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Shamanic Breathwork causes half enlightenment

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Yesterday I did holotropic breathwork for 50 minutes.

Long story short. Lets suppose that in ordinary consciousness, what is going on is that, there is a 'you' seeing through a round window. Its like there is the round window, and you're looking through this round window, from behind.

What happened was, this window collapsed, and the thing looking through the window rapidly faded away. It was like a lazer was slicing and destroying whatever was behind the round window.

Next, there was this extremely strong presence just there. It was obvious that this presence was all that there was, and nothing else existed except that presence.

Now that presence extended out and expanded in every direction and length. So I could literally feel everything, things very far away. Imagine that you turn into this formless gas, and you rapidly spread everywhere so that you can feel everything. That's what happened.

There was still a body, there was still a perspective from 'the head', but the body didn't need a 'me' to function surprisingly. The body, with all of its emotional neurosis and worries was just like anybody else, it was just apart of consciousness, doing its thing independent of the 'me'.


Unfortunately the experience went away after about 5-10 minutes.

Point of this post is that, I wanted to share the possibilities of shamanic breathwork, and what it can achieve. 

Edited by electroBeam

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@electroBeam Nice trip report! Could you please copy and paste it to the Mega Thread with the other reports.

From Leo- 

Posted Sunday at 01:43 PM · Report post

Since people will be asking all sorts of questions about it for weeks to come, let's aggregate them here.

Post your questions, tips, and experiences with Shamanic Breathing here (Mega Thread).

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