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Thughts being unreliable

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The more consciousness work i do, the more I notice that, intuition seems to make better decisions than cognitive thought. Even in cognitive related subjects like mathematics, computer programming and physics.

And in the inverse, the more monkey mind I use to make decisions, the worse those decisions turn out to be.

Has anyone else observed the same phenomenon?

I have doubts though - surely cognition is better at, at least some situations. But my experience is telling me otherwise.

Also Sadhguru is under the impression that intuition is not that smart, and isn't to be relied on. So I'm doubtful and possibly being deluded.

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Let's define these:

Intellect: when you have the data points for which you are conscious and also conscious of what processing you are doing - it is called intellect.

Intuition: There is lot of memory(data points) for which we are mentally unconscious and still the intelligence of our system (not intellect) that flows through us does the processing. We know the result clearly but not the data points or processing very clearly - That is intuition.


Osho gave a clear discrimination between Instinct, Intellect and Intuition in this article:


Further more - the video that you posted about Sadhguru - he is talking about gut-feeling more as an instinct than intuition.

Here are 2 of his videos about intuition:




Edited by KrackJack

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@electroBeam I think that's quite true. One explanation is, intuition takes into account and processes more information than conscious thought ever could.

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i watched that vid @electroBeam

for me, ive experienced fear in my gut when making decisions


but ive also experienced real intuition. its crucial to separate the two 

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