spending all their time with their S.O. But if i am honest i would do the same, worse even. The only reason i work on myself is because i am single.


About being single - a girl at work said she couldnt care less about Valentine's day


I forgot about the many problems being in a relationship brings. Looking at my brother and his gf over here.





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My sister is returning home after 6 months in Italy. Her boyfriend, my family and my grandma gave her a lot of money and she spent them all. Her boyfriend ordered her food and she was too lazy to cook for herself. To be honest when i was studying abroad my grandma gave me just $10 not thousands of euros like she gave to my sister. My envy showed. 

My sister plans to go in a vacation with his BF next week but on my father's money. She still donest want to get a job.


Worked out yesterday and was surprised of the progress i made since last month. I wrote down my stats for the same exercises i did and it was much better. Last month for example i did 40 pushups in one go and now 48!


What else? I woke up tired but forced myself to work. I wanted to sleep 2 h more and watch shit online. I got used to do this last few months heavily... I feel stupid... i should have looked over these accounts last month when i had more time. I should have added more sitelinks, looked over old ads and making new ones etc. 


I massaged my brother because he asked me to. He told me he kept working out but not all the time. That he follows some app and doesnt really do full body. Just arms with weights. I told him he should it more veggies and proteins after working out but he said he doesnt want to spent money on those. I understand this but i dont agree. 

I thought he took working out more seriously. But he didnt like he didnt read about crypto and stocks. 


I looked back on the times i was studying ads to get a job. A year passed. I have a good job for now at least...




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Went to grandma to buy her some prescription meds. She took some pills and didn't heard her phone, knocking and ringing at the door. My parents thought she died and talked about their plans with the money she has ahahha. When i arrived home, we all laughed of her behaviour. She called me on my way home and she sounded like she took all the drugs in the world lol. She just woke up after those pills, several hours later. 

Later, i was joking with my brother that i will get some pills from her for next party. The good shit. =)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


Sister returned from Italy. He had all a big dinner and roasted each other. 

My parents started arguing with each other once again. I made fun of them for speaking sweet to each other but not really meaning it - they reminded me that i did just the same with ex. We all laughed. They were right ahahhahh.

My sister's BF came over too and i was struggling to even listen to him. Man, he is so fucking annoying. He talked again about doing business and shit and i wanted to point out all the errors he makes. He started talking about getting some european funds for some projects - like he does all the time.

He talked about his best friend wanting to propose to his GF. I was surprised. We all agreed he chose an ugly ring. 


What else? 


I made pancakes with my father. It was as hard as i thought it would be.


Didnt drive this weekend cuz i found some dumb excuse. 


I find it harder and harder to fucking study for university. Is so annoying and boring. 


My siblings told me im very lucky this year cuz i dont have to buy presents for Valentines as they have to. I felt insulted but they are right. I am lucky. I dont have to lie to a gf and pretend so much. I changed so much since last year. Good stuff hahahhaha. 


I am waiting for tomorrow to get an email with the dollar or so of interest from Nexo. Isn't much but i am excited i am getting interest on those coins even if i deposited them in January. 



A girl from work, the annoying one was saying she doesn't care of V-day because she is single. I was surprised. She looks cold and annoying. 


Listen to this, man!


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I was waiting for work to end today. Didn't feel like working much. But i was excited i made some sales using promotional extensions for a few sites. I chose the products with the biggest discount. I was so surprised those items sold but probably because where -40% off.


Two girls from work got a day off to celebrate V-day with their lovers. I mean one of them the other one i dont know. It was so quiet at work only that annoying girl interrupted me several times because she was in pain no speaking 24/7


Another girl started talking how she doesn't even celebrate V-day with her boyfriend. I found it annoying. She said she doesn't even like to get flowers and some other shit.


I was daydreaming of having a relationship while taking a shower. Thought to block ex and be done with it already. Thought of continuing to invest in myself. Not good enough, you know?


I am supposed to be studying for work but seriously i dont want to. I feel pissed i have to. Is so boring, rather read about crypto. 


My sister asked me if i even go to dates and stuff while we were all at the table. I was evasive but felt ashamed cuz i am not doing any of that. 

Mom told them again about that priest who wanted me to meet his daughter last summer. They looked her up on FB, her father sent my mom a picture of her FB url =))))))))))))))))))))))))))

They said this girls kinda looks like ex. I dont like to hear about her again and she doesnt look like her. 

They all made fun of her and i felt so embarrassed. I told them that i dont want to be with a girl if there is no sex involved since she is a priest daughter. They looked at me like WTF? They told me i should be with her cuz she has money and stuff and free food at church ahahahahha =))))))))))



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So one of my bosses said we have to collect $10 for each when is someone's b-day. I gave already $20.

Passed yesterday's exam with an 8. It was easier than i thought but could have got better if i studied more - which i didnt feel keen to do beforehand. 

The exam i couldnt take was easier than i thought. Everyone passed. Wow. I couldnt even take the exam...


In hindsight it was stupid to save that amount of money in a few months. Too stressful. 

I feel less energy to work out as i would like to have. Same for studying or being productive after work. I just want to watch tv series and YT. Not a good place to be right now. 


Made plans to hang out with friends from HS and my friend from university.


I felt today i wont get fired next month after all. 


I left work late same time with that girl i asked out almost a year ago. Wow. I was worried i make her uncomfortable. Didnt realise almost one year passed. Wow. I am reaching one year single in April or end of March. Wow. WTF? God, it went so fast. It was the 1st year i spent most of it working full time. Wow again!


What else, what else?

Grandma is getting crazier. My mom and brother cant stand her. 


Since sister came back she spent her time with her BF. No work for her degree. She said i am bully for asking her about her plans after college. 

My family realised i am saving money and now they ask me to give them some as well. When i spent everything, was i less of a threat? 

Anyways, i feel calmer overall having a salary+scholarship in my account. I am not feeling anxious about going through the rest of the month after spending most of my pay-check soon after hitting my bank account.  


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I just read some comments of mine from March - May 2021.....? 

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Things at work go well. Going through each DSA campaign and changing last year's links for products with special prices. I discovered some really lazy ad texts i have done last year. Making it better right now. 


Went to the house i used to live last summer. Had pasta night with all the others foreigners. I felt uncomfortable not being there for almost two months. Had some interesting talks with some people from Israel, France, Uruguay and even a girl from my city. She was my friend's gf. They have been together for almost two months. Now he stays mostly at her place. 

She also works in marketing. She was telling me about her job, doing branding for Pharma. Interesting stuff. 

He told me 3 months ago that he doesnt have time for a gf with all the stuff he is doing now. I was even more surprised that they met on Tinder. Wow.

Arrived home at 2 or 3 am. Puked and fell asleep. Woke up feeling seek half of the day.


I am thinking to move back for 1 - 2 months this summer. Just for fun. Not sure tho because all the money it would involve. Maybe i can put those money in smth else to improve some area of my life. 


What else?

Remember that client i took outside of work? He told me it would be the case to send him the check for all the work i have been doing since January. I literally was waiting for him to pay me last month and thought he scammed me. He was just waiting for me to tell him to pay lol ahahhahha =))))))))



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Time at work passed very fast today.

One client asked me to change the ad texts from all campaigns on fb. It's February and i still had #christmas in texts. 


Spent a few hours after i arrived at the office looking on each account and thinking how things are going. 

At 18:30 by boss asked me how things are going at one of my accounts. I said i ummm yeah i started the dsa.. i mean Display, the display campaign... and yeah. He looked at me like wtf are you saying? Man i froze.


I went driving last Sunday. 


But some equipment for my project for uni.


Spent some money on Titano, this project with a sketchy APY. I acted on impulse to be honest. 

I was quite lazy this last 3 days. Little work and lots of wasting time. 


At least i worked out yesterday and felt amazing. I kept telling myself i cant finish those 300 reps of 5 exercises but i did. 


My father is stressed about the possibility of a war out east. 


I will find another job if i am fired next month. No biggie. I am still young. Have a year of experience even if i am not an expert.




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My country is neighbours with Ukraine. They are speaking of ppl enlisting in war if Russians arrive at our border. We already received ppl from there this morning. 


Woke up at 7 to open up the family business because my father was with my mom and grandma for her operation. Her mental health is degrading fast and my parents cant deal with this very well. 

I checked the markets and saw BTC at $34,560 wow. ETH  at $2,351. Bought the dip for each with $51. Just in time.

All the $10 gains i made on Titano where down completely. 

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