
Urine Therapy: is it almost essential for spirituality?

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Too far for me. I am confident I can live a long life without drinking my own urine. :D

6 hours ago, blazed said:

I guess you could also eat your faeces, that would clear up your ego and the parasites up real good. I mean why draw the line at that?

Drinking urine is not practiced by any other animal on a regular basis,  but drinking fresh water is, nature knows best. (and yes I know there is always the odd animal, dog, ape, etc that eats and drinks it's own waste, they are the exception).



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Society today is anything but natural, so some different methods to counteract the higher amount of toxins getting in our body can be really helpful :) Plus 2 months in and it tastes divine, it feels like an elixir is entering my body, boosting my energy levels the second I drink it! (I can see you all cringing). If it rolls with your heart then give it a go, if not, there are many other ways to detoxify, although this is the most powerful I believe. I'm just so grateful more people are aware of these practices.

@H1H4H3 You are putting your open-mindedness into practice; that's great man. I wondered the same thing about the theories which did seem to reduce the credibility of longtime urine drinkers, however, I myself left it in the category of "It may or may not be true" and put all of my attention into the practice to physically experience the benefits. This is similar to not meditating after hearing that the person who taught you believes in alien races, when we know on so many levels that meditation has many positive side effects. The proof is in the pudding <3

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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yep this is what I come for here, real exploration, humans that dare to go beyond

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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@Mikael89 From the link you provided it says, "A delusion is a mistaken belief that is held with strong conviction even when presented with superior evidence to the contrary." If you have superior evidence, share away :) (That's if there is such a thing as "superior" evidence, for everything is up for interpretation, which comes from a deep epistemological flaw that we will never know whether a person who says urine therapy is healthy for the body is indeed correct; that's why are best evidence (aside from direct experience) is typically anecdotal from people who have done it for decades, along with a basic scientific understanding of the nutrients, water, minerals, and homeopathic doses of toxins that constitute urine.

I agree with @Arkandeus that there are many ways to manifest love. This practice compliments my heart, and perhaps many others. All of the information is there at the start of the thread to testify the safety of urine therapy, and you can always drink distilled water if you're beginning. All that is in the way is the ego; the imaginary identity of the self, which includes importantly hard wired beliefs from childhood.

There is no one technique or practice that will lead you to enlightenment. Only techniques that compliment that practice of loving your heart are truly in your divine interest. Namaste.

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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namaste_by_lusidus-dbkah9u (1).png


I seem to suck at edits:S

Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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On 4/23/2018 at 10:54 AM, pluto said:

It came to me while i was in a very high on breathing in front of the mirror. 

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Let's clarify this.

Urine is only optimized for the body if one knows how to injaculate and after a session of intense earth channeling, water into wine and harmonizing the entire body with the breath. 

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@Quanty Do you practice yourself, and if so, how has it helped you?

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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1 hour ago, Solace said:

@Quanty Do you practice yourself, and if so, how has it helped you?

Helps in first place connect with your most inner self and enhances the production of DMT in the system. Basically water fasting for a week will get you so high with his method that you will not need external drugs or stimulants. Time will have thousands of years in the perception after a couple o days and at the same time is the feeling of was just a couple of hours (all this while you still function and not being in a trip like stoned) :) But to experience this king of depth urine by itself will not do it, one has to awaken and know how to master the first 5 gates. 

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10 hours ago, Quanty said:

Helps in first place connect with your most inner self and enhances the production of DMT in the system. Basically water fasting for a week will get you so high with his method that you will not need external drugs or stimulants. Time will have thousands of years in the perception after a couple o days and at the same time is the feeling of was just a couple of hours (all this while you still function and not being in a trip like stoned) :) But to experience this king of depth urine by itself will not do it, one has to awaken and know how to master the first 5 gates. 

I never forget my first 7-8 day water fast. It was like 24/7 meditation. I felt so pure and at ease like i am at one with divine flow. Personally i still believe fasting is the quickest and most genuine way to connect to the divine and awaken to your true self especially when done with the right intent and purified belief systems. I will do it again then do another week or so with urine looping straight after or whatever feels right at that stage. Hopefully i get some alone time soon so i can turn full alien :D Can't do it around people, they will freak out.

Edited by pluto


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Yeah... ?Or I could send positive vibrations to my water through prayer and drink that.?

-1/12 is Infinity 

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I’ve been drinking all of my urine for 4 months now :) Aftwr many blood tests, including my most recent; everything is at perfect levels ? So I am happy to confirm that it is safe to drink if there were any doubts left.

The reason why i am not overloaded with urea is because the body converts it to the useful amino acid glucoamine when reingested; or will release any excesses through the colon. This is the same process with any excess nutrients. The blood does not absorb anything more than it needs, that’s why we can all eat more than we require, and thus all have colons for this purpose.

I have changed a lot from 4 months ago. I realized that any healing modality including urine therapy, or yoga is just a helpful tool we can use to attain enlightenment and connect with the boundless love within our hearts but which are not necessary at all. One could eat a meat only diet, and make love many times each day, and still awaken if he focused on love :) Yet for myself, not just for the nutritional quality but also for the high amounts of life force/love/prana/chi in my urine and the joy of savouring what my body worked hard to produce I still drink it happily and willingly to this day. And the benefit is will only keep increasing, because as I become more loving, this vibration of love will be present in the urine (see how water is changed by blessings!) and this will create a synergistic, self sustaining system. 

There are many more things I could say, but I don’t want to over-aggrandize urine. The most important thing is to focus on the self, which is our state of awareness, and the pure love in our hearts; and I encourage everyone to do a practice that help you maintain that focus. For most people, becoming a vegetarian; and eating less would be amazing in itself, and set you up for deeper meditation ?‍♀️ 

Thabk you all for having an open mind, and reading this thread. Do what brings you joy, try new things, explore, have some fun while you’re here and experiment!


Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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Urine is also known as blood ultrafiltrate. Milk and urine are filtered blood; the colour variation is due to the varying quantities of nutrients.

As such if you have ever had a glass of raw cow milk or Breast milk, it is the same as drinking blood and urine; they have the same nutrients.

The picture below shows how the excess nutrients and water in blood is used to form urine. There is a similar diagram in the video above which shows how milk is formed. I make this comparison to show you that urine is not toxic; and that is has physical nutritional qualities.

Off topic but here is the raw milk I’ve been drinking from a local farm from Jersey cows ? I have a liter a day. A2 cows milk is one of the only known scientifically proven foods we can consume without needing anything else for nutrition. It also is safe for people who are lactose intolerant to drink. It was the diet of Nicola Tesla in his later years.

Have a great day and keep learning friends.



Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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