
[book] The Big Leap, Gay Hendricks (7/10) *Noticing correlations with inner work*

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I recently started delving into the Big Leap, by Gay Hendricks. I know they always say "don't just a book by its cover", but there's still those thoughts in your mind about how's its gonna be. With all my interest in deep consciousness-based work I had the thoughts that this is just gonna be some surface level western self-help stuff. I'm only about half-way through the book at the moment, but i'm starting to see some correlations with some other books that I read, specifically "The Book of Not Knowing". I know that Peter Ralston goes much deeper and gets much more at the root of the problem, but I'm starting to have the feeling that Gay Hendricks was on the brink of inner contemplation into the nature of the self. For example, in the big leap he states the following with regards to worry being a cause of our upper-limit in which we sabotage our happiness with discontent "All other worry is just Upper Limit noise, designed by our unconscious to keep us safely within our Zone of Excellence or Zone of Competence... When things are going well for us, our Upper Limit mechanism kicks in and we suddenly start worrying about things going wrong in some way." when he talks about unconscious and upper-limit mechanisms I can intuit that he's talking about the ego/conceptual self, but just using different connotations of the concept.

Thoughts? For these reasons I'm starting to think that this book is a great book to ease yourself into inner work because I recently read "The Book of Not Knowing" and I'm really struggling with starting a contemplation practice. My ego-self just can't get on board with contemplation because it recognizes that it's a direct threat to it's existence. Thus, I'm starting to have the thoughts that "The Big Leap" is a great way to get the ego on board with deep inner work before you dive head first into inner contemplation because when I did that I got some hefty ego backlash almost immediately thereafter.

Or, it's just another tricky way that the conceptually-grounded-self is deluding me into not turning inwards, either one!

Edited by Ethan_05

"That which the world calls day is the night of ignorance to the wise." - Bhagavad Gita

Becoming Conscious

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