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Genetic component to Enlightenment/Awakening?

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I have a question which I have been pondering recently, was hoping someone could help give me an answer. So I started this self-realization/enlightenment work at the beginning of the year and I seem to be moving quite quickly on this path. I have already experienced a low-level awakening i.e. experienced states of intense presence, fleeting glimpses of having no desires and the peace that resides there. Also, genuinely feeling that I am one with everything. Before this, I was spinning my wheels for about 9 years in the personal development area i.e. chasing success, girls etc. But I am shocked at the realizations I have had in such a short time frame.

My question is, if there is any possibility of genetics playing a role in how quickly someone 'wakes up'? Although I live in the west my family background is from India. I know my ancestors have been incredibly religious people, who would pray every day without fail. Probably for hours at a time.

I can't help but think that collectively, this may be the reason I am going through such changes so quickly. I really don't know, hence the reason I am here asking this question. Is there is any ground for what I am suggesting here? Or is it outrageous and no one has a headstart in this work? Thanks 


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@AmarSG1 There's absolutely a component. Whether you say genetics or karma - point being, something you have no control over - it is a big factor. Some people have it a lot worse or better than others.

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There's the karmic answer,meaning you've done previous work/deeds before this lifetime to have a speedy progression. There's the collective answer,meaning on a global scale,more human beings are awakening, which have an overall "domino" affect on the awakening of more individuals. The internet has played a huge roll in this. Enlightened masters,gurus,teachers,their methods,practices and teachings are only a mouse click away.
The biological answer would be that you were gifted with a nervous system capable of handling the energetic component of spiritual practices more smoothly. The less obstructions in the spine and nervous system,the easier it will be for the energy to do it's work.

There are enlightened people who've never even thought about spirituality. It just happened.
This consciousness,divine intelligence,god,being etc., has it's own way and all of this is speculation. Just be grateful for what it has given you. Spiritually,it is called grace. Just being born a human and having the desire to know it is grace. If suffering leads one to realization, or the pursuit of it,it is fierce grace.


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Enlightened being is timeless. It does not depend on time as means to get to there. You do not become enlightened there is just a s state of enlightenment. It’s not like acquiring knowledge and practicing various techniques repetitively ‘being the movement of time’ is going to get you there. Those ‘time’ bound movements will only lead to more time disguised and timeless. Mind is a very tricky and thought is very subtle. Seems Ike a lot of people start with knowledge and mechanical habitual practices and make this a lifelong journey.

Depending on your current state of being makes a big difference. Certain circumstances that play out in your life also play a role. I think it really depends on a capacity to let go of everything ‘the known’ and an ability to explore freely without motive, volition, and striving for an end result. A giving up of dependence on self is essential. When you reach a point that there is noting you can do to change what is. And when this is grasped and understood you are free to explore objectively in the nature of things. 

So what i would say is it takes as long as you want it to or let it take. It all depends on the approach and whether you allow that timeless action to take place. 

You will see a lot of prescriptions to get there but none of it is absolutely necessary. It’s actually very simple and can happen on its own accord. You just have to in a way let go of the wheel and get out of your own way. 

It’s good to remember as well, it’s not something you work for that becomes a result of a lot of knowledge, practices, time. It’s in a different realm all together so the mind will always use ways of mind to try and capture that which is beyond mind. So the approach is very important. Cultivation of thought will not get you to a timeless state. There is nothing wrong with practices but they are not needed in order to become liberated. They are suppose to be fun or help with perhaps concentration. Plus if you are able to enter the timeless realm these meditation practices become even more easy. The degree of attention found in a timeless state in a way becomes its own dicipline. Not disciple of conformity but the dicipline of complete order. 

I always say keep it simple. Stop looking for a result and enjoy learning about the nature of yourself, reality, and truth. If this beautiful realm of timelessness does not present itself to you on its own you are still grasping on, clinging to, attached to the movement of becoming. The very mechanism of thought/ego. 


But most importantly do all this because it’s interesting. The question of who you are is to me anyway the most important question you can ask. Not to get somewhere but because it’s so fascinating?



Edited by Faceless

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I think @Shanmugam has said something about whether or not genetics play a role or not. Might want to ask him. 

I wouldn’t say that it is or is not possible though. I think it would be a combination of things personally. 

Edited by Faceless

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On 07.04.2018 at 9:54 PM, AmarSG1 said:

I have already experienced a low-level awakening i.e. experienced states of intense presence, fleeting glimpses of having no desires and the peace that resides there. Also, genuinely feeling that I am one with everything.

How do you know if all that you have experienced is even 1% towards true awakening?



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@who chit I think the 'biological' thing might be a factor. I've always been quite sensitive and quite aware of my inner and outer reality.

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On 09.04.2018 at 8:27 PM, AmarSG1 said:

@Privet You could call it intuition. When you know, you know.

I asked the question just to give you an idea that you may be wrong about what enlightenment is, it may be completely, utterly not what you intuitively think it is. Many spiritual teachers recommend to disregard your spiritual experiences because true enlightenment leaves you with no doubt, until then you have to rigorously doubt everything that you experience. "You are not enlightened until you are fucking enlightened." - Leo Gura.

Speaking of genetic contribution to enlightenment: I guestimate that it's mostly the case, more than environment. Imagine the first ever human that had the first ever enlightenment experience on Earth. There was no teaching at that time, it just spontaneously happened to him. Also up to this day many people wake up not even knowing what enlightenment is until it happens to them. It's a natural process. Look at the Buddha, he lived in a palace, all his needs were satisfied and yet he had inner conflict that moved him toward investigation, it's ingrained in our bodies, there's never enough.



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Genetics play a role yes. We have blockages in the past generation of people. Enlightenment is transcending mind and genetics. 

It is faster for someone which their past relatives where more conscious. And more time and difficulty if your past relatives where only in the survival mode.



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