
Need advice for an spiritual session.

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Hey Guys,

I'm new here,

normaly I only watch Leos videos on youtube and I've never visited the actualized.org forum till now. But for the question I have, I had the feeling this is the right place to look for an answer.

My person:

I'm male, 22 years old, philosophy student in germany and spiritual seeker. I had several spititual experiences on psychedelics but also a few on meditation with music. My most glowing experience was on hawaiian baby woodrose seeds where i was close to ego death but in the last moment i literally dropped from my bed beacause my body moved so strong.

For this time, I'm planning to take mdma, maybe combined with hawaiian baby woodrose seeds maybe alone. It depends on your answers ;)

So  I have two things that I'm mainly unsure about

  1. the dosage of the MDMA
  2. Should I take the MDMA alone or combined with the LSA seeds

I took MDMA about 10 times in my life. Most times in a club setting and a few times with some friends where we talked the whole night about the most personal shit in our lifes. I had some really awsome and growing experiences on it, but most of the time the intend was recreational. Even if some times the result of the trip was way more then just recreational use and having fun. I think the highest dose of MDMA i had so far was around 250-300mg But thats the point where it stops being recreational and funny for me and confusion and anxiety starts kicking in.

The two times I took LSA seeds it was clearly a more spiritual intend. One time it was with my best friend at that time together. Just laying on the floor enjoing music and diving deep in ourselves. The second time on LSA was the one I had mentioned briefly above. There I had the clear intend to just lay on my bed for 6 hours and see what happens. It was so crazy I can hardly put it in words.

Back to my plans for this experience:

I was thinking about combining MDMA and the Hbwr seeds. Is there anyone who has experience with this combination and can tell me how these substances synergize with each other? Because of the factor that LSA seeds make you become really nauseous, I want to keep the dosage of it really low. Maybe 2-4 seeds. Then look how i feel and once im sure the nausea is over to take around 100-200 mg of MDMA. The idea behind it is to to have an slightly more psychedelic and slightly longer MDMA trip to get deeper then just with MDMA. For me LSA makes it really easy not to overthink shit and just focus on nothingness.

Do you think I need the LSA in addition? Or is MDMA alone powerful enough to get me in a deep meditative state when i just lay down and focus on it?

Are there any potential risks with combining these two substances?

What do you think about an tripsitter? Often I have the feeling another person is distracting me from the work I have to doo. Especially on MDMA where it happens really easy that you talk 2 hours straight without beeing concious of it.

If you have any suggestions for the dosage of the MDMA and the LSA combined and at which time I should take what I would be really glad of that ;)

Thanks for your time and your anwers

Greetings from Germany :D




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Why would you want to take psychedelics when there are more than enough spiritual teachers available in Germany? I'd rather get a taste of the real thing than buying psychedelics.

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Thanks for your advice to look for spiritual teachers in germany. I was thinking about going to asia in the next few years to look for a teacher. Maybe I can stay in germany;) 

What do you mean when you say 'the real thing' ? And don't you think you can grasp parts or even the 'whole' of the 'real thing' by taking psychedelics. 


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