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Chronic muscle pain

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Hey guys,

I have had chronic muscle pain in my back, neck and shoulders for at least two years now and it is really limiting myself. I want to get rid of this problem for good and I just don't know what to do. I have been to multiple doctors and neurologists and they didn't know what to do. I already do yoga and get massages regularly but even though that helps relax the muscles for a short time, they hurt again after about an hour. Any advice is strongly appreciated.

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Sorry to hear that you have muscle pain. I can't related to your situation but I have an out of the box idea, I don't know if it will help.

Have you tried to talk to your pain, ask it what it wants and needs are? Teal has some videos on how to talk to your body.

Can you remember when it started? Maybe then you can try this technique which Tony Robbins uses in this video to get back to the situation where it started.

Wish you all the best! ?

Edited by Rebec

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@KenDo  have they ruled out fibromyalgia? 



“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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I have had back problems for a long time now. It’s a daily routine to approach some part of my body. When there is a problematic area anywhere in the body that particular area inevitably effects another. So I learned to view my routine as approaching parts of an interconnected system. 

Have you looked into sources like kelly starett  ‘mobility wod’? 

And also have you looked into self Myofascial release techniques and trigger points? 

This is something you can do on your own. In my opinion more efficient than any chiropractic assistance. Your efficiency in these techniques will progress and become more effective over time. You will learn which points effect others with experience. 

My lower back cronic pain has been decreased dramatically by participating in this daily over the last 4 years or so. 

Check it out. I highy recommend these techniques to cultivating the skill of managing joint health, cronic body pain, stiffneness, and maintaining a healthy physical living experience. 


Edited by Faceless

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On 4/18/2018 at 11:01 AM, Michael569 said:

@KenDo  have they ruled out fibromyalgia? 




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Massages are great, 

once a month should be a minimum for everyone. For your pain, some people have a lot of luck with acupuncture and reflexology.

Baths are also great. Try soaking in Epsom salt with a few drops of lavender oil. 

Deep tissue massage combined with chiropractor visits can be a very powerful combination.

Magnesium and jojoba oil are good for pain, and biofreeze is also really nice.

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