Purple Jay

Defining Thoughts. What Is Map And What Is Territory?

50 posts in this topic

8 minutes ago, Costa said:

@Emerald Wilkins there are more senses than those you stated. 

Balance, warm/cold, pain, the way you can locate things with your eyes closed ... etc look it up. It is interesting. 

I've heard of these other micro-senses before. :)  Either way, you can pare down your experience to senses and thoughts.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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@Costa I see no distinction between scientific advancements and material possessions especially when it comes to gadgets. I don't see your point when you say you were talking about humanity and not just personal life. I did not say that you were speaking of personal life. I recognized fully that you were speaking of humanity as a whole. And that's what I spoke of.

 I was just rebutting your claim that being less attached to inventions of humanity with scientific advancement will make us lesser human beings. If we take into account Claire Graves model, this isn't true, at least for people who are already educated.

15 minutes ago, Costa said:

Don't reply, because more parroting will not help this matter. 

Be careful of the way you communicate to other people. You're coming across as a particularly egotistical man who thinks he's above everyone else. You're probably a decent human being but here on the internet it's pretty easy to act like an ass and get little consequence.

I want to talk about the main topic but I have a college lecture to go to first. I'll try to join in the conversation when I get back.

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@Extreme Z7 we cannot do personal development and forget the very things that provide the possibility. knowledge for ex.

Do not take offence. We all have egos, if not we would not be here at all. 

Decent is also a classification, a label. 

I wil tone it down, but i think you have the same problem. 


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@Leo Gura

Hey Leo, 

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction and I appreciate your feedback :)

I feel like it is similar to the idea of yours in that video that I love about present moment ;) 

From all my heart, I wish you would create more videos about time/space reality, especially about present moment.

I will be waiting. 

Thank you :) 

Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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Sometimes I wonder whether the external world of perceptions still exist when we're trapped in a thought. At least in my experience, whenever I find myself trapped in a daydream while walking or sitting down or meditating then go back to reality, it almost feels like the external perceptions have simply vanished during those moments. I am a frequent daydreamer so I experience this a lot.

I've heard in enlightenment lectures before that awareness never actually goes away. Even when it feels like we lose consciousness for a few moments, that is only a thought. In reality, the awareness is always there and thoughts are like dirt on a window that you need to wipe every now and again.

I also suspect that our awareness never actually experiences moments when we're sleeping (assuming one is not dreaming). And that in sleep there is an odd jump in time that we don't notice. It feels like we've slept for how many hours but what if we've actually time traveled from the point we went to sleep and the point we woke up (again assuming a dream did not occur). Kinda freaky.

@Costa Who's saying that we need to abandon all advancements and knowledge of science? That's not what I said. Just like you should be detached from relationships, does not mean you should avoid relationships altogether. A lot of people are fully distracted by technology and advancements that they forget that they don't need it. They can use it to their advantage mind you, that's what everyone doing personal development should do is use scientific inventions to their full potential but also don't forget they they are just extensions. Ultimately, your core as a human being needs the most focus.

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@Extreme Z7 I think we are almost always in some dream state.

I feel a sensation of awakening when I wake up in the morning, when I wake up from a tought and when I wake up from our more comon state. 

This last one is similar to the other ones, when you do self remembering it happends. But it is also spontaneous, because of the knowledge we now have, I think it happends still in auto pilot. 

I like the expression time travel, this is exactly how I feel. 

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On 3/11/2016 at 1:03 AM, Costa said:

@Purple Jay

This is the kind of thinking that gets humans to the dark ages.

When they were inventing the technologies that allow you to write this very words on a computer someone like you was saying  "who cares about this"

Electricity who cares... engineering who cares... physics... etc etc who cares... 

I just tell i don´t care while i live in my engineered building, using electrycity and physics all the time with my gadgets, my microowave, my television ...........

why would anyone care? seriously? 

advice: see the new series COSMOS with Neil deGrasse Tyson, all of it. Then you will understand, and you will never say anything like this again. 

( if you did see it already i give up)



@Costa So because you read 3 lines I wrote, you think you know who I am and what my take is on science and technology in general? You also feel inclined to "correct my mental state" and give me "advice" because you now believe that I am some ungrateful, ignorant moron who doesn't belong in the 21st century and can't appreciate and savor all the material valuables in life. Do you think I'm fucking stupid? Do you think I'm wandering the world dumb, deaf and blind? Who the fuck do you think you're writing? The entity that read your words, do you think you know what that is? You don't know shit about what's going on over here, kid. Nothing, not a goddamn thing do you know about the "me" you think you're writing. This very unit over here is probably way more appreciative of technology (or anything in life, for that matter) than you'll ever be with your pathetic mentality. Stop being a prick, stop giving "advice" and whateverr you do, don't think you know people. That's my "advice" for you, you fucking stupid bastard.

Edited by Purple Jay

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Thoughts are pretty real so the subject you thinking about. It becomes real for you but not for everyone else since others might not focus on same. Focusing on arguments and fights will bring to your life same. Everything in this world relevant to subject who experiencing it. What true for one person isn't true for another.

Today was another beautiful day and it's pretty real for me. Many experiences and  satisfaction from what's been achieved,  life have many colors to those with  'open eyes'.

Existence has a lot to offer but it's up to you and what you channeling to experience from that infinite. This is one of the reason why it pays to work on self-actualization. Eventually you will be able to see what you thinking off and be free of what others pushes to you to make them more important/powerful or rich. This is how you're becoming one with existence by letting all go and just focusing on reality and realizing it flows through you and it's the only unchanged thing which fulfilled your body and always be...

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On 22/03/2016 at 1:49 AM, Purple Jay said:

@Costa So because you read 3 lines I wrote, you think you know who I am and what my take is on science and technology in general? You also feel inclined to "correct my mental state" and give me "advice" because you now believe that I am some ungrateful, ignorant moron who doesn't belong in the 21st century and can't appreciate and savor all the material valuables in life. Do you think I'm fucking stupid? Do you think I'm wandering the world dumb, deaf and blind? Who the fuck do you think you're writing? The entity that read your words, do you think you know what that is? You don't know shit about what's going on over here, kid. Nothing, not a goddamn thing do you know about the "me" you think you're writing. This very unit over here is probably way more appreciative of technology (or anything in life, for that matter) than you'll ever be with your pathetic mentality. Stop being a prick, stop giving "advice" and whateverr you do, don't think you know people. That's my "advice" for you, you fucking stupid bastard.

I can tell you are really developed, just by your words. :) I was very wrong, you are very intelligent ... 

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@Costa Cause intelligence (and science so that I can write things on the internet with my gadget) is the only thing that matters, obviously... It's good to see that you took the "don't think you know people" part to heart.

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