
Non duality?

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How you describe Non duality? can you guys give your definition of non-duality, (a very clear and simple explanation of Nondualism)

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As I understand it, not having a lot experience myself, in normal consciousness there is somewhat persistent set of experiences/interpretations that frame the world as (active subject)/(objects to operate with). When it is subdued it looks like there are just experiences.

Also something like "all separations are arbitrary and everything is just flowing interconnected one".

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How is someone supposed to explain to you in words that everything that ever was, is, and will ever be is all of one substance? Sit down and contemplate and stop trying to define the undefinable. 

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I would describe non-duality as one infinite web of interconnected strings, where as not one string of the web is separate from the web itself, but connected infinitely through strings to all the other strings in the web.

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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Non-duality is simply the understanding and experience of reality as being different from conceptualizations about reality.  

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@Spinoza Everything is literally you. Yes, you. Not the best version of you, or a potential future you, or a more loving you - just you , sitting there, now - that you. The regular you. Lol.  The you that you’ve been calling “me”. This includes your spirit, your soul, your ego, your person, your words, your brain, your emotion, your imagination, your thoughts, all that you hear, see, smell, taste, touch - EVERYTHING, is you. You are not real, nor unreal. You do not exist, nor are you nonexistent. The “things” you see in the “world” are not real, nor unreal. They do not exist, nor are they nonexistent. Those are referred to as dualities (thinking), pointing to the truth of One - YOU! That thinking, is also You. You can believe everything is not you, and that belief is also you. 

Synonyms for You: me, him, her, it, God, Nothing, YHWH, Everything, Source, lamp, Satan, The limitless One, table, The all that is, Allah, Yahweh, The Devil, The King of Kings, flower, The Light, The Love, Lord of Lords, ABBA, Elohim, clouds, El-Shaddai, Jehovah, water, Adonai, I am, frogs, Advaita, Brahman, poop & The Tao.

 All those names are your name. They are just words you say to you. 

Of course, the Truth is not believable. But that “problem” is also You. 

People generally misunderstand the term Oneness, as in “He became One with everything”.  A more accurate wording is, “Holy shit! It’s all me”. 

If all things seem like ‘not you’, then it is appropriate to refer to all things as illusionary, as an illusion is transpiring in appearance. 

The deep inherent “problem”, is to even use a single word, or say “It’s all One”, implies duality. 

The one telling the truth, is you. The one lying about the truth, is you. The fearless one, is you. The one who is scared, is you.  The depressed one, is you. The free one, is you. 


Say “nonduality”, and it is not nonduality. 



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I'm not sure if really get,  i will do more research

Thanks for all your replies

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There is only one moment. Not two. Non dual. Therefore, it must be the best moment. There is no competition. 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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