
Oneness Is Groundless Too

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2 hours ago, Nahm said:

Since 11? That’s awesome. Explains a lot. Why steer people away from practices?

That form of meditation just didn’t seem to bring about complete silence. It was a temporary quietness. Not the same as the timeless state. It’s more about exclusion of parts of a whole and is more of a focused point of directed energy. It’s great before training and such. I did attempt to use this to reach a timeless state but it had the opposite effect. As I now understand why. 

I don’t steer people away from those practices because they are not useful. I just don’t think they lead to enlightened being, liberation, or the timeless. I do still meditate before and after exercise and training/my art. And it is a skillful movement of concentration. And I enjoy it. 

The meditation I share is not the same. It is not a self centered movement in any particular direction. It’s not concentration on a specific point but to the whole. And it implies no direction in any specific direction. Hints no time. No demand, effort, no controller/controlled, but just perception without the perciever. That’s what I mean by to be headless. I can be anywhere and be in this state. When there is no identification with sensations that manifest from a center. Or when one can perceive with all the senses instead of one taking over the others. Which is the result of identification.

The ending of psychological time made this type of meditation possible. That’s when the uninvited silence/space became actual.

When it comes to the dimension of nothingness ‘past the limit of all experiences’ it’s not even the type of meditation that prevents that realm but more the aspect of psychological time. That’s the real barrier. But no specific method, style, technique makes any difference when it comes to the immeasurable. From what I have experienced and through inquiry. 

Anyway I just want to share the significance of what happened to me with others and how this has depended with religious awareness ?


Edited by Faceless

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“experiencing infinity’ seeing God’ lol, as they are for me and me only”



You’re aware beyond the meditative state there is the state of nonduality, yes? This might be why you reference and share some experiences & practices, while diminishing  the practices & experiences of others. When you see it’s all you, this doesn’t hold anymore, as in it is resistence you’re freed from. Just a thought for ya.   

 It would also make sense of the things you say about experiencing absolute. 



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37 minutes ago, Nahm said:

You’re aware beyond the meditative state there is the state of nonduality, yes?

Yeah I understand. So it’s when that state ends that the other comes into being. Am I following you? 

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I understand what you are saying. I don’t mean to diminish other experiences and practices. I just want to bring to light the that movement of the “i” and its motive to achieve a projected goal just makes for more conflict and fuels the ego even more. 

As I said it’s not really about the meditation itself but the motive that prevents that timeless being. 

You know what I mean? 

That this doesn’t have to be a drug out process. 

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Or maybe it does for some I don’t know. 

Maybe I was just ready and life had already taken me through it’s travails to that point. ??‍♂️Lol

Edited by Faceless

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@Faceless It’s not really a ‘state’, it more of a reveal of what’s actually going on, what actually is. Anything one says to another about nonduality is inherently not describing it. I can say the whole thing is you, but that doesn’t really describe nonduality. It does have to be experienced & realizated. Not realized like mentally understood, but like actually reality.  I’m not trying to be secretive or vague, I hope it doesn’t come across that way. It’s the nature of the subject. PMing.



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36 minutes ago, Nahm said:

It’s not really a ‘state’, it more of a reveal of what’s actually going on, what actually is

Yeah I totally agree with that. Whenever I use the word state I second guess 

36 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Anything one says to another about nonduality is inherently not describing it. I can say the whole thing is you, but that doesn’t really describe nonduality

I agree again. 

36 minutes ago, Nahm said:

It does have to be experienced & realizated. Not realized like mentally understood, but like actually reality

Agreed. I understand what you are saying and I see it the same. I figured somehow we were not meeting on behalf of the way we were using language and perhaps my faulty communication skills lol 

what you say here makes sense. When all the mantal facilities, mechanisms, identification with sensations and the stream of thought ceases. 

Emptiness, silence, direct awareness. This I feel is Headlessness or no center or the timeless state. 

You have this to? Please tell me you do. Lolol 

Like all day? 

Edited by Faceless

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43 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Faceless Yes. All day.  ❤️ ??

Good. Because my girlfriend had me thinking maybe I was going crazy. Lol 

Wonderful to be able to communicate this to anohter. Especially when others don’t understand. ?

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On 4/14/2018 at 10:08 PM, Leo Gura said:

Oneness and manyness is not two, but ONE!

There is no difference between real and unreal -- that is twoness. Oneness means real and unreal are one.

One = Many

Many = One

Form = Formlessness

Formless = Form

Duality = Nonduality



Dear @Leo Gura

How to realize the duality is oneness without any doubt, instead of just an intellectual understanding? 

Is it still using the Neti Neti process? I've read several books on the purchased book lists, I feel that the author might have an intellectual understanding, but I don't sense that he truly realize it. It's like reading a very well researched paper with a lot of good citations, but the writer doesn't seem to have a deep realization of what the points he keep repeating throughout his books.

I've been rewatching your video on "Reality is a strange loop" many many times. Sometimes there is a crack, but other times there are frustration not not getting it viscerally. Asking for your help sincerely.

Thank you.

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@Maycol That requires a very deep enlightenment. Yes, Neti Neti, or self-inquiry, or yoga, or meditation, or 5-MeO-DMT.

5-MeO-DMT is the most direct and surest way. You will experience pure, total nonduality the likes of which cannot be imagined or spoken of.

Experiencing total nonduality is not easy. It usually takes enormous work. It took me about 4 years of hard work every day, and the only reason I succeeded was thanks to 5-MeO.

Most people here pursuing enlightenment will never realize total nonduality in their lives. It's too deep. But with 5-MeO it becomes very doable.

LSD is the next best thing, since 5-MeO is hard to find. But LSD will still not take you deep enough. But it will still give you a good glimpse and knock your socks off if you use it properly.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@NoSelfSelf It's like degrees of hot peppers. You got a Jalapeno which is fucking hot. But then you got a Habanero which is something else entirely.

Most people have only licked a Jalapeno. But you ain't really enlightened till you've swallowed the whole Habanero ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Some further inquiry on that...

How can we tell what is oneness? How can you know that, that is not a dualistic experience? How can you know what is the ultimate reality?

There is no ultimate reality, there are many ultimate realities as there are humans to reflect on them. Beyond that there is nothing else for us. If you can strech your mind a little further with those experiences then that becomes the extent of ultimate reality for you. And that depends on the extent of your acceptance...

When the mind merges in infinity who is going to experience oneness? Who is going to see whom? How can you know the known by which you know everything?



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@Leo Gura how do i know when i tasted Jalapeno or when i swallowed Habanero fully ;)

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@Leo Gura Thank you for a concise recommendation based on your own personal experience. I appreciate it. It's less frustrating than Nondual teachers like Tony Parsons who just keep repeating, "there is no one here, nothing is happening, there's nothing you can do to achieve it". 

Some enlightened teachers keep emphasizing that "nothing ever happen." Is it just play on words are they truly mean it that even though we're seeing a lot of activities and movement in the phenomenal world, there surely is something here. They are very adamant that "nothing ever happens, nothing is happening, nothing will happen".

As for LSD, the most intense experience with it was as fellow, based on my imperfect recollection:

I was in a blank space, and I was in very intense state. There was an inner instruction telling me if I want to proceed, I need to be brutally honest, be as honest to yourself as you can ever be. So as I admit that I was fearful, a layer of myself peeled off. I have to keep proceeding with all the emotions, energy, and thoughts that arise, and honestly admit I have them. Layers and layers of me keep dropping off as I'm honest with myself. Eventually, I come the center of this process, as I've finally shed every ounce of myself, and it was nothingness at the center, there was no I, neither, and I've dissolved into this nothingness which I intuitively called "God", even though I'm following any religions in particular.

I did Ayahuasca in Peru, with a very strong brew that might have some 5MEO DMT. I supposed to purge out the excess brew, but I was so gone that I couldn't physically even throw up. The first ceremony is like 100X more intense than any LSD experience. There were so much information, and collapse of time and space, that I could process much. There were period that there was just complete silence, and I just know I'm in this silence with nothing else. The second ceremony, I think my mind couldn't take it anymore. I spent a few hours in what I can only call complete VOID. There is just nothing like a black hole, pure nothingness. Flickers of lights started manifesting, and the Shaman and his Icaros finally brought me back to this stable reality. I was so thankful to be in this solid linear reality, because that other reality either with manifestation that is too fast too intense, or just absolute complete silence and nothingness.

I regret not taking up Martin Ball's offer for a 5 EMO one-on-one consultation, because now that I'm ready to do it, I heard he's no longer doing it anymore.

I'll keep doing there work and hope could one day realize and reconcile all duality in waking consciousness. After coming across your materials, I've been watching a few of your videos over and over again, especially "Reality is a Strange Loop". I also bought the book list and read a few of them already including the top 5 stars ones you recommended. I've personally met and spent time with one individual whom is undoubtedly "enlightened" to me. One moment he can reply my questions with the most profound answer, another moment he's deep in samadhi and can't even function, another moment he's be mesmerized by his own hands, or a leaf. 

I'll stop now. Hope you would do some retreats or visiting cities in the US, so people like me can interact directly with you, @Leo Gura.

Thank you very much again for providing this platform for kindred spirits to share their experience and help each other.

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