
No painkillers after surgery

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Literally sat waiting to go into Surgery and I've told all the hospital staff that are looking after me that I want no painkillers after awakening, they are all shocked and advised me against it. However, I stand firm on my decision, I believe I can get through this via mindfulness and breath. 


Just to confirm (as I'm a little bit nervous) that I'm going to completely surrender to whatever pain I endure on awakening and breath into it 100%?

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You're gonna carry that weight.

I admire your courage and your determination, please report back after the experience.

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Very brave and admirable decision ! The pain would eventually kick in anyway unless you'd want to stay on painkillers until the wound heals but the first 24 hrs will probably be worst, depending on the depth of cut. 

Perhaps the shamanic breathing could help you get through it. Good luck and stay strong !!

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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@Otogi @Michael569

Thanks guys!!! I'm totally disoriented after coming round (been about an hour and a half), nurses and doctors are very impressed how I've handled it. I used every tool in the tool box and meditated at every single chance. 

Smashed it ? ?

Thanks for your encouragement and well wishes ♥️


EDIT: Still in pain now but using techniques and working very well.

Edited by Charlotte

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@Charlotte Very brave, I admire your courage.

Best of luck ❤️

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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Any particular reason why you don't want pain medication?

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@Bhoyay  Many reasons. Main one being to rid my body of unnatural, man-made foreign substances ?.

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