
How to humble yourself?

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What do you do to humble your self? Very essential thing


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Suffering. Deep deep suffering.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Be aware of your devilish tendencies. Contemplate death. Read / watch stuff about the cosmos. Practice gratitude 

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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bonjour, Monkey-man❤︎

Humbling oneself doesn't seem as the same thing to me as knowing authentic humility— I'll try to change that in one fell swoop.

The OP asks "how to humble yourself"…

Many people do subscribe to the "school of pain", but I wonder why that is.

I don't buy it. Perhaps your average blockhead needs that kind of trauma to produce a state of mind to appreciate others' good fortune(?); what's that got to do with humility— is that a comparative thing going on— in order to feel less fortunate compared to those who are experiencing less suffering? That's pretty selfish right off the bat. (You didn't mean that right, Leo?)

The way to feel humility (for me) is through great gratitude (I see Infinite Potential mentioned that above).

Certainly (and paradoxically), I have indeed exhibited a good-natured cheerfulness through a feeling of gratitude after experiencing a loss (not that I would have dared to identify the loss as a trigger for suffering nor did I even consider that event a misfortune).

I find that true wonder is an experiential source for one to know humility. Like seeing the Milky Way… how wonderful!

In order to know humility in such a way that one could be said to have "humbled oneself"~ I don't know.

I believe this gets back to something that is intrinsically a deep state of the natural mind-ground of the individual— that is something akin to knowing the natural goodness of reality as is-- and being openly sincere in the courage to be vulnerable to that goodness for the sheer hell of it— or simply to avoid shutting oneself off from knowing that kind of intimacy with reality as is.

So I'll say that a really good way to humble oneself is to commit to being fearless to the consequences of accepting true vulnerability in one's everyday ordinary situations. I believe that what I have just suggested is the best way to realize the intent of Jesus, who proscribed "turning the other cheek." That is, since one is mindfully ready and able to accept "misfortune" (which is relative) in the second place, one is certainly ready and able to being vulnerable to conditions by virtue of one's mindfully active humility to what is, in the first place; a priori, as it were.

"Turning the other cheek" isn't about being a doormat.



ed note: add parentheses to "misfortune" and (which is relative)… to penultimate paragraph

Edited by deci belle

Nana i ke kumu  Ka imi loa

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Go to a cancer ward.

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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8 hours ago, Monkey-man said:

What do you do to humble your self? Very essential thing

Don't try to be humble. Nobody can try humility, and nobody can create humility through any effort of his own, no. When the ego is no more, a humbleness comes to you. A really egoless person is not humble at all. He is neither arrogant nor humble; he is simply himself.

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17 minutes ago, Vipassana said:

mushrooms humbled the fuck out of me 

That'll do it! Aren't they great at that? :D

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Vipassana said:

mushrooms humbled the fuck out of me 

hahaha this. <3 second it! I didn't even know what 'being humble' meant before that xD

whatever arises, love that

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You only have to humble with yourself personally. With others, depends B|.

In the end depends on your own interior harmony. To be humble with everyone is just a belief system.

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Karma Yoga. I think that is what it is designed for. Selfless service.

Imagine serving soup to homeless people instead of reading self-help books at home.

Imagine volunteering to tutor children instead of working on your business.

That would be a real beating to our personal development egos, don't you think?

Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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