
How does one experience soul?

7 posts in this topic

I've been realli liking zen and buddhism books few years ago.

I still do like this stuff. Although I always wondered how can people take the concept of reincarnation on blind faith?
I mean this whole religion stands on the shoulders of concept that can not be experienced by MOST of the people.
But they still follow it, just trusting someone.
But if we go deeper instead of "how to make sure there's reincarnation" we face the question "is there any soul at all?"

So the only way to get somewhere close to knowing for sure would be to experince the soul directly.
How would one do that?

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hi Lexonn~

Nice train of thought evident in your OP!

There is no soul.

There is absolutely nothing whatsoever that is referential in terms of the false personal psychological temporal identity of the karmic being that is going to die beyond the singularity of its incrementally created cycle which is utter illusion. It is possible to see through the illusion of self.

Those whose inconceivable wonder results in experience of primal non-originated essence and who then further refine its potential in the course of everyday ordinary situations are those whose open sincere intent is a match for creation. Such people gather the real from within the midst of the false because they see that karmic energy and absolute essence are not different. Seeing is itself that which transcends creation. The light of creation and the light of non-origination is the same light. Just turn the light around.

This is the nature of one's own mind right now. Your own mind right now is already the nature of enlightenment. What else is there to know other than there is nothing whatsoever to know by knowledge of non-origination. There is no doing. How does one see?

It is necessary to turn the light around to awaken to reality. Ordinary people use awareness to create illusion instead of seeing Suchness as is. Reality doesn't look any different than illusion. What's different? Personal selfish perspectives that insist that there must be an ultimate and absolute nature to the self (such as a soul). There is no such thing— and that's a good thing!

Karmic cycles are fueled by psychological momentum. This is the nature of conditioned thought. Non-origination has never entered the creative sphere whereby unified selfless knowledge dichotomizes and results in perpetual cycles of birth and death. Since people are essentially enlightened and innately selfless and non-originated, it is only necessary for them to awaken to their nature in order for them to assume their enlightening function.

It's a matter of seeing reality as is. The absolute identity of the personality is illusion. This illusion exists by faith-based denial of the nature of selflessly aware enlightening potential. It is possible to see potential by virtue of everyday ordinary situations to the degree that one ceases viewing phenomena in terms of the personality.

Views of self and other, right and wrong, good and bad, before and after are all relative to the personality. These are all binding one to karma in perpetuity. Seeing through phenomena without denying their characteristics is turning the light around.

Directly experience the functionality of enlightening being in the midst of ordinary affairs. Sudden enlightenment is the result of such actualization of one's enlightening function whereby ego reverts to its rightful relationship with one's selfless nature.

As for reincarnation, this is not only lifetime to lifetime— it is thought to thought. Since a lifetime is essentially thought, why not just work with reincarnation on the level of thought? Dry up the habitual streams of thought by simply observing habitual thoughts. Reincarnation is unnatural. Your own nature has never begun— that's non-origination.

Habit energy is karmic. What's with that? You already experience that directly without being aware of it. What's with that? 



ed note: typo 3rd; 9th paragraph

Edited by deci belle

Nana i ke kumu  Ka imi loa

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On 4/8/2018 at 4:11 AM, Lexonn said:

I mean this whole religion stands on the shoulders of concept that can not be experienced by MOST of the people.
But they still follow it, just trusting someone.

Most of the people believe in electrons, they trust few scientists. 

On 4/8/2018 at 4:11 AM, Lexonn said:

So the only way to get somewhere close to knowing for sure would be to experince the soul directly.
How would one do that?

Do you want to become a mystic ?

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@Lexonn What supposedly reincarnates is the causal body or bliss body. And experience of that is possible, but very rare. I know only one person who's had it. Seems like you'd need to remove the blockages in your gross and subtle body first, before you experience the remnants of ego on the causal body.

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Yeah, everything comes down to the soul. The ones that you described are just "followers". You can not be a follower and at the same time turned inwards. When you are turned inwards you start to want the "opinion" of someone else, of someone more familiar, more dear to you, yourself. Everything comes down to yourself.

Followers start questioning the branches, not the foundation that gives the start to all them. They are always neglecting what is the most important and has all the answers, themselves. They like to prolong and be followers, following the external.

The only important questions are the ones that are asked about yourself, who/what you are, where you are, if you are. From there the answers will come. Following something blindly is just ego prolonging its existence.

The soul can be experienced through many modalities. It depends on you which they are, on what matches with you best. The development of consciousness makes you capable of making the distinctions between what is invisible and true and what is constructed in time (who you think you are). For me, personally, the way I "know"/feel myself best/get in contact immediately, is through staying in silence (meditation) and what enthuses me greatly (life purpose).

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@Lexonn Figuring this stuff out seems really important. Yet, it has no more relevance than watching a movie.

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Those religion accounts and reincarnation are just metaphors on the awakening states that leads to enlightenment, nothing more. 




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