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I feel heat at the base of my spine alot, it happens during mediation and even throughout the day. It feels like a volcano waiting to erupt down there sometimes. Its an orgasmic like feeling in my spine, sometimes it can be pretty distracting. I've felt this down at the root chakra, heart, even the third eye area. I've been doing nofap and cold showers which seems to arouse the energy even more. Is this the so called "kundalini" that everyone talks about? I'm about a year into my Awakening now, and my intuition is hinting that I'm on the edge of another big break through.

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@nightrider1435 long periods of nofap can definitely trigger a kundalini arousal, if not even an activation. So can psychedelics. Kundalini arousal is temporary, kundalini activation is lasting. 

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Welcome to the club ;)


One will feel that type of arousal 24/7 after he/she transcend the mind. And as any sensation or food or drug, at first is blow minding. Keep doing it and it will unfold in spectacular or painful  ways, depends how much you are willing to sacrifice and grow. Faster growing will lead to more painful experiences but with extreme bliss in between. Or choose the middle way.





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@Quanty Fast growth is more of my style, all though my mind complains and gets irritated with the process, I'm use to it at this point. Not sure how this will unfold but I know it will be worth it, don't really have a choice at this point. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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