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Milos Uzelac

How to overcome goverment manipulating your emotions- Nuclear Scare

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Sorry I dont have a juicy title ?

This is probably too news oriented and naive given the metaphysical foundations you already layed for understanding emotions , society and ego on

I think even though its narrow and too specific for this channel that collectively emotional identification is more powerful and therefore easily manipulated by the Ego of societal power structure and elites.

Particularly the nuclear scare that the egos in government and it's trade associates use to exploit societal emotional and thought identification with visualizations' of a post apocalyptic globe for a period of time to advance and fulfil their materialistic passions (more selling of weapons, food and consumption of media outlets delivering the nuclear threat news).

I understand that nuclear war of course can happen if it must. The nuclear scare has nothing to do with the now and it is a distraction for society that is being

manipulated for materialistic and cultural gains.

So the discussion would be how to detach from such egoic tendencies purported by egoic agendas in tendencies and how to see through the global collective paranoia that powerful egos cause for their gains and not succumb to it when it is forced to you by your society.

This is as I said to narrow of a topic to discuss so maybe it can be talked about at a corelatory metpsychical level 'How egos exploit each other for their gains' or more to the topic ' How powerful egos exploit egos to act as they want them to act'.

Bit of a stretch I know hope youl consider something along government and people lines ( if you already haven't of course ???) in the future. Like what is real power and the duality of the ruler and ruled ??

"Keep your eye on the ball. " - Michael Brooks 

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