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So a major source of my insecurity is that I feel like my thoughts are very visible and readable to others and I have two voices in my head. My ego voice and my regular voice. Sometimes when my ego voice talks it says horrible things, ppl see them and judge me. It makes me feel ashamed of my thoughts, like maybe others don't have the horrible thoughts I do. Is this true is my first question. Do others have a horrible voice, not like one voice with influences from darkness, but two voices one dark and one like what you would actually expect from yourself. Number two. This ego dark dark voice. You can't control it for long right, it will lash back??? You just have to let it talk but don't believe or attatch right? Is this just me or no because this is a major insecurity like is this just me and I feel inferior because others don't show this so I feel like do they have it too???? 

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Inner divide. Most people have it. As far as them being able to read what you're thinking, I think you may be too paranoid about that, and project judgment onto them.

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This is normal when you're becoming more and more aware of your thoughts. Just recognize your monkey chatter and how it's over thinking everything. Do meditation, when the thoughts come up, just let them pass. 


For more detail --> 


Memento Mori

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@BobbyLowell Nobody can tell what you’re thinking.  This issue might be caused by you thinking you know what other people are thinking.  Let that go. Meditate every morning? 

One’s own thinking is plenty, don’t add thinking about what others are thinking about your thinking.  It’s all falsity. 

Be present instead. Be aware and mindful of what is around you instead. 



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@Nahm @Markus sometime I was talking with someone and she was like yeah some people's thoughts are really readable  and then I was like I feel like mine are, are they? And she was like yeah. And she was being honest not messing with me. And also I've definitely had conversations by talking to another like with our thoughts. And his actions have depended on them( he is my crush) or he read my thoughts when I was having bad ones and he walked away from me one time because of them 

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@Nahm I really know. It's too much. I really don't want to tell people horrible things was my struggle. That's why I started caring again a little what others thought of me, felt like there was something wrong with me inherently. I meditate every morning already with Leo's guided meditation. Although I'm sure me having this fear definitely adds to it coming true. I feel like I'm getting better though. 

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This was actually theurepetic. I needed to talk about this struggle with someone else. 

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@BobbyLowell That’s good. Keep letting go. There’s some ‘crush’ stuff going on here blurring things. Nobody’s reading your mind, and even if they did, who cares. That’s their problem. Who cares what people think anyways. 



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@Nahm I don't care what they think of me. But my thoughts can be really bad and offend them, like not a little rude but terrible. 

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I've heard some people refer to it as a "shadow side" that everyone has.

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Everybody listen to two voices or more, it's even in popular movies... hehehe...



Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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Try this @BobbyLowell Mindful meditation. Observing the thoughts is the easiest way to be not attached to them. At least it worked for me.

Being the observer of your thoughts is really powerful


Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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