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The correlation of "odor" and "conciousness"

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Awareness, or this light that we call consciousness behaves much like how an odor interacts with our world where it attracts all sorts of different insects or animals . All distinctions between living entities for the purpose of this argument can fall under the category “organisms”.

The bug zapper also attracts insects that are drawn to the UV light it and yes the bond these two forces (UV light and bug) have, or the relationship between the two continue to blur the lines between distinction, but may be true but isn't my main point.

In both these examples, you can see the parallels to how the mind attracts living organisms we call thoughts.

Thoughts in this way act like living organisms attracted by the “light of consciousness” or “stream of consciousness” which the latter however gets more into the non dual nature of things which again is not my point here, guys , please. Stop...... Stahp.

If you are sad, organisms will be lured by the particular energy you are emitting. In this instance thoughts ( that behave like organisms that feed off other sources), are lured to this particular emotion. If you emit anger, the same would happen of organisms that are lured to that type of energy.

However this distinction through language always gets you into murky territory, because this has already been a widely regarded view since we existed. We see this in demons that taunt and create suffering, or angels that guide you. Language really does creates your reality. Because both this idea and the one i am conveying i believe to share similarities to the point they are the same, and this same force is then refracted in meaning by the lens of language that we use to illustrate our ideas.  Here you have the origins of religion. 

Rick and Morty had an episode that was similar to this idea where Rick became increasingly suspicious of these “bacteria” or “lifeforms” that fed off consciousness and created false memories where he was forced to lock his house down and contain the breach. He then get's other "wise" to this realisation whilst then falling under the illusion that these organisms where producing.

Through eastern and esoteric philosophy you can see a definite correlation between what Rick and Morty episode was trying to convey and the understanding that the “I” is an illusion that doesn’t exist that was built off of fictional boundaries that we used to distinguish our reality. Which we then became so accustomed  to,  we forgot we ever did this and mistook the map for the territory. 

To this day, this can be seen as one of the most difficult illusions to break out of. And perhaps even this idea that I just conveyed to you operates under another false paradigm that I am stuck in without my own knowledge? Perhaps even my thinking a paradigm of being false is some sort of misunderstanding I cannot see yet.

Or maybe my curiosities very own type of "UV light" is just luring in more thoughts?


Maybe this is what the man means that Allan Watts mentions in his lecures who says "everything in this universe smells of burnt almonds"


As not only does an odor attract entities, it attracts our very own awareness. 

Edited by MisterMan

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That's a very insightful article. I'm glad I found it. I would say that light is crucial for insects, that's how they communicate and how they have evolved through the ages. Compared to other animal species which, for example, live at the bottom of the oceans and thus never see light, insects use light as a language, this is a very well-proven method of communication. But that's how we humans can easy manipulate with it hanging bug zappers and traps everywhere to rid of them. I think they'll need thousands of years to find a new way of communication with each other.

Edited by RunningBD

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