
Feeling is the ultimate healer

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Another excerpt from my journal, that I intend to help those not finding fulfilment in their spiritual practices. This simple shift, and addition, might make a big difference :) 

A few weeks ago I was lost in my thoughts, doing my spiritual practices. The epiphany came to me that this wasn't fulfilling me. Another day, I love my heart without doing any practices, and realise that this is what I've been looking for all along. I never knew what Matt Kahn meant by "heart-centred consciousness" until I compared how I felt after both days. Nowadays, my centre of awareness isn't in my thoughts, but in my heart, in the feelings that are constantly and miraculously arising there. 

By default most people when triggered by a situation such as when a certain passive aggressive tone is used, they immediately get lost in their thoughts of "How dare she say that to me!" instead of getting lost in the emotions, of anger or frustration, which in fact are the cause of all thoughts in that, and every single moment. The importance of this cannot be overemphasised. Emotions create thoughts, and thoughts disappear once you feel an emotion like a child just wanting some attention. You may not like how the child (emotion) is behaving, but doesn't it equally deserve your attention nevertheless? Right now in my journey I no longer subscribe to any thoughts. I'm in a constant zen meditation, using any thought that arises as a reminder to feel into any emotions in my body.

The power of this practice, of using thoughts to bring you back into feeling, has transformed the very fabric of my reality into peace, bliss and harmony. Even in the middle of the thought, "I really love the idea of going to..." stop it right in it's tracks! You don't need to be polite with your thoughts, and finish them up before feeling your heart. I mean as soon as you notice it, return your awareness to your heart/gut, and your mind should feel like an empty space without thoughts. And when you return your awareness to your emotions located in your heart/gut the most amazing things will start happening to you that only direct experience can tell. We first master this, then if we are feeling confident or are up for a bit of a challenge, we use the breathe to start breathing into our emotions. The breathe intensifies our emotions a lot, which means the emotion is being healed out of your cells faster, as such you will never experience that emotion ever again, once it's ready to leave through your attention that you so give it. 

Moving further into the heart of feeling our emotions, a simple "I love you" sent to it, or even an, "I'm sorry I can't love you right now, but I hope that you may find it, just not from me" will work beautifully to open your heart, through this deeper level of feeling. However these practices I've now found to 'breathe into the emotion' or say kind affirmations that support the emotions existence are really just a compliment to actually using your thoughts as a reminder to return your attention to the heart/gut region of your body. This means it's completely unnecessary to those additional practices, but I write them down regardless so additional information is there for those who are eager! Over the last couple of weeks I've learnt that returning our default awareness from our head to our heart so that we can feel emotions instead of being distracted by illusory thoughts (of which all thoughts are) is all there is to enlightenment (all other practices are there to support this I find, or open up other chakras in your body such as the third eye for other purposes). It's so simple, so so simple. And I hope you can use this to your benefit, because we all deserve to have open hearts, and experience what I cannot describe to you in writing, the infinite beauty of life (it may not seem that way, but that is because we have been trained to see life in this way, through using thoughts to give a negative meaning to reality).

You may need to use thoughts for some technical tasks for an hour or two, but afterwards make this your practice to let all thoughts remind you to FEEL. This practice is very painful at the start, and as I have already mentioned, all pain is the most accelerated healing of karma in existence. And you won't want to do it, for your thoughts will be the first thing to rebel, and say, "Hey, this is no fun at all, let's go back to fantasizing!" but I believe being a victim of your own thought process by allowing them to take your power/your awareness from you each time they arise is what I call being in a prison, and not knowing your in it. Your awareness is so special, and your awareness is the gift you have received at birth to experience life on Earth. Choose what you focus on carefully. Focus on saying kind words to your feelings (and maybe your thoughts as you thank them for reminding you to FEEL into your heart), focus on the feeling of anger with love (by knowing that anger is but a child wanting attention). You may have heard to focus on thoughts that are positive! That is a sneaky move. You can say kind words to thoughts as I mentioned, but a thought is only there for you to feel (except when working through calculations in your mind), remember that. "How can I make a choice without a thought in my head?" is another question, and my answer is that our feelings actually make the choices, giving us thoughts that support the choice our feelings guide us towards. In feelings all knowledge is contained beyond any thought, a thought is merely a grain of sand compared to the size of the Earth that a feeling metaphorically is. 

It's time to awaken my friends. Experience the joy for yourself :) What you feel, is what you heal. 

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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Thank you soo much for this! :)

Spirituality is any movement towards the Unnamable. Everything is spiritual.

The only true way out Resistance is going into it because any way out of it is staying in it.

The purest life possible is surrendering to the Absolute.

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thank you <3 Matt Kahn's teachings are resonating with me more and more. I just have to find ways and mindfulness to let them enter into my daily life. you just gave me new motivation and possibilities.

from where I'm now I still think it's impossible to live guided by emotions instead of thought. I guess I still have to realize that my emotions generate my thoughts.. thank you!

whatever arises, love that

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