
Leo's new obsession, Holotropic/shamanic breathing(warrning!!) -O2

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23 hours ago, Source_Mystic said:

@eskwire  How is that research coming ?  I am waiting for somene to show me how  extended oxygen deprevation from 15 minuets to 9 hours is healthy and furthermore so healthy that it should be a regualiar practice daily or weekly for 52 sessions in a year. 

I'm working on it! It takes a lot of reading to get through studies and try to understand all the context and the bodily systems. Much harder and more time consuming than just Googling "oxygen deprivation " ? and I am working full time with a broken ankle. Very tiring.

I will present my findings when they are done. 

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2 hours ago, eskwire said:

I'm working on it! It takes a lot of reading to get through studies and try to understand all the context and the bodily systems. Much harder and more time consuming than just Googling "oxygen deprivation " ? and I am working full time with a broken ankle. Very tiring.

I will present my findings when they are done. 

Thanks for the time you dedicate to that, looking forward for your findings :)

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Good post.

Leo specifically says not to exhale more than one inhales, so I am not sure why that would be reducing all of the CO2 in one's body. I have not tried the method though because I am satisfied with meditation and psychedelics. 

I imagine the technique is still effective because it simulates a "fight or flight response" experience which is probably why old memories and anxious, sad emotions come up. I also interpret when Leo says we get more oxygen into the brain, I think he means in comparison to the shallow breathing a lot of people have when they are not being mindful. During the exercise, one is deliberately bringing oxygen into the body at a steady rate, much more than a person sitting in a chair in his office all day. 

I am still not convinced of your concern though either because Wim Hof is popular for also doing a very similar breathing exercise, but I still appreciate your post.

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So I have practiced this breathing technique 3 times. Each time had crazy intense pins and needles in my arms and hands. Feel lots of energy in my body.

Then a few days ago I was in a super deep meditation and my body went into the same state as if I had been doing this breathing exercise. Really strange. Freaked me out at the time that I actually broke my meditation. Still, i'll continue to experiment with this breathing method.

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wow great discussion, I love that the topic has been challenged!

Adding a little bit of self research from "Oxygen Advantage" by Patrick Mckeown. The hyperventilation is a mayor cause of asthma and breathing difficulties. Mouth breathing in that case causes constriction of trachea (windpipe) and definitely does for me. Calm, nose breathing opens the throat and heals asthma slowly, we should be focusing on taking as few breaths per minute as possible, ideally less than 5 a minute which are not particularly deep either. 

The fact is that human blood is also saturated with oxygen to very high percentage, around 96%. But if a haemoglobin molecule has a damage on its polypeptide chain for example by missing an iron molecule, it may not be able to carry as much oxygen as it could, this usually a reason of lacking oxygen, not insufficient breathing, a mechanical damage. Or an ongoing disease such as emphysema or lupus that destroy lung alveolar tissue. 

I have tried the shamanic breathing technique 3 times and started wheezing and my throat started closing but I could be doing it wrong, because many people seem to profit from it. 

Excellent discussion though, loved reading all the comments !!

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On 2018-04-22 at 11:29 AM, Source_Mystic said:

Facts are the same for everyone no matter what


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