Brian Greendahl

Born Enlightened?

21 posts in this topic

Do you believe it's possible for someone to be born enlightened? I know claim has been made of different beings historically, but what about in modern times? What are your thoughts, examples etc.? 

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11 hours ago, werlight said:

yes. it is posible..

you are a "normal" kid .. but you are diferent in many ways..

you are extremely sensitive with incredibly high empathy 

you can almost read the feelings of others

you have a strong connection with what seems to be a sublime or divine part of yourself

you have a strong sense of being one with everything around you

your head radiates light whenever you have feelings of love or compasion

you dont feel attached to your ego and material things dont seem to be important


@Truth seeker

Edited by werlight

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@werlight many children have that. But they are unconscious of it and they loose it and fixate in ego. Born enlightened means that you don't fixate that much and are conscious of your being.

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@Toby yes that too .. any many other things.. ?

Edited by werlight

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There's quite a few remarks and indications on this forum that one needs an element of maturity to find the way.

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Could it be that everyone is born enlightened and when we become conscious of ourself, we start believing that we are the body, the mind and the identity? ☺

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4 hours ago, WelcometoReality said:

Could it be that everyone is born enlightened and when we become conscious of ourself, we start believing that we are the body, the mind and the identity? ☺


Before we are born we are all made of pure light. Our essential nature IS light. So in that sense YES.. we are all enlightened before we are born.

We come into this world knowing and accepting that we will forget who we are. What's incredibly beautiful is the reason we do this..

.. we do it simply so that one day we will remember and experience the beauty that we are. That is our gift to us..

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5 hours ago, WelcometoReality said:

Could it be that everyone is born enlightened and when we become conscious of ourself, we start believing that we are the body, the mind and the identity? ☺

I thought the same thing.


26 minutes ago, werlight said:

What's incredibly beautiful is the reason we do this..

.. we do it simply so that one day we will remember and experience the beauty that we are. That is our gift to us..

Whats even cooler is no two paths are alike. Sometimes I wonder if that's the reason for our existence, to re-discover the truth through our own unique reality. beautiful is an understatement. I'm at a loss for words.

When things go wrong in your perspective, remember it's not about you ?

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13 hours ago, Water said:

I thought the same thing.


Whats even cooler is no two paths are alike. Sometimes I wonder if that's the reason for our existence, to re-discover the truth through our own unique reality. beautiful is an understatement. I'm at a loss for words.

your intuition is correct.. the reason for our existence is to remember (or rediscover) the beauty that we ARE.. and not only to remember but to experience who we really are.. that IS what enlightenment IS.

Imagine going through all the trouble of creating a universe only for this.. that is how special enlightenment IS.

and we are not victims of someone elses plan or project.. we all decided "as One" to do this.. we decided to "forget" so that one day we would remember.. 

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Born enlightened? O.o

After I started reading this forum, I kinda don't know what people mean by ENLIGHTENMENT anymore. People are having different opinions on enlightenment so to answer this "Born enlightened?" question, I might have to ask what do you mean when you say enlightenment? What is enlightenment to you? What do you think enlightenment would be like?

To me, enlightenment is being in state of nothingness. Mind does not exist in enlightened state. Not even awareness. Babies feels, want, and know. I'm not just saying this out of book or hearsay. Babies are not enlightened because the ego (sense of self) is formed at the moment the egg in the womb is fertilized. Not only big animals have this ego (sense of self), little animals in our bodies such as cells also have ego.

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Depending on who you ask, yes. "Everyone is already enlightened, but most forget that they are".  I think this is a correct view.   The different paths are meant to decondition you back to your "enlightened" state. 

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I agree that a lot of posters on this forum have turned enlightenment into a concept.  

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No, one cannot be born enlightened, though one can be born without (almost) negative karma.

One has to develop through all the pre-developmental lines anyway, but without the karma one can become enlightened pretty quick.

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Everyone is born enlightened. Society makes us unenlightened 

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@Quizzer if we are born enlightened and society makes us unenlightened then that means we will become unenlightened again after becoming enlightened... by the society

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51 minutes ago, Abhijeet Singh said:

@Quizzer if we are born enlightened and society makes us unenlightened then that means we will become unenlightened again after becoming enlightened... by the society


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