
Is Coffe Bad?

16 posts in this topic

Didn't know where to post this so I posted here in this sub-forum. 

Is coffe bad? I've rarely drank coffe but today I drunk a large iced coffee from dunkin donuts and felt great! I felt alert, more enthusiastic, sharp, and energetic. 

Im not a big coffe drinker but I'm pleased with the boost its given me today. I'm afraid becoming  addicted because the rush/dopamine it gives me to tackle the day ahead. My main thing is I don't want to be dependent on coffe. 

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This question is somewhere on the forum already mate...

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3 minutes ago, Henri said:

This question is somewhere on the forum already mate...

Can you link it mate? 

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This is what I found about this topic: ^_^





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@Anna Thanks for your post Anna :D

In short: coffee is good when you drink a little, bad when you drink too much. But actually no one knows...or cares...just drink it if you like.

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It will be bad too if you use a Nespresso machine or any pod machines - for instances - it will be really bad lol

Edited by zouszous

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On March 7, 2016 at 7:57 AM, The Son said:

@Anna Thanks for your post Anna :D

In short: coffee is good when you drink a little, bad when you drink too much. But actually no one knows...or cares...just drink it if you like.

This is bad advice. 

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@Argue If you think this bad advice then post your oppinion here before anyone gets damaged because of coffee consumption

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I don't think there is an ultimate answer on the coffee question. Even doctors have different opinions. I think every body reacts differently on the caffeine. It has an effect on blood pressure and on the brain so very hard to decide if it is a good think or an unhealthy habit.

I enjoy 2 cups a day, only with a few milk in it and without sugar.

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Moderation is key, always. Whenever you feel you need to do anything, just stop. You need to be in the driving seat. 

That said, if it feels good, drink up. 


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I stopped drinking coffee about 20 years ago. I noticed that when I stopped, all the aches and pains in my bodily joints went away. I asked my doctor about it and he said that it had nothing to do with the caffeine in coffee but rather the acid that it contains. He said that the acid in coffee contributes greatly to joint deterioration and calcium/cartilage breakdown. I don't miss the stuff. I've found that proper diet and supplement use negate the need for stimulants. 

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There's plenty of different types of coffee. If they don't contain caffeine and you drink it without sugar, there's nothing to worry about.

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3 hours ago, Brian Greendahl said:

I stopped drinking coffee about 20 years ago. I noticed that when I stopped, all the aches and pains in my bodily joints went away. I asked my doctor about it and he said that it had nothing to do with the caffeine in coffee but rather the acid that it contains. He said that the acid in coffee contributes greatly to joint deterioration and calcium/cartilage breakdown. I don't miss the stuff. I've found that proper diet and supplement use negate the need for stimulants. 

Interesting. I've read somewhere that the acid it contains can be detrimental. I believe the source if from London Real. 

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Well its not a bad think ,its also recomended by speacialits to drink a cup of cofee every day but not in excess.Body also need cofein 

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I probably drink more coffee than all of the people on this forum combined ... Not joking... 


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I stopped drinking coffee 20 days ago. I drank for over 20 years coffee. Before I stopped I would drink 4-6 cups a day (big cups).

I feel better now. More balanced physically. 

Too much coffee is bad for blood pressure. And if this question is really serious, you can google serious research instead of asking people what they think. ^_^



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