
Would a buddha swat a mosquito?

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I stopped squashing bugs years ago and carry them outside whenever possible. It actually feels good to put it on the soil. The few times I do kill one in an unconcious reaction or weak moment, I feel so much pain. Guess I'll keep doing it once in a while until I totally got the lesson out from it...

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On 4/10/2018 at 6:24 AM, TruthSeeker47 said:

Where I live mosquitos are everywhere and I find that nearly everyday one is on my arm sucking my blood, because mosquitos have kind of attacked me by sticking their proboscis into my veins, I feel like it's acceptable to swat them otherwise I would be giving them too much power and putting my life and potentially my family's life in danger if I were to contract malaria from it.

But do you guys think that a buddha would feel the same? And if not, why?

A true Buddha is both the slapper and the mosquito so it would not matter to the Buddha to kill itself 

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On 10/04/2018 at 11:58 AM, pluto said:

The Buddha was in complete control of his reality. Once you understand how it all works. It becomes the most simple and natural thing. The key is Vibration.


You think the Buddha could sit and somehow repel the mosquitos with his vibration? Haha! That's giving inhuman abilities to a human. The non-human Self is not going to get bitten, yes, but the whole "Buddha as body would not be bitten because he is enlightened" is taking things into fairytale land and setting impossible standards.  That's NOT what enlightenment is. Maybe he could ignore the mosquitos, but they still are sucking his blood and he risks getting diseases in human form. 

The way to stop mosquitos biting you is to move about. The actual buddha (consciousness) would see that movement/dance also within itself so even while the body is moving, the true Self is meditating. Meditation is always the case. Do not confuse people with these impossible fantasies of being able to manipulate physical reality. Hahahahah That's misunderstanding Buddha's teachings. 

PS: I also just realised how old this thread is :D Save the mosquitos! xD 


PSS: Notice how Bashar swatted a mosquito in the form of this man's next question. I found the questioner more inline with love and understanding thab Bashar on this one. Very poor performance!  

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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