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have i opened Sahasrara chakra?

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today i became for no apperent reason very ecstatic and i dont know why. it just came to me.

yesterday i saw leos videos "Contemplating Your Own Death" before bed time and in the morning i thought about that i need to live the now because there is really nothing other in life and if not i am wasting my time. after a hour i starded mindfulness meditation (first time) , i did it as i walked and during the meditation i realized that the external world is just the way it is and have no effect of my feelings, then i started to become very ecstatic and aware , like i took a drug, my whole body became ecstatic. i set under a tree and just watched at the wall and i keept doing the mindfulness meditation so i wont get off, then i remembered sadhguru video about chakras and his description about my situation is exactly how i felt, afer like a hour or two i just didnt concentrate this feelings and it wear off, this feeling was too harsh for me (after that long time).sorry for my shitty grammer.

edit: i didnt remember when but i understood that the now is life, that past is dont life. can you really feel your past? you cant , you can get kind of sense but it wont feel like now, and if it is , it mostly just some brain lies so it will feel real . the now is just exist , the future is unknown and death is infinate, your death does not matter, you die and live at the same time , being alive does not matter as being dead, it just it.

did it was sahasrara?



Edited by TheSomeBody

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I think If you really opened your sahasrara you would not miss it :D You would explode Into exstacy :D

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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30 minutes ago, TheSomeBody said:

have i opened Sahasrara chakra?

No !!!

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3 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:

No !!!

so what happened?

18 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

I think If you really opened your sahasrara you would not miss it :D You would explode Into exstacy :D

that what happened, it was so harsh, even painful exstacy, but i was sure about it



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2 minutes ago, TheSomeBody said:


that what happened, it was so harsh, even painful exstacy, but i was sure about it



This is how it sounds like when someone describes their experience of opening sahasrara :D

Bhava spandana is the program sadhguru is talkino about at 7.35 in your video about chakras

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Opening a chakra is somewhat of a misnomer because they're never really fully closed... otherwise you'd probably just die. 

The pouring open of the crown would likely render you completely incapacitated. 

Does sound like some increased flow in your energy centers though. Good stuff. 

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7 minutes ago, Arman said:

Opening a chakra is somewhat of a misnomer because they're never really fully closed... otherwise you'd probably just die. 

The pouring open of the crown would likely render you completely incapacitated. 

Does sound like some increased flow in your energy centers though. Good stuff. 

it was so intense and it just some increased flow??

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1 hour ago, TheSomeBody said:

it was so intense and it just some increased flow??

Yes. It could be the most intense experience of your life by a far stretch, and it is still only 1% of the potential of the human energetic system. 

Edited by Arman

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