
Oneness Is Groundless Too

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If there is no Duality, and everything is Oneness, how can Oneness even be real?

"One" only makes sense when there's "Not One" to compare it with. If All is Oneness, even that Oneness negates itself, so there cannot even be One. When Oneness itself is deduced and negated, what's left then? That's something I have no way of expressing. 

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5 hours ago, Maycol said:

If there is no Duality, and everything is Oneness, how can Oneness even be real?

"One" only makes sense when there's "Not One" to compare it with. If All is Oneness, even that Oneness negates itself, so there cannot even be One. When Oneness itself is deduced and negated, what's left then? That's something I have no way of expressing. 

That's why we cannot "talk" about what IS. 

Oneness creates the idea of separation to make it seems there's multiplicity, more than one... but that is false. There's only one.

And even that is not true, is not one and not two. Mind cannot comprehend it, because it is made to "separate" to experience the world and the "objects" of the world.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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Oneness is grounded in itself. One Absolute. There is nothing beyond, so it refers and grounds in itself.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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17 hours ago, Maycol said:

If there is no Duality, and everything is Oneness, how can Oneness even be real?

"One" only makes sense when there's "Not One" to compare it with. If All is Oneness, even that Oneness negates itself, so there cannot even be One. When Oneness itself is deduced and negated, what's left then? That's something I have no way of expressing. 

You are are right! From an infinite perspective(non dual consciousness) there are no things. But they exists, so where are they? 

Truth is impossible to mention, to even call it truth might be wrong. But if there is anything as truth, it's prior to "oneness" and "duality" 

It's even prior to consciousness, because consciousness only means something in relation to something other aka "I'm conscious of this object" 

We are left to see that we can't really say anything about what truly is. 

I like the quote from Bob Dylan were he say "All the truths in the world add up to one big lie" :) 


Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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1 hour ago, MarkusSweden said:

You are are right! From an infinite perspective(non dual consciousness) there are no things. But they exists, so where are they? 

Truth is impossible to mention, to even call it truth might be wrong. But if there is anything as truth, it's prior to "oneness" and "duality" 

It's even prior to consciousness, because consciousness only means something in relation to something other aka "I'm conscious of this object" 

We are left to see that we can't really say anything about what truly is. 

I like the quote from Bob Dylan were he say "All the truths in the world add up to one big lie" :) 


What's important is not to be able to school people about what the truth is, but whether the truth sets you free or not. That's what determines whether it is true. <3

If you can be in the most horrible life situation and you sense the Goodness of being and simplicity of the present moment, that's when you know you've found IT.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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22 minutes ago, Dodo said:

What's important is not to be able to school people about what the truth is, but whether the truth sets you free or not. That's what determines whether it is true. <3

If you can be in the most horrible life situation and you sense the Goodness of being and simplicity of the present moment, that's when you know you've found IT.

True! :) 

You're comments are always calm and collected, and rings true to me! 

Are you able to live these words of you on your day to day mundane life? 


Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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7 minutes ago, MarkusSweden said:

True! :) 

You're comments are always calm and collected, and rings true to me! 

Are you able to live these words of you on your day to day mundane life? 


I'm experiencing extreme turmoil recently and I'm using the opportunity to fully surrender and accept. I just center myself on the peace surrounding every situation. Surrender to Suchness <3

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Even oneness is a thought about reality.  You gotta make the distinction between the map and the territory.  Oneness is still a map — or thought about reality.  What oneness is pointing to is the territory.  So, there’s a big difference between what I call conceptual-truth and reality.   Conceptual-truth is a thought about reality — or a thought story.  Reality itself is not a thought story.  That’s a major distinction to grasp.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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I accept what @Joseph Maynor says...The  more free from the center the more oneness becomes actual. It’s a point where the conditioning to conceptualize ends. This is action free of the limited intellect.

 Its pure awareness/observation without the knower/known. An unfragmented movement of perception. There are limits to this though. One can not experience as @Joseph Maynor says absolute truth. And It’s not that one experiences truth but that truth is more of an expression/action devoid of the limited, finite, manifestations of the intellect ‘conditioned mind’ or ‘thought’ or not letting the intellect ‘the part’ clutter/overcrowd the perception/of mind the whole. An ending of psychological time. 

The timeless. At this point you see that you don’t know truth. You are truth. 

Timelessness implies oneness/wholmess. The ceasing of seperatness ‘thought’ implies the other. This is an incrediably simple thing that anyone can do. Perhaps to simple.  The complexities of thought make this difficult. But once thought is still it then becomes apparent. 

Edited by Faceless

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As fragmentation ceases ‘deduction’ wholeness comes into being. 

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On 4/11/2018 at 0:05 PM, Maycol said:

If there is no Duality, and everything is Oneness, how can Oneness even be real?

"One" only makes sense when there's "Not One" to compare it with. If All is Oneness, even that Oneness negates itself, so there cannot even be One. When Oneness itself is deduced and negated, what's left then? That's something I have no way of expressing. 

Oneness and manyness is not two, but ONE!

There is no difference between real and unreal -- that is twoness. Oneness means real and unreal are one.

One = Many

Many = One

Form = Formlessness

Formless = Form

Duality = Nonduality



You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 4/12/2018 at 8:16 AM, Nahm said:

@abrakamowse ❤️

❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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20 hours ago, Faceless said:

One can not experience as @Joseph Maynor says absolute truth

Don’t throw in the towel because you haven’t yet. Open mindedness will take you there. RADICAL open mindedness. 



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Oneness is simply the integration of the Subconscious Mind into be Conscious of everything and into your focus attention. 




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@Joseph Maynor For some oneness is a thought, for others it is a permanent change in which the illusionary brain accommodates this change with a ‘rewiriing’. Then, there is nothing, nothing but the oneness. You are that one. 



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2 hours ago, Nahm said:

Don’t throw in the towel because you haven’t yet. Open mindedness will take you there. RADICAL open mindedness. 

I think you miss understand once again?

And the ending of psychological becoming implies open mindness. 

I have written in other posts about truth and others seem to misunderstand as well. Go look at some. Read them carefully. Maybe you might understand what I’m actually implying?


Edited by Faceless

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@Faceless I would have said the same thing prior. I understand. At least consider what Leo said months ago to heart, if all you have is a hammer, everything is a nail. It’s worth it! ❤️ RADICAL open mindedness. Or stay as is. I love ya either way. 

I have a buddy, he’s smart, he know’s He’s smart, he’s super cool and I love hangin with him, he has trouble when we’re with others though because he’s not aware of his arrogance, he’s not aware of nuanced body language and micro expressions - of what is not being said. He doesn’t see the connection between this and the troubles in his life. He is not willing to try meditation, yoga, psychedelics, breathework, nor check out YouTube videos to get a little knowledge, nor read a book - not only does he think this stuff is kind of a joke, he brags about his ignorance, and he doesn’t see how sweet people are being to him by not saying anything, and it’s obvious he’s not going to, so no one bothers.

In your opinion, is my friend open minded?



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1 hour ago, Nahm said:

@Faceless I would have said the same thing prior. I understand. At least consider what Leo said months ago to heart, if all you have is a hammer, everything is a nail. It’s worth it! ❤️ RADICAL open mindedness. 


Again please understand what I am posting. You seem to assume so much about without comprehension of what is said. Does that seem open? 

How you live in your daily life tells the true story. Are you whole. Has the knower/known ended. Do you reside in the timeless realm? Are you free of reactionary actions? Are you able to maintain a state of observation without the observer. To be headless ‘oneness’..Is there a maintaining of this timeless state without the prepetual use of psychedelics which fades and is temporary? Have you got to where your at without being influenced by past knowledge and that being clinged to and projected? 

If you have then you should not be engaging in that of measure, psychological becoming, getting caught in such movements of time. You know it’s rather easy to see by your posts where you stand old boy?

Now again, I really want you to look at my posts again and consider what’s said without the burden of your own knower/known content that you have accumulated over time preventing full attention. That is not open mindedness. 

I have said before. I will not go and talk about certain things ‘experiencing infinity’ seeing God’ lol, as they are for me and me only. It’s important not to force feed certain things to people. Some things need to be seen/realized on there own. I won’t talk about my deepest realizations with others because that may set up a movement of psychological becoming which will cause people to add more story to the mind. The movement of time must end for the timeless to come into being. Something you don’t seem to understand. I have attempted to show you this but you seem to have set up a self image of yourself as advance or the teacher. Open mindedness is about sharing with one anohter not teaching. I would have to meet you in order to know the extent that you actually embody what you preach. You know what I mean??

When the center totally ceases which means there is only one, that is absolute, wholeness, headlessness, awareness. In that timeless dimension as I have said before there is no center, ‘not mere knowing I don’t really exsist’ but an actual living without the me implies the other which is Oneness. 

Do you love life free of the center?? Can you be in a constant state of meditation throughout the entire day. Where there is only perception without the perciever? 

Its out of this world my friend?



Edited by Faceless

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